Today's thoughts come me from a quote by Jean-François Millet, “We cannot force someone to listen to a message they are not ready to receive. But we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed.” What quickly stood out to me when seeing this quote was how we always like to say "I wish so-and-so was here for this class, they really need it." I'm not judging, I've said it to but just because they’re there doesn’t guarantee anything anyway. If they aren’t ready to hear it, they won’t. Don’t waste your time on wishful thinking that others will grow and change, focus that time and energy into yourself.
Keep planting seeds! Planting seeds of positivity, seeds of inspiration, seeds of respect, seeds of confidence, and so on. We can’t force someone to change but we just never know when one of the seeds we’ve been planting may finally take hold and start to grow into positive change in someone’s life. It’s not our job to judge who deserves or respect, kindness, honesty, and so on; our job is to give it freely simply because it is the right thing to do.
Sometimes to do the right thing you have to do it alone and that’s ok. It’s also ok to slip and fall but try to learn something while you’re down there so when you get back up you’re that much better.
Do Good Today & Keep Planting!
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No matter where or what you came from, great things can come from you!