Happy Monday Creative Whispers Listeners!
I'm back this week with another chapter of Moonfleet. Sometimes, I get a little wrapped up in the story and have to remind myself to slow down, ha!
Just a reminder that I'm always open to Podcast suggestions! If you're on Podbean with me, go ahead and leave a comment. If you're tuning in on iTunes, feel free to leave a review with your request! I hope to have a 'suggestion' form ready for you soon as well.
As always, thank you for being here with me! I'm so happy to be doing something I love... even if it's in the middle of the night. :)
Want more from Creative Whispers ASMR? Check out my YouTube Channel.
It's been snowing here, and I renectly discovered weighted blankets. Where have these been my whole life? Seriously though, they are warm, and make me feel like I'm tucked in and being snuggled, helping me fall asleep a little more easily, so I wanted to share.
Want your very own short story to be read on a future podcast?
Fill out the quick form here: https://goo.gl/forms/BJRomWz5woKNik0J3
* Disclaimer: This podcast is not meant to be a replacement for any medical treatment, it's simply for relaxation and enjoyment.