Part II of a two part #CBBP special series highlighting shit-jobs musicians have had while pursuing music!Mental hospitals, window cleaners, ice cream stand & lumber yards, shitty hotels, factory jobs, janitorial work, music stores & getting fired from them, movie theaters, silly cover bands, a street hustler for titi bars, insurance salesman, bear wrestling, office jobs, dishwashing, bartending, fast food, and more!!!Coady Willis-Big Business, Melvins 02:35Ben Koeller: Mutoid Man, Converge, All Pigs Must Die 06:05Matt Cuodo (Cudo): Elder 07:55Ryan “Legs” Leger - 100 Suns, Norma Jean, Ex- Every Time I Die 12:19Jimmy Bower-Down, Eyehategod, Superjoint 16:10Phil Sangiacomo: aka Phillapino Grigio Anselmo) of Somnuri 17:51Adam Betts: Three Trapped Tigers, Shoebaleader One, Solo 20:02Mason Macisas: Yoink 21:35Noidy-Manilla Road, Trance 24:20Mike Ogden-Nut 25:26Evan Diprima-Royal Thunder 29:08Chris Enriquez- Spotlights, Primitive Weapons 30:28Marcus Bryant-Spirit Adrift, Goya 32:49#CBBP Sponsor: