A fortnightly podcast with developers working with all things Salesforce and Salesforce1.
Especially force.com (Apex, Visualforce) but also Heroku and ExactTarget.
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A fortnightly podcast with developers working with all things Salesforce and Salesforce1.
Especially force.com (Apex, Visualforce) but also Heroku and ExactTarget.
Copyright: © Steven Herod and Matt Lacey
Still not dead. Getting damned close to episode 50, might actually see that prior to 2025. In this episode we chat about Steven's adventures into AWS and React, Salesforce as a platform, and a few other odds and ends. I honestly don't know if anyone ever reads this but I failed to make any notes while recording and don't want to listen all the way through because I'm busying trying to make Google Cloud functions function. Stay safe, stay well, do good things. Lacey (and that other guy).
I would write some show notes, but time is tight, hence this is late. We DO talk about Salesforce a bit, with some quick comments on Bob (??) and... something else. Also F1, because Steven likes racing cars now.
We broke some world records or something and recorded again. This time we actually do talk about Salesforce for the whole show. Well, most of it. Some. Some of it. We definitely talk about Salesforce.
A whole lot of waffle (what else would you expect) with the occasional mention of Salesforce.
It's a new highly anticipated episode of what might be the world's most irregular and/or infrequent podcast, with more waffles than ever. In this episode we talk about:
You can find Accenture's SF Power Kit here: https://github.com/Accenture/sfpowerkit
The Ad:
The snails:
In this episode we're coming to you live from last year, where we're recording at Down Under Dreaming (yes, with a 'g'): Brisbane Edition.
In this episode we talk more Salesforce than usual in front of a real audience, and talk to both Emily Hey and Doug Christ who was visiting from the US.
Against all odds, it's an episode of Code Coverage. Topics discussed include:
* Audio problems, not knowing we were actually having some (doh) * A brief tour or some of the features from Spring '19 * Salesforce and devops, or not * The end of a an era Aura * Lightning Web Components and their likely impact * New flow builder * The latest release of OS/2
We really do mean to publish more often. Promise. We even line up times and and everything.
It's us again, talking somewhat about Salesforce, but with a few (ok, many) inevitable tangents thrown in. Some of the topics covered:
* Forcelandia and Dreamforce
* Being a male ally
* IDEs and Salesforce (again!)
* Cars and the software that runs them
Another year passes, another episode gets release. Well it feels like that anyway. This took a week or so to publish after recording because our tracks got out of sync somehow. It sounds like my track (Matt) has been sped up slightly, with a few glitches pulling them back in time on occasion. So, apologies for that. Topics discussed in this episode:
Lo and behold, we recorded again. It's almost becoming a habit. Once again you're stuck with myself and Steven rabbiting on about all sorts, including:
We're back, and rambling more than ever. We chat about many things including the Spring release, IDEs and The Welkin Suite, computer keyboards and phones.
I don't think we talk about JavaScript.
In this episode of Code Coverage Steven is off on a bit of a jolly so I'm joined by Jarrod Hunt, we discuss:
There's a few surprising (at least to me) lessons for developers in here, and it's interesting to see that some of the same things developers look for a team member are the same as those that a BA might look for.
More rambling! A discussion of various topics, some are even related to Salesforce. In particular we cover:
We're back again! Plans are afoot to make this more regular once again. But for now we've gone from Summer to Fall/Autumn in Australia, so here's a bunch of Chatter about the Summer '17 release.
We're back! Maybe for more than a few weeks too. In this episode we drivel on about old computers, Lightning Experience, Locker Service and Spring '17.
In this episode of Code Coverage we talk to Scott Wells, the author of the Illumined Cloud IDE for Salesforce. Illuminated cloud is an alternative IDE built on ItelliJ, and sports many features that make life far easier for developers on the platform. Topics we discuss include:
Illuminated Cloud sessions at Dreamforce:
Tuesday Morning
Chris Fellows - Illuminated Cloud & Lightning Components
Tuesday Afternoon - 5:00pm
Scott Wells - Live Demo of Illuminated Cloud
In this episode we're joined by Simon Goodyear, for a chat covering many aspects of developing on the platform. We got a bit carried away and it got a little long, but Simon has very interesting insights on all manner of topics, including:
So we accidentally had another hiatus. This was entirely unintentional and we've talked plenty about recording, it's just that sometimes life (and work) happens. We're back... again... and planning to keep up some momentum this time.
Note: some of my audio and pronounciation goes funky towards the end of this episode. I suffered some technical difficulties that meant I was hearing myself echo at full volume with approximately half a second of delay, I think I know exactly what this feels like now - Lacey
In this episode we chat with the amazingly productive Dan Appleman (@DanAppleman); if you don't recognise that name then you can't have been around the Salesforce development community for very long! Dan makes some excellent points on a variety of topics, including:
In this episode we chat with Cal Smith (@CloudMech on Twitter). Cal has done many things over the years and has very interesting stories to tell, but he also goes above and beyond to teach others, and the evidence is clear to see on the StackExchange where he's known as crmprogdev.
Some of the topics discussed include:
The two of us catching up on the gap, talking about the new year and Steven fills us in on Salesforce Shield.
Kevin Boyle https://twitter.com/kevfromireland from Gearset https://gearset.com/ joins us at .... (gulp) Dreamforce '15 to talk about Salesforce Deployments and his product as well as other things.
Yes, this episode is a bit late.
You just won't believe the story about how this happened. Would you believe Lions and Tigers and bears! Oh My!
How about... the dog ate it?
Or... would you believe I'm just really slack?
Continuation of our conversation from Part 2, including 'Bring your Parents to work' day and Google's free food :)
One of our Dreamforce episodes. A wide ranging conversation with David Liu about sfdc99, architecture, software development and working at Google.
The upcoming Apex Debugger, Flow & Process Builder.
Salesforce MVP Daniel Ballinger talking about winning at StackExchange, the crazy bugs he's found in Salesforce, FuseIT's excellent WSDL2Apex replacement, converting from Salesforce to C# and a guide to installing a new stereo in a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer.
A guest cancelation due to injury results in a free ranging conversation at the pub between Steven and Matt on the following topics.
In this episode of Code Coverage we talk to Eliot Harper (@eliotharper), CTO at Digital Logic, a Marketing Services company based in Melbourne, Australia. Eliot describes himself as a customer journey practitioner and is author of Journey Builder Developer's Guide http://amzn.to/1a9gWNo; an in-depth book on customer journey integration with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Eliot orientates us to Journey Builder development, covering: * A brief orientation to Salesforce Marketing Cloud * The Customer Journey Revolution * Journey Builder * Customer Journey Applications * Interaction Components * Workflow Document Format (WDF) * Custom Activities
In this episode we talk to Chris Duarte about all things Trailhead, including a sneak peek at some of the upcoming content! There was a slight technical issue on Steven's end, but we left it in since it made us laugh.
Force.com MVP Peter Knolle (@PeterKnolle) talks in detail about Lightning Components, where they're used and how they're built.
This episode clocks in at 50 minutes, but it's all great content from Peter and we just couldn't cut any of it out.
Abhinav Keswani from Trineo takes us on a tour of Heroku, explaining what it is, using it with Saelsforce, structuring your apps, and how to move legacy systems to it.
Kevin (@codefriar) gives us a blow down of the 10, 11, 12 Commandments of Apex Development (We added a few).
This is a redux of his (And James Loghry's @dancinllama) presentation at Dreamforce '14: http://youtu.be/T01lemqlJRU
This week its a special episode, a recorded conversation between three Certified Technical Architects from Cloud Sherpas, its Steven and two of his team members Andrew Manetakis and Ehsan Mahmoudi.
They discuss their reflections on the Technical Architect Review Board
In this episode of Code Coverage we hear from Kevin O'Hara on why he loves open source development. In particular we discuss what's coming up in nForce, what working on open source is like, and an exciting new developer tool that he's working on.
Returning to regular programming (pun intended) after the live episodes of Dreamforce, this week we talk to the unstoppable force that is Force.com MVP Kevin Poorman. We got to the end of this episode and still had plenty that we wanted to talk about, so we're planning to get him back on the show in the near future. After listening to this, we think you'll be wanting to hear more from Kevin too!
It's Senior Developer Evangelist Samantha Ready the day after the her stint on the Developer Keynote stage giving us a deep dive into Lightning Components, what they are, how they are built and how its going to power the next generation of Salesforce's User Interface.
We also touch on Lightning Connect and Heroku's Keynote announcements!
Adam Seligman, Vice President of Developer Relations gives a quick recap of this years Developer Keynote.
With special guest Matt Lacey :)
Red Argyle Managing Partner Tom Patros gives us the run down on AngularJS one of the hottest JavasScript frameworks for rich desktop and mobile applications.
Tom discusses the best ways to get AngularJS and Salesforce working together and gives a background for those new to Angular to help them get started.
Angela Mahoney (Portland Developer Group co-lead) and Adam Daw (Ottawa Developer Group co-lead) discuss what makes a successful Developer Group and some of the things they do to have successful meetings.
Its a mellow conversation between Steven and Matt about who they are, how they got into Salesforce and what they have planned for Dreamforce 2014!
A deep dive into mobile development with Mobile Expert an Appcelerator Titan (MVP) Gaurav Kheterpal. https://www.linkedin.com/in/gauravkheterpal @gauravkheterpal Guarav reflects on his history in telecommunication development and mobile application development. He discusses:
This week its Mary Scotton (@rockchick322004), Developer Evangelist at Salesforce.com
Mary joins us to discuss her Women in Tech blogging series as well as the broader 'Diversity in Tech' landscape.
We also cover the new Admin Zone (Sharing space with the Dev Zone), how Admins and Developers can work together and what's in store for Dreamforce!
Gary Breavington is a Senior Technical Consultant at Extentor and joins us to discuss OWASP, and how some of their top ten vulnerabilities can and should be addressed by Salesforce1 developers.
Boris Bachovski is a Senior Salesforce.com Developer with Deloitte Australia, he joins us this week to discuss his impressions of the Advanced Developer Certification.
Josh Birk (@joshbirk) is a Developer Evangelist at Salesforce.com and so if you're listening to this podcast there's a great chance that you've already come across him in your internet adventures. He's recently started blogging at http://joshbirk.herokuapp.com on a variety of topics and also posts on the Salesfore Developers Blog. In this episode Josh talks to us about:
His Background
Summer '14 release highlights
Salesforce.com Platform Specifics
Danidel is a 3 times Salesforce MVP, avid Salesforce user, administrator, and developer. He also helps lead the Salt Lake City area Salesforce User Group. He blogs at http://www.verticalcoder.com/ tweets at https://twitter.com/dhoechst and codes at https://github.com/dhoechst Topics covered
Force.com MVP Carolina Ruiz (@CarolEnLaNube) http://codeandvogue.com/ talks about taking the Salesforce1 platform to University Students, starting a DUG and blogging in Spanish!
Keir Bowden, Certified Technical Architect, Advanced Developer and CTO of BrightGen and author of Visualforce Cookbook Keir discusses his background and how he got into force.com 6502 Assembly language Salesforce1 development with Visualforce including: