We are back in the studio and we have Lonnie Dangerous joining us via phone from LA. We jump right into the recent shootings of African American men and police officers. What is the next step that should be taken after these incidents? How does social media play a part in the situation and what is credible media and stats in 2016? Lonnie Dangerous takes some off the cuff questions from Cuzzo's inbox about topics from hip hop to hustlin. We also discuss some UFC 200 highlights and lastly Cuzzo and Docious open the lines of communication and issue an open invitation. #idontpitchsoftballz
Extra Media Highlights:
ABC race relations poll:
CNN loses feed after reporter critiques Hillary:
Sheriff and Don Lemon heated exchange:
Men Lie more about their sex game? (feat Lonnie Dangerous)
Black people don't know black history? Is it true? (feat Lonnie Dangerous)
DL Hughley response to Fox interview:
Ghostbusters funny movie review:
P.S. Ghostbusters I have not forgot about you. Oh we gon get into that!! LOL