Work life is a podcast about work and how to enjoy the process
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Work life is a podcast about work and how to enjoy the process
Connect to our group on Facebook, Website or email
This episode is a new way to look at multitasking and is it really effective. I am ree- running this because I believe it's important.
In this episode we look at a few thoughts on ideas of transition to the next job or career position.
Just some quick thoughts on thinking differently and consider some course corrections.
If we could just get through to our leaders better ways to lead a team. What we can do is make improvements in our own lives.
Today we take a quick look at how to have a different perspective on our work day.
In today's episode we explore how to have sustainable value and how we need to understand why change starts with us. We will also look at how manipulation is the short term way to get things done and how a simple shift in our mindset will bring long lasting sustainable change .
This episode is about me and why I love work. Why I do this podcast, how I have worked through the hard times, overcoming through failure and my passion that brings joy to working. We spend so much of our lives working so why not enjoy it.
In this episode we look at ways to get results by taking small action steps and tapping into unlimited potential. when you find your way by getting started you can accomplish great things to reach your goals.
In this episode we talk about working your passion. Setting yourself up to succeed and getting to where you really want to be.
In This episode we talk about how failure or problems are opportunity's and also the grass is greener on the other side if you are watering the side your on now.
On today's episode we explore the subject of multitasking and is it really possible to multitask and we find out there can be a lot of negative consequences when we do it.
In today's Episode we will learn a story about bald eagles and a story of rebirth for them , but that turns out not to be a true story and we will look at doing the right thing and how in work and life it is always right - to do the right thing. I also talk about my belief in foundations for truth in the one true GOD. Feel good doing the right thing in life and work. We live most of our life working so why not enjoy and have fun doing it. Email us at - - also find our - Work life- facebook group
This is the very first episode of Work Life! Where we learn how to enjoy work and have fun doing it. In this episode we learn how I have been looking at things in a different way and how helping others has been a legacy I hope to leave behind. I also tell a story that for me is very interesting to the least. The best part is now I enjoy work more than I ever have because even the difficult events are opportunities to learn more for what comes next in my work life. My hope is that everyone that listens to this podcast will also learn to enjoy the events good and bad and have fun doing it. We only live the moment we are in at the moment we are in it so lets have the best we can make it. I also want to hear from others how they look at work and how they make it better so send me stories of how you and others make a great Work Life.