204. Head, Hands, Heart, Humanity: Creative Dementia Collective team
Feb 22, 2023
In this episode the Creative Dementia Collective tells as about their wonderful Dementia support offerings and how they employ their Head, Hands, Heart, Humanity model. Tune in to hear about Dementia support for both the individual and their entire care team.
“We are three millennial women who are passionate about destigmatizing and personalizing dementia care. We have a collective 30+ years in the senior care industry, where we all noticed the gaps in supporting people living with dementia and their loved ones. The Creative Dementia Collective was born to fill those gaps and begin to shift the culture of dementia care!”
Find the Creative Dementia Collective online, on Instagram, Facebook, and email them at info@creativedementiacollective.com
Take care of yourself, and take care of each other
203. Mental Health, Advocacy, and Music Therapy: Chloe Ulmer, MT-BC
Feb 15, 2023
In this episode Chloe and Tricia discuss how music reaches people in crisis, professional advocacy, and working in the mental health field while also navigating personal mental health. We also talk about how these themes intersect and inform each other.
Chloe Ulmer is a board certified music therapist, currently working in an acute mental health hospital in central Ohio. Chloe has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ohio Northern University and is currently in a Masters of Music program at Ohio University. Chloe has previous work experience as a piano teacher (approximately 7 years), private practice music therapy intern (approximately 10 months), and a behavioral health technician (approximately 6 months) before becoming a music therapist.
201. Boundaries: Laura Elliott Buckner, MT-BC
Jan 25, 2023
In this episode Elliott and Tricia discuss personal and professional boundaries. We talk about how and when to communicate boundaries, navigating complex relationships, and advice for boundary related conversations.
Laura Elliott Buckner (they/them) is a music therapist in the southeast region pursuing their Master of Music degree in music therapy, and they recently received their Diversity and Inclusion graduate certificate in May 2022. Elliott is a trans, non-binary, genderqueer, lesbian, and they are autistic and Hard-of-Hearing. Elliott is focusing their graduate studies and research on how to make the profession of music therapy more accessible, inclusive, and diverse to reflect the diverse communities served by music therapists. They also want to conduct more research about the intersectionality of queer and disabled identities among music therapists. In their free time, Laura enjoys reading, watching their comfort shows, coloring, and spending time with their loved ones.
You can email them at Laura.Buckner@uky.edu or find them on TikTok.
Tricia Caiati, MT-BC is a board certified Music Therapist from the New England Region of the United States. She launched Music Therapy Chronicles in 2019. Tricia co-founded the Music Therapy Podcast Collective (MT-PC) to provide CMTE opportunities for podcast listening in the form of pod-courses. She is also the CSO for The Tutti Ensemble, a non-profit adaptive band program providing individual lessons and ensemble experiences for diverse learners. Tricia enjoys spending her free time exploring outdoors, reading, and creating through different mediums.
199. Music and Harm: Brea Murakami, MM, MT-BC and Daniel Goldschmidt, MT-BC
Jan 11, 2023
This is episode 4/4 of our re-release series!
In this episode Brea tells about her model for the potential for harm from music. Brea, Daniel, and Tricia discuss their own clinical experiences with harm, and the implications of this model on the Music Therapy profession.
Brea Murakami, MM, MT-BC is a board-certified music therapist and the Interim Director of the music therapy program at Pacific University. Her clinical experiences include dementia care, neurorehabilitation, medical settings, and behavioral health. She also hosts the translational music science podcast Instru(mental) and blogs at www.ImAMusicTherapist.com. Check out her podcast website www.InstrumentalPodcast.com
Daniel Goldschmidt, MT-BC received his Bachelor of Music Education with a major in music therapy from the University of Kansas in 2012 and completed coursework for his Master’s in Music Therapy from Colorado State University in 2019. While at CSU he also received a graduate certificate in Gender, Power, and Difference. He has given interdisciplinary keynotes around the US on topics including music cognition (see his TEDx talk here), music as a tool for health professionals, and discussing the impacts of race and racism in music therapy. Daniel spoke on whiteness in music therapy at the AMTA national conference in 2019 and at the WFMT world congress in 2020. Beyond music therapy Daniel is also a composer/arranger with his music performed by choirsacross the USA.
Miya Adout founded Miya Music Therapy in 2015 based on her vision to improve patient quality of life in healthcare settings throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Miya is a graduate of Concordia University where she received a Master of Arts in Creative Arts Therapies (Music Therapy) after having completed a BA in Cultural Studies. Miya works with individuals of all ages and abilities. The primary populations she serves are at the beginning and end-of-life; working in maternal mental health and in long-term care with seniors living with dementia. Miya is passionate about educating the public on the impact of music therapy through engaging presentations and workshops. Miya also sits on the board of the Music Therapy Association of Ontario, provides business coaching to healthcare entrepreneurs, and has created Connect 2 Music Therapy, an online global magazine for music therapists. When she is not managing her company or facilitating sessions, Miya enjoys spending time with her toddler, experimenting with photography, and writing.
Find Miya Music Therapy online, on Facebook, on Instagram, or email info@miyamusictherapy.com
Tony is a music therapist working in developmental health in Fort Wayne Indiana. He specializes in children with autism, children who’ve experienced complex trauma, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. He is also certified at the basic level in DIRFloortime.
Find Tony on Facebook, Instagram, or email him at tjbeuchel@gmail.com
196. Play Therapy: Kate Shannon, MS, MT-BC (re-release)
Dec 21, 2022
This is episode 1/4 of our re-release series!
In this episode, Kate and Tricia discuss integrating play therapy into Music Therapy sessions and using play in our own self care. Kate also tells about her podcast and platform: Creative Therapy Umbrella.
Kate is a board-certified music therapist working in the Denver, CO area. She is currently finishing up the requirements to become a Licensed Professional Counselor and is excited to become a dual-certified clinician to better support her clients needs. She is also passionate about integrative approaches within therapy, especially with play and music therapy. Kate is the host of “Creative Therapy Umbrella: The Podcast” and loves to hike, read, knit, create, play with her dog and cat, and laugh with her husband.
194. The Gift of Immaturity: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Dec 07, 2022
In this episode Tricia talks about the process and unlearning a limiting belief she's held since childhood. Tune in to hear how the gift of immaturity can positively impact your life personally and professionally.
On Mute
Nov 30, 2022
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week.
Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
193. Finding What Fits: Ellen Lind, MT-BC
Nov 23, 2022
In this episode Ellen tells us about her career transition from performing musician to Music Therapist. We talk about burnout, identity, and finding what fits for any season of life.
192. Trauma Informed Care and the Breakdown of Systems: Andrea Dalton, MA, MT-BC, Certified Leadership Coach
Nov 16, 2022
In this episode Andrea tells us how her career in Music Therapy led her to become a Trauma Informed Care consultant. She shares her advice for clinicians and creative ideas for fixing broken systems.
191. Little Kids, Big Emotions: Julieann Hartley, MT-BC, NMT, NTP
Nov 09, 2022
In this episode Julieann tells us all about her new album, online offerings, and resources for working with kids. Keep an eye out for her upcoming album for Resilient Children!
190. Life Admin. Day: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Nov 02, 2022
Life gets busy.
We all have so much on our plates; so much to get done and only 7 days a week to do it all. If you find yourself consistently pushing off the same items on your to-do list, seeing unfinished projects around your home, and feeling like there are calls or appointments that should have been made weeks ago, then it might be time for a life admin. day.
In this episode Melanie tells us about her research and standpoint on reflective practice: what it is, positive and negative implications, and why it's so important.
In this episode Melanie tells us about her research and standpoint on reflective practice: what it is, positive and negative implications, and why it's so important.
187. The Problem with Polarity: Jennifer D. Jones, PhD, MT-BC
Oct 12, 2022
In this episode Jennifer talks about the how and why we should ditch polar thinking as Music Therapists. We talk research, clinical practice, and much more. There can be a lot of polarized views within our field, tune in to hear how we can start thinking in a more 'mixed methods' approach.
186. ‘All things worth doing are scary’: Karen Sanchez, Psy.D., MBA, MT-BC
Oct 05, 2022
In this episode Karen shares about her 20 year MT journey running a business, balancing life, and pivoting in her career.
On Mute
Sep 28, 2022
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
185. Beatboxing and Speech: Scooter Oyama, SLP
Sep 21, 2022
In this episode Scooter and Tricia discuss the intersections of Speech Therapy, music, cognition, Music Therapy, beatboxing, music history, and much more. Scooter tells us all about the new program he has helped develop, currently called Alphabeat. This is an evidence based Speech Language curriculum using beatboxing. Scooter and Tricia discuss the foundations of the program, clinical applications, and creative extensions.
In this episode Isabelle tells us about her new bilingual book, The Fishing Song. Isabelle has used her unique background in Product Management, music, Mandarin, piano, and life to create this wonderful and accessible resource for young learners and musicians. Hear how it all came together in this episode.
In this episode Janet shares about her acquired brain injury and how it has impacted her life. She shares vulnerably about her lived experience and her advice for both clinicians and others living with ABI.
182. Life with Acquired Brain Injury: Janet Schmit, MT-BC (part 1)
Aug 31, 2022
In this episode Janet shares about her acquired brain injury and how it has impacted her life. She shares vulnerably about her lived experience and her advice for both clinicians and others living with ABI.
181. Important Reminder, It’s Not You: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Aug 24, 2022
In this episode Tricia shares the important reminder that it's not you, it's not your fault, sometimes life is just crazy and that's ok. This podcast episode was inspired by some of Tricia'a recent life events and an insightful conversation with her father.
180. A Passion for Eldercare: Sandy R Golias, MT-BC, CMDCP
Aug 17, 2022
In this episode Sandy shares her passion for working in eldercare. Sandy found Music Therapy as a second career and tells us why she has become so passionate about working as a Music Therapist in Eldercare. She shares her advice and resources for others transitioning into the field and working with elders.
179. Support and Supervision: Peer Support Network
Aug 10, 2022
In this episode Maria, Mara, Elizabeth, and Meera from the Peer Support Network share their passion for starting this amazing group, why it's so important, and how we can get involved. The Peer Support Network offers free peer supervision during their monthly groups. They are AMTA Conference presenters and advocates for equity and support within and beyond the Music Therapy field.
178. Life Path and Career Path: Kristina Twilt, BMT, BSc, MTA (part 2)
Aug 03, 2022
In this episode Kristina dives in deeper into how her life and career have effected each other throughout her journey. She shares her candid thoughts and experiences about how pursuing Music Therapy drastically impacted her life overall.
177. Shifting Careers into Music Therapy: Kristina Twilt, BMT, BSc, MTA (part 1)
Jul 27, 2022
In this episode Kristina tells us all about how she shifted careers into Music Therapy after some life transitions and soul searching. This episode is especially great for people considering a career shift into Music Therapy. We also talk about our life passions and how they overlap in our personal and professional lives.
This is day 8 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on spiritual wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
This is day 7 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on mental / intellectual wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
This is day 6 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on environmental wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
This is day 5 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on occupational wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
This is day 4 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on financial wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
171. Social Wellness: Self Care Challenge (day 3)
Jul 10, 2022
This is day 3 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on social wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
This is day 2 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on emotional wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
This is day 1 of the Self Care Challenge for July 2022! Today we're focusing on physical wellness. Subscribe to the Music Therapy Chronicles newsletter to get the Self Care Challenge worksheets and learn more about the Self Care Community here! Our first Community call is on July 19th, I hope to see you there!
168. Leadership, Collaboration, and Balance: Danielle Porter, MMT. NMT, MT-BC
Jun 29, 2022
In this episode, Danielle and Tricia discuss leadership, professional collaboration, and balancing work and home life. This is a beautifully well rounded conversation full of tips and insights.
167. Trauma Informed Care: Chelsea Mabes, MA, MT-BC (part 2)
Jun 22, 2022
In this episode Chelsea shares her tips for working under the Medicaid waiver. We also discuss positive language and alternative vocabulary to use as therapists.
166. Medicaid Waiver: Chelsea Mabes, MA, MT-BC (part 1)
Jun 15, 2022
In this episode Chelsea shares her tips for working under the Medicaid waiver. We also discuss positive language and alternative vocabulary to use as therapists.
165. Social Media Implications and Responsibilities: Aj Denne, MT-BC and Erica Fernandez, MT-BC
Jun 08, 2022
In this episode Aj and Erica share about their (unexpected) social media presence and how they're using various platforms to inform, inspire, and educate about Music Therapy. We also discuss the implications of running a social media page and the broader conversation our profession needs to have around running a social media presence and the inherent responsibilities that come with it.
164. Advocacy and MT with Older Adults: Meredith Whitlow, MT-BC
Jun 01, 2022
In this episode, Meredith shares her insights and tips about advocating for Music Therapy, specifically when working with Older Adults. We also discuss preserving our vocal health and tips for working in the medical setting.
163. Quantitative Psychology and Music Therapy: JD Hogue, MM, MT-BC
May 25, 2022
In this episode JD shares his passion for statistics, data analysis, and how to use them to positively impact our Music Therapy practices. JD shares lots of great tips, as well as resources he's creating "to make statistics and the creative arts therapies accessible so that [he] can help people empower themselves to be their best."
162. Hobbies: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
May 11, 2022
In this episode Tricia discusses the definition of the word 'hobby.' She shares her personal thoughts on what hobbies are, why they're important, and how to make the most of engaging in our hobbies.
161. Creative Fasting: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
May 04, 2022
In this episode, Tricia talks about her recent unplanned experience with creative fasting and how it is shaping her creative self care and relationship with music.
On Mute
Apr 27, 2022
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
160. Control and Balance: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Apr 20, 2022
n this episode Tricia shares highlights from two recent interviews she had other podcasts. Find links to those conversations below.
159. Overwhelmed and Uninspired? Me too: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Apr 13, 2022
In this episode Tricia talks about the steps she's been taking to get out of a funk of feeling overwhelmed and uninspired.
158. S p a c e : Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Apr 06, 2022
In this episode Tricia talks about making space in both our personal and professional lives. Join the conversation on social media!
157. Supporting Individuals With All Levels of Need: Aimee Rodriguez, MTS
Mar 30, 2022
In this episode Aimee shares about how her career as a teacher in Special Education is informing her Music Therapy studies. We also discuss how the two professions overlap and various ways to better support our students/clients with varying levels of need.
156. Intersecting Identities and Internship Experiences: Laura Elliott Buckner, MTI
Mar 23, 2022
In this episode Laura Elliott Buckner shares about their internship and life experiences and how their intersecting identities impact and inform their practice and learning.
On Mute
Mar 16, 2022
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
155. Our Capacity is Changing: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Mar 09, 2022
In this episode Tricia talks about how our capacity is changing in this changing world and how we can work together to honor our new and newly recognized needs for ourself and for each other.
154. A Prayer
Mar 02, 2022
Join us in sending positive thoughts, love, and prayer.
153. Music, Magic, and Tips: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Feb 23, 2022
In this episode Tricia shares music technology she embraced during the pandemic, the magic of returning to improvisational music making, and some tips for incorporating both in your practice.
152. Self Advocacy and Hot Takes🌶: Brian Locascio, MT-BC (part 2)
Feb 16, 2022
In this episode Brian and Tricia discuss boundaries, expectations, and self advocacy. We touch on some 'hot' topics and give our honest opinions. We'd love to hear your thoughts as well!
151. Boundaries and Expectations: Brian Locascio, MT-BC (part 1)
Feb 09, 2022
In this episode Brian and Tricia discuss boundaries, expectations, and self advocacy. We touch on some 'hot' topics and give our honest opinions. We'd love to hear your thoughts as well!
150. Q+A with Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Feb 02, 2022
105 episodes of Music Therapy Chronicles! 🎉 In this episode Tricia answers listener questions submitted via Instagram and Facebook. If you aren't following Music Therapy Chronicles already on these platforms, you can use the links above!
149. A Journey Through Burnout: Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC (part 1) (re-relase)
Jan 26, 2022
In this episode, Ami shares her personal journey through burnout and how it inspired her to create resources and support systems for other professionals. Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC is the founder of The Self-Care Institute and is a board-certified music therapist. Ami provides therapeutic support for professionals around the world who are […]
148. We Are What We Listen To: Patricia Caicedo, M.D., Ph.D.
Jan 19, 2022
In this episode Patricia tells us about her experience and research combining musicology, medicine, and music.
147. What I’m doing differently this year: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Jan 12, 2022
Happy new year! This year, I'm taking a new approach to life both personal and professional. Tune in to hear what I'm switching up.
If you're also looking to approach this year differently, consider joining us in the Self Care Community! Doors are open for a limited time and will close on 1/15/22. We'd love to see you inside 💕
On Mute
Jan 05, 2022
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
146. 2021 Year In Review (part 3)
Dec 29, 2021
This is part 3 of 3 in our 2021 Year in Review series! Hear snip-its from various episodes/conversations throughout the year.
145. 2021 Year In Review (part 2)
Dec 22, 2021
This is part 2 of 3 in our 2021 Year in Review series! Hear snip-its from various episodes/conversations throughout the year.
144. 2021 Year In Review (part 1)
Dec 15, 2021
This is part 1 of 3 in our 2021 Year in Review series! Hear snip-its from various episodes/conversations throughout the year.
143. Self Care: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Dec 08, 2021
In this episode I talk all about the 8 domains of self care (social, emotional, mental/intellectual, physical, environmental, spiritual, financial, occupational) and how they're addressed in the Self Care Community - DOORS OPEN DECEMBER 14TH!
142. Intention Setting and Reiki: Daiva Paskauskas, MT, Reiki Practitioner
Dec 01, 2021
n this episode Daiva and Tricia discuss intention setting, energetics, and Reiki. Daiva also leads us in a beautiful Reiki experience.
141. Finding Solutions: Isabelle Engler, MTS
Nov 24, 2021
In this episode, Isabelle brings the worlds of Music Therapy and Product Management together. We talk about problem solving, finding MT as a second career, and adaptive lessons.
140. Financial Wellness for Therapists: Lindsay Bryan-Podvin (she/her), LMSW, Financial Therapist
Nov 17, 2021
In this episode Lindsay tells us about common money blocks for therapists and how to find balance between our mindset and our money. Lindsay Bryan-Podvin (she/her) is a biracial financial therapist, podcast host, speaker, and author of the book “The Financial Anxiety Solution.” In her therapy practice, Mind Money Balance, […]
139. Music is Your Superpower: new pod-course with Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Nov 10, 2021
In this episode, Tricia tells all about the new Music Therapy Chronicles pod-course: Music is Your Superpower! Looking to learn more about musicianship? Want to feel more confident with your musical skills as a clinician? This pod-course is dedicated to helping you: Evaluate client preferences and get ideas on how to […]
138. Yoga, Business, and Everything In-Between: Alyssa Stone, MT-BC, NMT, CYT 500
Nov 03, 2021
In this episode, Alyssa and Tricia discuss business, yoga training, clinical experiences, and much more! Alyssa is a Neurologic Music Therapist, Board Certified Music Therapist, music educator and yoga instructor. Her holistic approach, engaging expertise and determined drive have led to the reality of her life-long goal, running a successful […]
On Mute
Oct 27, 2021
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
137. The Self Care Community
Oct 17, 2021
This episode was recorded during the evening of self care and includes Q+A about the Self Care Community. The doors to the community will be open through Friday, October 22nd and our first Community call will be on October 19th. If you’d like to be with us live for the […]
136. Reflect: Self Care Challenge day 14 #selfcaronicles
Oct 16, 2021
135. Learn Something New: Self Care Challenge day 13 #selfcaronicles
Oct 15, 2021
134. Move Your Body: Self Care Challenge day 12 #selfcaronicles
Oct 14, 2021
133. Catch-Up Day: Self Care Challenge day 11 #selfcaronicles
Oct 13, 2021
132. Invest in Yourself: Self Care Challenge day 10 #selfcaronicles
Oct 12, 2021
131. Set Up Systems: Self Care Challenge day 9 #selfcaronicles
Oct 11, 2021
In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, please use the link below to find the original stewards of the land you currently reside on. Also, recognize the origin of your self care practices. Where are their roots and lineage? What sacrifices had to be made so you can practice these self […]
130. Stay Hydrated: Self Care Challenge day 8 #selfcaronicles
Oct 10, 2021
129. Cozy Self Care Day: Self Care Challenge day 7 #selfcaronicles
Oct 09, 2021
128. Tough Self Care Task: Self Care Challenge day 6 #selfcaronicles
Oct 08, 2021
127. Call a Friend: Self Care Challenge day 5 #selfcaronicles
Oct 07, 2021
126. Set a Goal: Self Care Challenge day 4 #selfcaronicles
Oct 06, 2021
125. Eisenhower Matrix: Self Care Challenge day 3 #selfcaronicles
Oct 05, 2021
124. Do ‘that’ thing: Self Care Challenge day 2 #selfcaronicles
Oct 04, 2021
123. Get Ready: Self Care Challenge day 1 #selfcaronicles
Oct 03, 2021
122. Musical Ecosystems: Veda Hingert-McDonald
Sep 29, 2021
In this episode, Veda and Tricia discuss the connections we create through music and how these connections create ecosystems that extend beyond what we can even see. We also talk about how our musical experiences inform other aspects of our lives, including sustainability and environmental impact. Veda Hingert-McDonald (she/her) is […]
In this episode, Kayce and Tricia discuss the difference between perception and neuroception. We talk about the implications of these and how our awareness of the difference between them informs out therapy practice. Kayce Soros is a Board Certified Music Therapist currently practicing in Indianapolis, Indiana. She received her bachelor’s […]
120. Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Experiencing: Kayce Soros, MT-BC (part 1)
Sep 15, 2021
In this episode, Kayce and Tricia discuss Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Experiencing. We talk about the importance of being trauma informed and how this can better inform our practice as therapists. Kayce Soros is a Board Certified Music Therapist currently practicing in Indianapolis, Indiana. She received her bachelor’s degree in […]
117. Vocal Health and the Therapeutic Singing Voice: Martina Bingham Ph.D (re-release)
Sep 08, 2021
In this episode, Martina shares the findings from her Music Therapy vocal research, as well as tips for preventative vocal maintenance and vocal health. Martina Bingham is a lecturer in voice at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. She is an accomplished singer, voice teacher, and researcher in the training […]
118. Self Care and Community: Kate Shannon, LCPC, LCAT, MT-BC and Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Sep 01, 2021
In this episode, Kate and Tricia discuss the importance of intentional self care and community self care. We discuss ways we practice self care and the communities we’re cultivating to provide ongoing support for our fellow Music Therapists and other related professionals. Stay tuned, our door are opening soon! BOGO […]
On Mute
Aug 25, 2021
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
116. Private Practice vs. Employment: Sarah Jane Mason, MT-BC (re-release)
Aug 18, 2021
In this episode, Sarah Jane and Tricia discuss Sarah Jane’s journey starting and restarting her private practice in several states and why she now prefers working for a non-profit company. Sarah Jane shares her insights and advice for Music Therapists in either setting and how to choose what works best […]
115. Spanish for Creative Clinicians: Antonio “Tony” Milland Santiago, MT-BC (part 2) (re-release)
Aug 11, 2021
In this episode, Tony shares his top tips for working with Spanish speaking clients. This episode is packed with practical advice and you can find more from Tony through his latest project; Spanish for Creative Clinicians! Antonio “Tony” Milland Santiago is a board-certified music therapist, Vice President-Elect of the Southwestern […]
114. Carry the Drum: Carolyn Koebel, MM, HPCMT-BC (part 2) (re-release)
Aug 04, 2021
In this episode, Carolyn tells all about her personal journey of exploring world drumming and why it’s so important to bring percussion into our sessions. She also shares lots of great clinical tips and advice about how to study and incorporate drumming professionally as a Music Therapist. Carolyn Koebel, MM, HPCMT-BC […]
This is part three of a three-part series with the Creative Dementia Collective team. In this episode, we discuss the importance and reality of practicing self care. “We are three passionate millennial women who have extensive experience in the senior care industry. Our experience has shown us where the gaps […]
112. Holistic Approach in Dementia Care: Creative Dementia Collective Team (part 2)
Jul 21, 2021
This is part two of a three-part series with the Creative Dementia Collective team. In this episode, we discuss a holistic approach to dementia care. “We are three passionate millennial women who have extensive experience in the senior care industry. Our experience has shown us where the gaps and needs […]
111. Positive Dementia Care Language: Creative Dementia Collective Team (part 1)
Jul 14, 2021
This is part one of a three-part series with the Creative Dementia Collective team. In this episode, we discuss the use of positive language when working with individuals with Dementia. “We are three passionate millennial women who have extensive experience in the senior care industry. Our experience has shown us […]
110. Using Relaxation in Public Schools: Esther Thane, MTA, AVPT (part 2)
Jul 07, 2021
In this episode, Esther tells us about her relaxation recordings and how she developed them throughout her years of experience working with the Autism community in public schools. Esther has specialized since 1996 in the field of Autism and special needs. After many wonderful years on faculty at Capilano University, […]
109. Meet in the Music: Esther Thane, MTA, AVPT (part 1)
Jun 30, 2021
In this episode, Esther tells us about her Music Therapy curriculum, Meet in the Music. Esther has specialized since 1996 in the field of Autism and special needs. After many wonderful years on faculty at Capilano University, teaching in the Bachelor of Music Therapy Program, Esther continues to enjoy presenting […]
108. Ethics and Internship: Jessica Crisp, MTI
Jun 23, 2021
In this episode, Jessica tells us her experience of finding and losing multiple internships during COVID. *TRIGGER WARNING* We also discuss trauma and corporal punishment. Jessica shares her outlook on her internship experience and the ethical questions and considerations she was faced with. Jessica Crisp just graduated from Sam Houston […]
107. Intersectional Advocacy in Music Therapy: Gabrielle D. Friedman, MTS
Jun 16, 2021
In this episode, Gabrielle tells us about per passion for intersectional advocacy in the Music Therapy profession and in our professional practices. We also talk about school, internship, and clinical life lessons. Gabrielle is currently studying to receive their master’s degree in music therapy from SUNY New Paltz. Gabrielle is […]
106. Empathetic Songwriting Inspired by Stan Rogers: Sonja Moller, MTI
Jun 09, 2021
In this episode, Sonja tells us about her interest and preliminary research in using Canadian music with Canadian clients. We talk a lot about music written by Stan Rogers and it’s clinical applications and implications. Sonja is currently completing her Bachelor’s Degree of Music Therapy at Wilfrid Laurier University, in […]
105. I Failed the Board Exam: Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Jun 02, 2021
In this episode, your host, Tricia, shares her experience of failing the Music Therapy Board Exam her first attempt. Tricia shares the study habits she used to pass, some journal entries from this season of her life, and other authentic and vulnerable insights from her exam experience. Tricia Caiati, MT-BC […]
104. New Pod-Courses Are Coming!: MT-PC Contributing Podcasters
May 26, 2021
In this episode Bonnie, Brian, Hayley, and Kim tell us all about the awesome pod-course they’ve created! You can find more information on the Music Therapy Podcast Collective (MT-PC) website. The Music Therapy Podcast Collective (MT-PC) is a place to create and purchase pod-courses that are accessible, sustainable, and quality […]
103. Writing and Recording Music: Ryan Judd, MA, MT-BC
May 19, 2021
In this episode, Ryan tells us how he’s made the slow transition to full time recording musician. We talk about the stories behind his music and the clinical/personal applications of his compositions. Ryan has a master’s degree in psychology and music therapy from one of the top contemplative education schools […]
102. Misdiagnosis and Self Awareness: Alysha Suley, MM, MT-BC (part 2)
May 12, 2021
In this episode, Alysha and Tricia discuss how females with neurodivergence often go undiagnosed because their symptoms are not properly recognized. We also talk about the impact of socioeconomic status on our journey and experiences as professionals. Alysha Suley, MM, MT-BC earned her bachelors degree in music therapy with a […]
101. Neurodiversity, Ignorance, and Strength: Alysha Suley, MM, MT-BC (part 1)
May 05, 2021
In this episode, Alysha tells us about her personal experiences with neurodiversity and how being diagnosed with ADHD has empowered her to better understand life’s challenges and recognize her strengths. Alysha Suley, MM, MT-BC earned her bachelors degree in music therapy with a minor in psychology from Berklee College of Music, […]
100. Where Are They Now?
Apr 28, 2021
100 episodes! 🎙💯🎉 You’ll hear several familiar voices in this episode as guests from the past give us personal and professional life updates. So, where are they now? Listen to find out! PIC Updates from episode… 66. imagine magazine: Petra Kern, Ph.D., MT-BC, MTA, DMtG and Dana Bolton, MEd, MMT, […]
99. Vibration: Master Jason Campbell (part 2)
Apr 21, 2021
In this episode, Jason and Tricia discuss the healing and connecting power of vibration. We also talk about the dualities in music and life, and music relaxation techniques. Jason has created 3 music styles, released over 30 albums, has been #1 on Billboard and Amazon, and had five Billboard top […]
98. Be the Best Version of YOU: Master Jason Campbell (part 1)
Apr 14, 2021
In this episode, Master Campbell tells us about Zen Wellness and his background in music and meditation. We talk about creating our own music and incorporating mindfulness. Jason has created 3 music styles, released over 30 albums, has been #1 on Billboard and Amazon, and had five Billboard top 5 […]
97. Interning and Supervising: Fleur Hughes, MMT, MTA, MT-BC and Chelsey Braaksma, MTI
Apr 07, 2021
In this episode, Fleur and Chelsey tell us about the internship experience as intern and supervisor. We discuss the importance of balance, transparence, and learning alongside each other.
On Mute
Mar 31, 2021
Music Therapy Chronicles is on Mute this week. Please use the time you would normally spend listening to our episode to explore content from diverse creators.
96. Share Your Story: Trent Barrick, NMT, MT-BC (part 2)
Mar 24, 2021
In this episode, Trent shares more of his original music and we talk about the importance of telling our stories authentically. Trent Barrick earned his Bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy from the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY in 2011. After completing a 6-month internship at Hospice of Palm Beach […]
In this episode, Trent shares his experiencing of finding his ‘home’ within Music Therapy and how he’s been able to facilitate Animal Assisted Therapy at his place of work. We also talk about the International Aphasia Choir and Trent shares some of his original music. Trent Barrick earned his Bachelor’s […]
94. Taking the Leap: Mara Collard, MT-BC
Mar 10, 2021
In this episode, Mara shares about her experience changing jobs within the Music Therapy field. We also talk about termination of care and the importance of self reflection. Mara Collard is a board certified music therapist from the Great Lakes Region, currently practicing school based music therapy in the Chicagoland […]
93. Pediatric Music Therapy: Amy Love, MA, MT-BC, CPMT
Mar 03, 2021
In this episode, Amy tell us about her online platform, Pediatric Music Therapy. We also talk about the barriers we create in our minds and growing professionally. Amy Love is the founder of Pediatric Music Therapy and a passionate music therapist. She currently works at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital […]
92. Recognize and Utilize Your Strengths: Music Therapy Made Simple (part 2)
Feb 24, 2021
This episode is a continuation of my conversation with Katie, Haley, and Candace of Music Therapy Made Simple. We talk about working as a team and professional collaborations that emphasize our strengths. Music Therapy Made Simple was created out of an eagerness to support and connect with music therapy professionals […]
91. Professional Support Systems and Trusting Yourself: Music Therapy Made Simple
Feb 17, 2021
In this episode Katie, Haley, and Candace share about Music Therapy Made Simple. We have an uplifting and inspiring conversation about professional collaboration and support systems. Music Therapy Made Simple was created out of an eagerness to support and connect with music therapy professionals and students, and the families they […]
90. Imagery, Essential Oils, and Singing Bowls – OH MY!: Ellen Whealton, MA, MT-BC
Feb 10, 2021
In this episode, Ellen tells about how she’s built her Music Therapy practice to include imagery, essential oils, and singing bowls. We also talk about the importance of using our unique skillsets in our practice and honoring the client as the expert during our sessions. Ellen Whealton is a transpersonal […]
89. Balancing Personal and Professional Identities: Chris Wojdak, LPC, MT-BC
Feb 03, 2021
In this episode, Chris shares some personal experiences, reflective questions, and resources for Music Therapists trying to balance their personal and professional identities. This episode was created in response to the multiple requests for an episode with a specifically Christian perspective. Chris Wojdak is licensed as a Professional Counselor in […]
88. COVID-19 Vaccination Experiences of Music Therapists
Jan 27, 2021
This episode is about the COVID-19 vaccination experiences of Music Therapists. This episode is not intended to share information or misinformation about the vaccine, to influence your decision about the vaccine, or anything other than share the vaccination experiences of Music Therapists who provided responses to be included in this […]
87. MT Podcast Collective: Kate Shannon, LCPC, MT-BC and Tricia Caiati, MT-BC
Jan 20, 2021
This episode is an audio recording from Kate and Tricia’s LIVE Q&A where they talked all about MT-PC! They answer the who, what, where, when, why, how, and other listener questions about earning CMTE’s through listening to podcasts. Do you want to earn CMTE’s for listening to podcasts? Then you […]
86. Authenticity, Collaboration, and Infinite Potential: The BenAnna Band
Jan 13, 2021
In this episode, Ben and Anna tell us all about their business, The BenAnna Band. We also discuss being authentically human, collaborating creatively and professionally, and the infinite potential of our creative ideas. The BenAnna Band is a high-energy musical duo utilizing singing, guitar, and percussion to jam out on […]
On Mute
Jan 06, 2021
Check out these diverse creators in helping professions. Our hope is to direct listeners toward alternative media during the time they would otherwise spend listening to the show this week. Moretta Irchirl, MT-BC Find Moretta on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. “Lean-in to your imperfections.” -Moretta Black MAGIC (Black Moving Affinity […]
85. Year in Review: 2020 (part 3)
Dec 30, 2020
This episode is part 3 of the Music Therapy Chronicles 2020 Year in Review. I hope you enjoy listening back to some clips from the past 12 months and feel inspired to take on 2021! Full length conversations featured in this episode: 63. Preparing for the Board Exam: Amber Rogers, […]
84. Year in Review: 2020 (part 2)
Dec 23, 2020
This episode is part 2 of the Music Therapy Chronicles 2020 Year in Review. I hope you enjoy listening back to some clips from the past 12 months and feel inspired to take on 2021! Full length conversations featured in this episode: 45. Medical Music Therapy: Lorrie Kubicek, MT-BC 46. […]
83. Year in Review: 2020 (part 1)
Dec 16, 2020
This episode is part 1 of the Music Therapy Chronicles 2020 Year in Review. I hope you enjoy listening back to some clips from the past 12 months and feel inspired to take on 2021! Full length conversations featured in this episode: 33. You Have Something to Offer: John Moon, […]
82. Music Therapy Illuminations: Lexie Gutierrez, MTI
Dec 09, 2020
In this episode, Lexie shares about her internship project, Music Therapy Illuminations. We discuss her ambitions with this project and how she plans to continue inspiring and informing other Music Therapists through her platform. Lexie Gutierrez completed her studies at Drury University and has just completed her internship at Giving […]
81. Sign Language and Pinterest: Shelley Anderson, MT-BC
Dec 02, 2020
In this episode, Shelly of Notes 2 Live By shares all about her sign language offerings and how they are impacting both clients and clinicians. She also tells us about how to optimize using Pinterest as a free advertising platform. Shelley Anderson is a Board Certified Music Therapist. She is […]
80. Brainarm Full Compositional Coaching: Guido Mallardi
Nov 25, 2020
In this episode, Guido tells all about Brainarm Full Compositional Coaching. This episode includes original compositions, testimonials, and much more. Guido Mallardi is an Italian pianist, composer and researcher, winner of ‘On Piano Creativity’ Permanent International Contest and recognized for both his fine playing and compositions by such famous figures […]
79. Music and Harm: Brea Murakami, MM, MT-BC and Daniel Goldschmidt, MT-BC
Nov 18, 2020
In this episode Brea tells about her model for the potential for harm from music. Brea, Daniel, and Tricia discuss their own clinical experiences with harm, and the implications of this model on the Music Therapy profession. Brea Murakami, MM, MT-BC is a board-certified music therapist and the Interim Director […]
78. If not now, when?: Kim Best, MT-BC (part 2)
Nov 11, 2020
In this episode, Kim builds on the themes from last week and shares her vision and dreams for the future. She shares authentically and hopes to improve the experiences of new professionals entering the Music Therapy field. Kim Best, MT-BC is a music therapist in Rochester, NY and is passionate […]
77. Competition vs. Camaraderie: Kim Best, MT-BC (part 1)
Nov 04, 2020
In this episode, Kim tells about her opposing experiences as a Music Therapist in different states. We also talk about what shaped these experiences and how we can make improvements for young professionals. Kim Best, MT-BC is a music therapist in Rochester, NY and is passionate about supporting other music therapists. […]
76. How We Relate to Our Music: Mai Abe, MT-BC
Oct 28, 2020
In this episode Mai and Tricia talk about using music as self care. Mai also tells about her new music in wellness course! Mai Abe, MT-BC, is a first-generation Japanese-American and the founder of Creative Vibes Music Therapy, which provides virtual and in-person music therapy sessions for people of all […]
75. Sound Birthing and Being a Certified Labor Doula: Marissa Scott, MA, MT-BC, CLD (part 2)
Oct 21, 2020
In this episode, Marissa tells about her Sound Birthing training and why she became a Certified Labor Doula. We also discuss how she implements this practice and bridges being a Doula and a Music Therapist. “I have been helping children and families journey through life’s challenges for ten years. As […]
74. Music and Pregnancy: Marissa Scott, MA, MT-BC, CLD (part 1)
Oct 14, 2020
In this episode, Marissa tells about using music during pregnancy and navigating pregnancy as a Music Therapist. She also shares about creating and growing her multi-disciplinary creative arts practice, the Sonatina Center. “I have been helping children and families journey through life’s challenges for ten years. As a board certified […]
On Mute
Oct 07, 2020
This episode highlights diverse creators in related professions. Our hope is to direct listeners toward alternative media during the time they would otherwise spend listening to the show. Hayley Francis Cann, BMT, MTA, NMT, MScAH Find Hayley online, on Instagram, and on Facebook. Content to check out from MTA Hayley: […]
73. Stay True to Your Vision: Miya Adout, MA, MTA
Sep 30, 2020
In this episode, Miya and Tricia discuss how to start a private practice and the importance of self discover in this process. Miya Adout founded Miya Music Therapy in 2015 based on her vision to improve patient quality of life in healthcare settings throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Miya is […]
72. Carry the Drum: Carolyn Koebel, MM, HPCMT-BC (part 2)
Sep 23, 2020
In this episode, Carolyn tells all about her personal journey of exploring world drumming and why it’s so important to bring percussion into our sessions. She also shares lots of great clinical tips and advice about how to study and incorporate drumming professionally as a Music Therapist. Carolyn Koebel, MM, HPCMT-BC […]
71. Follow Your Curiosity: Carolyn Koebel, MM, HPCMT-BC (part 1)
Sep 16, 2020
In this episode, Carolyn tells all about her personal journey of exploring world drumming and how one lesson lead to another. She also shares lots of great clinical tips and advice about how to study and incorporate drumming professionally as a Music Therapist. Carolyn Koebel, MM, HPCMT-BC has been passionate about […]
70. Drumming and Mindfulness: Gideon Waxman
Sep 09, 2020
In this episode, Gideon shares about his passion for drumming and mindfulness. Gideon is a drummer and teacher who connects mindfulness and music using aspects of sports psychology and musical nostalgia. Gideon Waxman is a London based drummer, blogger and music educator. He holds a bachelor of music degree from […]
In this episode, Brad breaks down the seven themes and ideas he found from his Facebook post about fighting systematic racism in our field. We talk about how we can evolve and stay accountable as Music Therapists during this transformative time in world history. Brad is a full-time music therapist with […]
68. Existence is Resistance: Demeko Freeman, LPC, MMT, MT-BC (re-release)
Aug 26, 2020
In this episode, Demeko and Tricia talk about the history of the various percussion instruments that we commonly use clinically, and the importance of being culturally informed to responsibly lead our sessions. This is a re-release of episode 4. Functional Percussion: Demeko Freeman, MMT, MT-BC (part 2).
67. Decolonizing the Music Room: Brandi Waller-Pace and Lorelei Batislaong
Aug 19, 2020
In this episode, Brandi and Lorelei tell all about how they founded Decolonizing the Music Room. We also dive into questions we should all be asking ourselves to evolve personally and professionally. Brandi Waller-Pace is the Founder and Executive Director of Decolonizing the Music Room. She taught elementary music for ten […]
66. imagine magazine: Petra Kern, Ph.D., MT-BC, MTA, DMtG and Dana Bolton, MEd, MMT, MT-BC
Aug 12, 2020
In this episode, Petra and Dana share all about imagine magazine, a multi-modal resource for Music Therapist’s working with early childhood populations. Petra Kern, Ph.D., MT-BC, MTA, DMtG is a board-certified music therapist in the USA, Canada, and Germany with over 25 years experiences in clinical practice, research, education, and organizational leadership. She […]
65. The World Wide Web of Therapists: Madison Indyk, MT-BC
Aug 05, 2020
In this episode, Madison shares all about her new Youtube interview series: The World Wide Web of Therapists! We also talk about how she’s preparing and growing her private practice during the pandemic. Madison Indyk, MT-BC is the owner of Garden State Music Therapy Services, as well as the creator […]
64. The Poor Doctor: Megan Aslanian
Jul 29, 2020
In this episode, Megan shares her knowledge of using Music Therapy in the medical field, in addition to her journey behind obtaining an MBA. We discuss transitioning into the working world from being a student, as well as how Music Therapists are assets for companies. Megan also discusses her beginnings starting […]
63. Preparing for the Board Exam: Amber Rogers, MA, MT-BC
Jul 22, 2020
In this episode, Amber tells about her Board Exam tutoring services and shares some great tips! Resources and tutoring links can be found in the show notes. “My name is Amber Rogers, and I am a board-certified music therapist and active member of the American Music Therapy Association. Through Sequel […]
62. Keynote Speaker Reveal!: Members of the Board of Directors from the Online Conference for Music Therapy (part 2)
Jul 15, 2020
In this episode, Members of the OCMT Board of Directors reveal the keynote speaker and share more about what to expect from the Online Conference for Music Therapy. The next Online Conference for Music Therapy will be February 6, 2021. The OCMT- Online Conference for Music Therapy is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) […]
61. Online Conference for Music Therapy: Members of the Board of Directors from the Online Conference for Music Therapy (part 1)
Jul 08, 2020
OCMT has been holding MT conferences online for ten years! In this episode, Members of the OCMT Board share advice and insight for Conferences switching to virtual formats this year and in the future. The next Online Conference for Music Therapy will be February 6, 2021. The OCMT- Online Conference […]
60. White Privilege and Cultural Humility: Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC (part 2)
Jul 01, 2020
In this episode, Britany gets vulnerable about her own white privilege. She courageously opens up this conversation for us all to have and continue. Please join us in doing this work by having an open conversation yourself. Feel free to use the anonymous survey at the bottom of the show […]
59. Music Therapy Mastermind: Jaycie Voorhees, MM, SCMT, MT-BC
Jun 26, 2020
In this episode, Jaycie tells all about her new Music Therapy Mastermind course! The course starts soon, check out the links in the show notes and listen to the episode to learn more. Jaycie Voorhees, MT-BC is a mover and shaker in Salt Lake City bringing harmony to corporate, wellness, […]
58. Business Mindset as an Employee: Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC (part 1)
Jun 24, 2020
In this episode Brittany tells about how she uses the business mindset she learned as a contract MT now that she is an employee. We also discuss recognizing good timing for advocacy and working collaboratively with other disciplines in hospice. Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC started the music therapy program at Hospice […]
57. LGBTQ+ and Music: Lance Merrell, future SMT
Jun 17, 2020
In this episode, Lance shares his journey to learning about Music Therapy and how he is tailoring his undergraduate Music and Psychology education to better prepare him for attending a Music Therapy equivalency program. Through his research with Music and LGBTQ+, Lance is already asking the questions the MT profession […]
56. Spanish for Creative Clinicians: Antonio “Tony” Milland Santiago, MT-BC (part 2)
Jun 10, 2020
In this episode, Tony shares his top tips for working with Spanish speaking clients. This episode is packed with practical advice and you can find more from Tony through his latest project; Spanish for Creative Clinicians! Antonio “Tony” Milland Santiago is a board-certified music therapist, Vice President-Elect of the Southwestern […]
55. Music Therapy and the Island of Enchantment: Antonio “Tony” Milland Santiago, MT-BC (part 1)
Jun 03, 2020
In this episode, Tony tells about his upbringing in Puerto Rico, also known as the Island of Enchantment, and how this has informed his MT practice. We also dive into Tony’s latest project; Spanish for Creative Clinicians! Antonio “Tony” Milland Santiago is a board-certified music therapist, Vice President-Elect of the […]
54. Accessible Advocacy Across Generations: Hayley Francis Cann, BMT, MTA, NMT
May 27, 2020
In this episode, Hayley and Tricia discuss creating accessible advocacy resources and how this inspired Hayley’s new book! They also discuss intergenerational connections, wearing many hats as a Music Therapist, and taking life day-by-day. Hayley also tells about her new podcast and how she’s sharing her story through her blog. […]
53. Authentic Human-ness: Tony Beuchel, MT-BC
May 20, 2020
In this episode, Tony and Tricia discuss podcasting, therapeutic approaches, and having authentic human interactions with our clients. Tony is a music therapist working in developmental health in Fort Wayne Indiana. He specializes in children with autism, children who’ve experienced complex trauma, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. He is […]
52. Nutrition and Trauma Care: Julieann Hartley, MT-BC, NMT, NTP (part 2)
May 13, 2020
In this episode, Julieann and Tricia discuss working with clients who have experienced trauma and the importance of nutrition in their treatment. Julieann Hartley is a board certified music therapist and neurologic music therapist from New Hampshire. She is the music therapy program director at the Concord Community Music School, although […]
51. Redefining Strength Through Illness: Julieann Hartley, MT-BC, NMT, NTP (part 1)
May 06, 2020
In this episode, Julieann shares her story of finding and redefining strength through living with chronic illness. Julieann also stresses the importance of self advocacy and advocacy for our clients. Julieann Hartley is a board certified music therapist and neurologic music therapist from New Hampshire. She is the music therapy program […]
50. Listener Feature
Apr 29, 2020
This episode is all about you, the listeners! Thank you so much to those of you who sent in your thoughts, interventions, stories, etc. It would be really cool to do this again, so let us know if you like the idea of more Listener Feature episodes! Thank you so […]
49. More on Telehealth: Allison Broaddrick, MT-BC (part 2)
Apr 22, 2020
In this conversation, Allison and Tricia talk all about telehealth: why it’s important, how to be an effective MT telehealth practitioner, advice and tips, specific interventions, and much more. Allison is a board certified music therapist and the founder of both Three Rivers Music Therapy and Incadence. Allison was born […]
In this conversation, Allison and Tricia talk all about telehealth: why it’s important, how to be an effective MT telehealth practitioner, advice and tips, specific interventions, and much more. Allison is a board certified music therapist and the founder of both Three Rivers Music Therapy and Incadence. Allison was born […]
47. Winning a Grammy: Jon Samson, MA, MT-BC
Apr 08, 2020
In this episode, Jon shares his unique creative process with clients, how and why he shares their creations, and what it was like winning a Grammy! Jon Samson, MA, MT-BC, holds a Masters Degree in Music Therapy from New York University and a Bachelors of Arts in music composition from SUNY Purchase. […]
46. LGBTQ+ and Cultural Responsiveness: Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC
Apr 01, 2020
In this episode, Annette tells about her research and courses regarding LGBTQ+ and her thoughts on the importance of cultural responsiveness. Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC, is the Executive Director of the Center for Cultural Responsiveness, a nonprofit that provides education, training, and supervision in diversity, inclusion, and equity to colleges, […]
45. Medical Music Therapy and Making Connections: Lorrie Kubicek, MT-BC
Mar 25, 2020
In this episode, Lorrie shares tons of practical tools and tips for working in a medical MT setting. We discuss instruments, soundscapes, clinical supervision, and much more. Lorrie Kubicek, MT-BC is board certified music therapist and program manager for Expressive Therapies at MGH. Her program is a part of the […]
44. Vocal Health and the Therapeutic Singing Voice: Martina Bingham Ph.D
Mar 18, 2020
In this episode, Martina shares the findings from her Music Therapy vocal research, as well as tips for preventative vocal maintenance and vocal health. Martina Bingham is a lecturer in voice at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. She is an accomplished singer, voice teacher, and researcher in the training […]
COVID-19: Resource Madness
Mar 17, 2020
In this episode (and more thoroughly in the show notes), Tricia shares a compilation of information, ideas, and resources about the COVID-19 virus. PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS, IDEAS, AND RESOURCES TO BE ADDED TO THE SHOW NOTES!!! This will be an ongoing project and database as this situation evolves. Let’s […]
43. Superwoman Blues and Songwriting: Tracy Richardson, Ph.D, MT-BC
Mar 11, 2020
In this episode, Tracy and Tricia discuss Tracy’s new book “Who Moved My Cape?! Letting Go of Your Superwoman Expectations.” Tracy also shares her personal songwriting process and advice for using songwriting in the clinical setting. Tracy is a board-certified music therapist with a doctorate in Counselor Education. She has […]
42. Adaptive Lessons and Musical Goals: Bonnie Houpt, MT-BC
Mar 04, 2020
In this episode, Bonnie and Tricia discuss burnout, adaptive lessons, and online resources for various MT topics and needs. Bonnie shares her personal experience with burnout and the resources she is creating online. Bonnie is a music therapist in Denver, CO and owns her own business, Rhythmic Roots Music Therapy, […]
41. World Music Therapy Day: Anita L. Swanson, Ph.D., MT-BC
Feb 26, 2020
In this episode, Anita and Tricia discuss global perspectives in Music Therapy and how the World Federation of Music Therapy is connecting Music Therapists across continents. #worldmusictherapyday is March 1st! Anita L. Swanson, Ph.D., MT-BC is passionate about assisting future and current music therapists. She also enjoys promoting global music therapy […]
40. Clinical Musicianship: Stephanie Leavell, MT-BC
Feb 19, 2020
In this episode, Stephanie and Tricia discuss taking a less traditional career path as a Music Therapist and ways to apply clinical musicianship in MT sessions, specifically with young children. Stephanie Leavell, MT-BC is the creator of musicforkiddos.com, an online community dedicated to high-quality children’s music. Stephanie is an innovative […]
39. Creating a Soundscape: Alpha Woodward, MTA, MMT, FAMI, PhD (part 2)
Feb 12, 2020
In this episode, Alpha tells about how she created a more healthful soundscape in a residential setting as a Music Therapist. Dr. Alpha Woodward is certified music therapist with 15 years of clinical music therapy service in government and non governmental organizations. From 2004-2007 Dr. Woodward was the clinical supervisor and […]
38. An Adventurous MT Life: Alpha Woodward, MTA, MMT, FAMI, PhD (part 1)
Feb 05, 2020
In this episode, Alpha tells how a career in Music Therapy has turned her life into an adventure and how her humanitarian experiences lead to her own personal growth and clinical research. Dr. Alpha Woodward is certified music therapist with 15 years of clinical music therapy service in government and non […]
37. Music Therapy Exchange: Samantha Hassold, Music Therapy Intern
Jan 29, 2020
In this episode, Samantha and Tricia talk all things Music Therapy Exchange, a new and growing database of Music Therapy interventions that anyone can access and contribute to! Samantha Hassold is the creator of Music Therapy Exchange, an intervention database for music therapists. She is also a current music therapy […]
36. Giving and Receiving Supervision: Fleur Hughes, MMT, MTA, MT-BC, NMT
Jan 22, 2020
This is part two of Tricia’s conversation with Fleur. In this episode, Fleur and Tricia discuss the importance of receiving supervision as a Music Therapist, as well as advice for being a supervisor yourself. Fleur completed a Master’s in Music Therapy degree at the University of West England in 2015. […]
35. Do the U-Turn: Fleur Hughes, MMT, MTA, MT-BC, NMT
Jan 15, 2020
This is part one of Tricia’s conversation with Fleur. In this episode, Fleur shares about her unique journey to finding Music Therapy and how she has continues her MT practice across continents. We focus on cultural awareness and adapting to different clinical settings. Fleur completed a Master’s in Music Therapy […]
34. Balancing Family and Business: Elizabeth A. Ferguson, MT-BC
Jan 08, 2020
In this episode, Elizabeth shares her experiences and advice for growing a business, navigating MT independent contractors, starting a family, and finding balance through it all. Elizabeth has been working as a board certified music therapist since 2020 and teaching piano lessons since 2001 through out NH. Helping her clients […]
33. You Have Something to Offer: John Moon, LPMT, MT-BC
Jan 02, 2020
In this episode, Tricia and John discuss being podcasters in the MT space. John shares about his initial feelings of imposter syndrome and how he has overcome them in different professional and life situations. “My name is John Moon. I am the Director of Memory Care and Music Therapist at […]
32. Eclectic Music Therapy: Chris Millett, MM, MT-BC
Dec 26, 2019
In this episode, Chris tells about how his practice has evolved and become more eclectic over time. He also shares about his own podcast project, Make More Music. Chris Millett, MM, MT-BC has been practicing as a board-certified music therapist since January 2014. He serves a variety of populations and […]
31. Bottom Up Approach: Antoinette Morrison, MT-BC
Dec 18, 2019
In this episode, Antoinette tells about the bottom up approach and the importance of asking “why?” She also shares her advice for both MT students and professors. Antoinette Morrison MT-BC is the owner of Back Mountain Music Therapy in Dallas, Pennsylvania. Trained in Creative Music Therapy, Antoinette specializes in working with […]
30. Young Entrepreneurship: Lindsay Ward, BMT, MTA, MT-BC
Dec 11, 2019
In this episode Lindsay and Tricia discuss young entrepreneurship. Lindsay shares her interview tips, self care encouragement, and prop/intervention ideas. Lindsay Ward, BMT, MTA, MT-BC is a music therapist and owner of Between The Mountains Music Therapy in Nova Scotia, Canada. She currently works as a contractor providing music therapy […]
29. Music Therapy in Montana: Brooke Wagner, MT-BC
Dec 04, 2019
In this episode, Brooke and Tricia discuss cultural differences across the US and how working as a Music Therapist in Montana is unique. Brooke tells the story of how she serendipitously fell into her current hospital MT job, and also shares about some impactful experiences since being there. Brooke Wagner […]
28. Growing Through Internship: Nicole Birmaher, Music Therapy Intern
Nov 20, 2019
In this episode, Nicole shares about her internship experience thus far. She shares her reflective thoughts and goals for the future. Her uplifting outlook is insightful and encouraging. Nicole Birmaher is currently a Music Therapy Intern at Robert & Ann H. Lurie Children’s Hospital is Chicago. She completed her Music Therapy […]
27. Making Connections: Gabby Banzon, MT-BC
Nov 13, 2019
In this episode Gabby and Tricia talk about Gabby’s many creative projects, balancing it all, and connecting with others through them. “Chicago born, Atlanta grown, and Dallas pruned, I’ve been involved with music since childhood. While I wasn’t a big fan of being forced to take piano lessons, I loved making music with […]
26. Creative Arts Therapies and the LGBTQ Community: Brian T. Harris, PhD, MT-BC, LCAT
Nov 06, 2019
In this episode, Brian and Tricia discuss trauma informed therapy, personal disclosure, and LGBTQ topics. Brian also tells about the newly released book Creative Arts Therapies and the LGBTQ Community. Brian T Harris, PhD, MT-BC, LCAT is a music psychotherapist in private practice in NYC. He holds a PhD in […]
25. Trailblazing: Jennifer Buchanan, MBA, MTA
Nov 01, 2019
In this episode, Jennifer shares her personal experiences and the resources she’s created to help other Music Therapists through difficult career periods. Jennifer Buchanan, MBA, MTA is a keynote speaker and health entrepreneur in the truest sense of the word. Since she became a certified music therapist almost three decades ago, the […]
24. Impactful Experiences: Christina Ouimet, MT-BC
Oct 23, 2019
In this episode, Christina tells about her professional journey and the lessons she’s learned along the way. This is Music Therapy Chronicles’s first in-person interview! “I have always loved to sing…and when I learned to play the guitar 50 years ago (!), it was a beautiful union! Since 1993, I […]
23. Attention is the Bedrock of All Cognition: Kathleen M. Howland, Ph.D., SLP (part 2)
Oct 16, 2019
In this episode, Kathleen and Tricia discuss interventions and resources to help MT’s grow as professionals and as individuals. See the show notes for resources mentioned. Kathleen M. Howland is a board certified music therapist (MT-BC) and licensed speech language pathologis (CCC-SLP)t. For the past 35+ years, she has worked […]
22. Bridging Music and Science: Kathleen Howland, Ph.D., SLP (part 1)
Oct 09, 2019
In this episode, Kathleen shares some of her research and scholarly knowledge, and the impact of this research on the MT profession. See the show notes for many of the resources mentioned. Kathleen M. Howland is a board certified music therapist (MT-BC) and licensed speech language pathologis (CCC-SLP)t. For the […]
21. Defining and Living Your Mission: Julie C. Martin, MT-BC
Oct 02, 2019
In this episode, Julie tells about changing her career path and how defining her mission has assisted her in doing this. “I am grateful for who I am, what I have been able to accomplish and the people who have been a part of that, what I am inspired to […]
20. Play Therapy: Kate Shannon, MS, MT-BC
Sep 25, 2019
In this episode, Kate and Tricia discuss integrating play therapy into Music Therapy sessions and using play in our own self care. Kate also tells about her podcast and platform: Creative Therapy Umbrella. Kate is a board-certified music therapist working in the Denver, CO area. She is currently finishing up […]
19. Business Success Among Prevalent Music Therapy Practices: Megan Resig, MS, MT-BC
Sep 18, 2019
In this episode, Megan and Tricia discuss how Spectrum Creative Arts was created and is continuing to grow in a city with many other Music Therapy practices. Megan Resig, MS, MT-BC has been a board-certified music therapist since 2010 and currently serves as one of the co-founders and directors of Spectrum […]
In this episode, Allyson tells about the ‘many hats’ she wears as a clinician, creating her own music, and co-hosing a podcast. Check out Episode 20 of Clinical BOPulations to learn about #PatientForBen. Allyson Rogers, MT-BC, is a Board-Certified Music Therapist with a passion for helping others through music making. […]
In this episode, Ami and Tricia discuss self care techniques and resources. Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC is the founder of The Self-Care Institute and is a board-certified music therapist. Ami provides therapeutic support for professionals around the world who are experiencing burnout, and has presented on self-care and burnout at international events and […]
16. A Journey Through Burnout: Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC (part 1)
Aug 28, 2019
In this episode, Ami shares her personal journey through burnout and how it inspired her to create resources and support systems for other professionals. Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC is the founder of The Self-Care Institute and is a board-certified music therapist. Ami provides therapeutic support for professionals around the world who are […]
15. Balancing RBT and MT: Stephanie Harris, MA, MT-BC, RBT and Janet Herington, MT-BC, RBT
Aug 21, 2019
In this episode, Stephanie and Janet talk about balancing their MT and RBT trainings. We discuss balancing the two practices, how they overlap, controversial aspects of combining them, and intervention ideas. Stephanie Harris, MA, MT-BC, RBT received her Bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy from Ohio University and her Master’s degree in Music Therapy […]
14. Music Therapy Fellowship: Nicole Polara, MT-BC
Aug 14, 2019
In this episode, Nicole tells about the opportunities fellowship offers and about her own experiences as a Music Therapy fellow at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Check Nicole out on Facebook or by email (npolara3@gmail.com) Nicole’s music on iTunes and Spotify!
13. Incorporating Visuals and Props: Marie Miller, MT-BC
Aug 07, 2019
In this episode, Marie talks about how she designs and incorporates visuals/props into her sessions. She also shares her unique insights about what to keep in mind when designing and facilitating a session for kids with ASD. Marie Miller is a neurologic music therapist specializing in work with children with […]
12. Being Married to Your Purpose: Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC
Jul 31, 2019
In this episode, Kat and Tricia discuss Kat’s vision and process for creating Music Therapy Ed. Kat shares personal stories from her journey and encouragement for other’s seeking to create something new. Kat Fulton is a passionate speaker and advocate for music therapy. She’s been quoted in major media outlets […]
11. “My last name changed. Here’s why.”: Rachelle Morgan, MA, MT-BC
Jul 24, 2019
In this episode, Rachelle shares the story of leaving her abusive marriage. This episode is intended to be supportive and informative to those who resonate with this topic. Rachelle also shares clinical insight regarding how this experience has impacted her professional practice. Anyone in need of support or further conversation […]
10. From High School Student to New Professional: Kelsey Tucker, MT-BC, CDP
Jul 17, 2019
In this episode, Kelsey and Tricia talk about Kelsey’s recent transitions from High School, to College, to Internship, to new professional. Kelsey opens up about moving away from home, making friends, and searching for the right professional position. This is a great episode for any current students, but also touches […]
9. The 4 Pillars of Success and Empowerment: Ryan Judd, MA, MT-BC
Jul 10, 2019
In this episode, Ryan and Tricia discuss Ryan’s entrepreneurial journey and his 4 Pillars of Success and Empowerment. Ryan has a master’s degree in psychology and music therapy from one of the top contemplative education schools in the country. He is a board-certified music therapist, director of The Rhythm Tree, […]
In this episode, Kathy and Tricia talk about some things to keep in mind when billing for MT services, as well as Kathy’s experiences using music to help teach literacy. Kathy Schumacher is a board certified music therapist, a mom to three children, and a lifelong learner with a pile […]
7. Rhythmic Motor Movements and the Brain: Cacia King, MT-BC
Jun 26, 2019
In this episode, Cacia and Tricia discuss Cacia’s research about the effects of rhythmic motor movements on cognition. *Spoiler Alert* They have a positive impact! Cacia King is a board certified music therapist who practices in NH. She loves working with children with special needs and has a passion for […]
6. Advocacy and Reimbursement: Judy Simpson, MT-BC (part 2)
Jun 19, 2019
In this episode, Judy and Tricia do a brief role play of a possible advocacy situation with a legislator. Judy shares her top tips for both advocacy and for reimbursement. Judy Simpson, AMTA Director of Government Relations, represents the music therapy profession with legislators, agencies, and coalitions on the state […]
5. Music Therapy Advocacy: Judy Simpson, MT-BC (part 1)
Jun 12, 2019
In this episode, Judy and Tricia discuss Judy’s experiences as a clinician and as an AMTA administrator. Judy also shares about finding therapists for her own daughter and what she looked for in a therapist as a parent. Judy Simpson, AMTA Director of Government Relations, represents the music therapy profession […]
In this episode, Demeko and Tricia talk about the history of the percussion instruments we use clinically and the importance of being culturally informed to responsibly lead our sessions. If you or someone you know is interested in being on the podcast, please send a message to feedback@musictherapychronicles.com ! Demeko […]
In this episode, Demeko and Tricia talk about stepping outside of our comfort zones and how to challenge our own resistance in our personal lives. Demeko shares his personal stories and how he found his way to Music Therapy. Demeko Freeman MMT, entered the field of music therapy with a […]
2. The Impossible Machine: Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC
May 19, 2019
In this episode, Rachel and Tricia discuss Rachel’s journey as a Music Therapist, how she has grown her online business, and how she continues to give back to the Music Therapy community. Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC is a board-certified music therapist in Springfield, Illinois. She is the founder and co-owner […]
1. Private Practice vs. Employment: Sarah Jane Mason, MT-BC
May 19, 2019
In this episode, Sarah Jane and Tricia discuss Sarah Jane’s journey starting and restarting her private practice in several states and why she now prefers working for a non-profit company. Sarah Jane shares her insights and advice for Music Therapists in either setting and how to choose what works best […]