Interviews with Brittany breeders and helpful insights for dog owners on training their American Brittanys.
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Interviews with Brittany breeders and helpful insights for dog owners on training their American Brittanys.
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In this episode, we talk about how to introduce your Brittany puppy to the sharp retort of a gunfire. The pros and cons on whips, starter pistols and blank shotgun cartridges are discussed, along with my buying recommendation for a good tool for this task. n8KPVqYXjaklnm1WVdp1
In this episode, I talk about how to properly introduce your Brittany puppy to birds. I recommend using flight-conditioned quail that have been released naturally into a field. Those who decide to instead use carded pigeons or remote bird launchers should check out the additional reference articles on my blog post at .
Brittanys are upland dogs, but they usually take to water very well when properly introduced. This episode of the Brittany Breeding and Training podcast explores the do’s and don’ts when it comes to your pup’s initial contact with swimming-depth water. Hosted by Steve Deger from <a href="">White Swan Brittanys</a>.
Introduction to the Brittany Breeding and Training podcast. Meet your host, and find out what we'll be sharing in this podcast series. Hosted by Steve Deger from <a href="">White Swan Brittanys</a>.