This week on Big Brothers the guys have an incredible special guest via phone … MATT HOFFMAN from Big Brother 12! @HeadOfHoffhold
What The Big Brothers Cover This Week:
Tyler not hiding his zingbot fandom was. Where is his Zing Family?!
Did Zingbot blow up Angela’s game in some ways? Are the Zings getting too mean?
Who is Tyler’s best chance of winning against? Is it Kaycee?
Who is playing the better game? JC or Tyler: They’re pretty similar styles.
Brett is changing his Goodbye Message style but is it for the right reason?
What are the top F2 Odds right now?
Is there a Tyler/Angela showmance happening?
Is FOUTTE/The Hive the worst alliance of all time? Adam gives his own choice.
The HoH Comp last night was a total disaster. Find out why in the episode.
Jury Battle back Predictions: Who is coming back? What drama are they bringing with them.
The Big Brother Kitchen fire this week. Didn’t Adam do this 7 years ago?
What will Angela do as HoH? Who will she put up? Did she want this?
If Fessy goes up against Heyleigh and wins Veto, is he using it to take her down or save himself?
We discuss another week of Adam’s rankings on BigBrotherNetwork.Com
Our Guest: Matt Hoffman – Big Brother 12
Some Stats:
Won DIAMIOND Power of Veto, evicted Kathy
Won 2 HoH Comps
Member of the famous “Brigade” Alliance
He was nicknamed “The Brains”
We talk to Adam about
-The Brigade’s game plan
-Making what’s considered one of the worst moves of all time
-Trusting people in an alliance formed early
-Tyler not being the typical super fan
-Who is playing the best game right now
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