Listeners, thank you for all of the support throughout the years. Below is a link to a new podcast, new ideas and a new beginning. I hope you’ll join me there.
Improve upon your sand riding today by following these helpful tips.
#1. Choose the right tire
Adventure bike sand riding is one of the most difficult things to do. So, how do you ride an adventure bike in the sand (or any motorcycle for that matter).
Your quest to conquer the sand starts in the garage or at your local dealer. Mount a tire to your bike that has considerable tread depth & spacing.
Don’t show up to the sand with a tire that favors the pavement.
A tire with knobs & spacing will actually help you spin & get on top the sand (as opposed to sinking down in it). We understand that you will sacrifice some performance on paved sections with a tire that is more aggressive. However, would you rather be stuck in the sand or just have to go slower on the slab?
Bonus tip. Our favorite tire for dual sport & adventure riding is the Goldentyre GT723R.
#2 Relax
The sand is technical. For inexperienced riders, just knowing you’ll have to deal with the soft stuff on an adventure rider creates stress.
Here’s what you can do.
Before entering the sand section, stop & take a break. Focus on getting your heart rate down and rhythmic breathing.
Visualize yourself conquering the obstacle.
Once you get on the bike, remember to maintain a subtle grip on the bars (don’t fight the machine) & pay attention to your breathing. If you “go with the flow” through the sand and stay loose on the bike, your odds for success radically improve.
#3 Use proper body position
Warning! Do not shift your weight to the rear of the bike.
What do we mean by neutral?
Balanced or centered
Relaxed grip
Elbows & knees slightly bent
Legs making contact with the chassis
Toes pointed in
Eyes up, looking far forward
A neutral position (standing or sitting) is perfect.
Too much weight on the front could send you over the handlebars on deceleration. Shift your weight too far back & you will be digging the rear tire deeper into the sand. Don’t do it! Stay neutral on the bike.
#4 Maintain Momentum
If we don’t maintain enough momentum to keep traveling forward when adventure bike sand riding, 1 of 2 things will happen.
We’ll lose our balance and fall over.
Or…we’ll dig ourselves into the sand and get stuck.
For some, sand on an adv ride can be intimidating and overwhelming. This apprehension leads to problems, injuries and ride cut short. Riders have a tendency to meet adversity with too much throttle. While not applying enough throttle is just as much a problem, we should be searching for that sweet spot.
How fast do we have to go to be in the sweet spot?
It depends. But the sweet spot doesn’t have to be super fast. Nor can it be super slow. Our advice, go just fast enough to maintain forward momentum and control of your machine. Don’t go too fast and ride over you head. Don’t go so slow that you get stuck.
#5 Braking & Turning
Again, momentum is key. Thus, the throttle is your friend.
Use the brakes only when absolutely necessary. Whenever possible, make wide-arcing turns to help brush your speed off.
When braking is necessary, avoid stabbing at the front brake. Too much front could lead to an endo or knifing of the front end. Too much rear will contribute to sinking further into the sand. Remember, we want to do everything we can to get on top of the soft stuff and stay there.
#6 Improve your sand riding with Practice
Not the sexiest of tips but it’s true.
Practice makes perfect. The more time you spend adventure bike sand riding, the easier it will be. We recommend riding sandy areas near home before launching your next big adventure ride or
Not an option?
Consider signing up for one of our off-road motorcycle training courses.
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Has Social Media Changed Your Riding Behaviors?
Mar 17, 2020
Has Social Media Changed Your riding Behaviors?
Garrett Ortiz discusses how social media has influenced his riding.
The first time Anna Baklund sat on the back of a motorcycle, she was hooked. Nowadays, Anna is an avid off-road, dual sport, and adventure motorcyclist (she snow bikes too)!
Passionate about the sport; Anna is a strong advocate for responsible riding. Like many of us, she has seen some disturbing behavior pop up on social media over the years. We get into this and the role social media is playing not only in our lives but our pursuit for adventure.
Are favorite riding areas and landmarks being overrun? Are land managers equipped to handle more visitors to riding areas that social media is popularizing?
Tune in to hear her thoughts.
This is a great episode for those listeners looking to get into the sport of motorcycling. Anna does an amazing job of detailing how she got started, how to be a more responsible rider, and where social media fits in with all of this.
Create bucket list motorcycle adventure routes by converting your Google maps to GPX files in minutes.
Friends, we’ve uploaded a super-simple tutorial to Youtube so that you can convert Google Maps directions to gpx. We spent a bit of time discussing the highlights of the tutorial on this episode of the adventure motorcycle podcast.
The tragic passing of Kobe Bryant shocked the world yesterday. My thoughts were shared briefly. But to summarize, he transcended the sport and pop culture throughout his career. The man was a global icon, looked up to by so many.
Ricky Brabec became the first American to ever win Dakar. We also heard that he opted to not re-sign with Honda prior to the event. Think Ricky might make a few extra dollars as a free agent and Dakar champion?
The man behind the brand, Jason Gearld, returned to the show and delivered. A veteran of this motorcycle podcast, he’s been a fan favorite of listeners since episodes 32 & 36.
Phoenix Handlebars
After helping to build some of the biggest brands in the industry, Jason Gearld decided it was time to try something on his own. He rolled the entrepreneurial dice in 2016 and founded Phoenix Handlebars. A brand built around Jason’ values & passion for the sport. A brand for the everyday dude who loves to rip with his buddies and crack open a few cold ones at the end of the day.
Despite his passion for the sport, Jason mentions some shortcomings during the podcast. Regarding industry trades shows; he is no longer seeing the turnout from vendors and dealers that once was. Is social media to blame?
Entirely possible.
It has never been easier to spread your message, build your brand and sell your products.
Jason Gearld the Man
A committed family man, Jason balances times between the American and entrepreneurial dreams. Nevertheless, striking that balance can be difficult at times. He acknowledges, managing social media accounts alone, can be a tremendous burden on free time.
Jason creates every piece of content on his site & social media accounts. The attention to detail is always apparent. And his love of motorcycles oozes from every single post.
Who knew content wrapped around handlebars could be so interesting?
on the next episode
Next time on the motorcycle adventures podcast we will discuss the most common question I receive from listeners.
“How do you create the breathtaking routes you ride?”
Guys, it’s super simple. 2 pieces of software. One of which, you’re going to be very familiar with.
Remember friends, don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to this podcast!
Rick from Dualsport Advocate drops by the moto podcast to discuss his passion for the dual sport life and photography.
Weekend Warrior
Rick’s story is something we can all relate to.
He works hard during the week to provide for his family. But when the weekend rolls around, he likes to get out and explore the back country on dual sport rides.
Armed with a camera and sense for adventure, Rick joins his SoCal buddies on a search for some amazing trails.
And from the sounds of it, the riding is pretty good in his neck of the woods. In fact, Rick is quick to point out that there is no riding “season” in his area. When the weather is warm, he can ride in the mountains. Cooler weather coupled with moisture provides excellent riding the in low-lying areas.
Dare we say, the best of both worlds? Envious.
No interview would be complete without discussing a bit of photography. Who doesn’t love to ride their motorcycle in beautiful areas & snapping the occasional pic? Rick is no exception.
When asked about video, he mentioned that he prefer stills.
Fair enough.
Working with video can be a huge undertaking when you considering time, storage, software, etc.
KTM 500
Rick chose the KTM 500 to do all of his back country exploring in SoCal. A solid choice no doubt; we both agreed that this may be the most versatile dual sport bike on the planet.
From the open desert to single track trails, the KTM 500 is hard to rival. On the pavement though, neither of us would pick it as our fave. Rick himself is considering a KTM 790 for rides that have more pavement and dirt roads. He was quick to point out that he would be keeping his 500 regardless.
Carrie Barton details her 10-day dual sport ride on the Tour of Idaho.
Imagine a 10 day, 1500-mile ride dominated by single track. Now imagine having to navigate the entire way without missing a beat. Better yet, picture yourself not really knowing what is going to be in store.
This is precisely the situation Carrie found herself in, August of 2019 when she became the first woman to officially complete the Tour of Idaho (TOI).
She had an idea of what to expect. But Idaho threw everything at her and her riding partners.
Tons of amazing single track. Long, grueling days. Scorching heat & chilling cold.
Water crossings. Incidents with bear spray. Critical navigation.
But what drove Carrie to take on such a big challenge? How long did it take her to prepare for the TOI and would she do it again? You’ll have to listen to catch all of the details.
But some people are just cut out for for large scale adventure.
Bertrand De Oliveria is one of those people.
Tune in to this episode to get a little background on his life and his thoughts on travel. At the time of this recording, Bertrand had also picked up a brand new KTM 790 Adventure R. To the best of our knowledge, he was one of the first to take this motorcycle on a long motorcycle adventure.
Interesting in a guided ride from New Mexico to Prudhoe Bay in 2020?
Shoot us an email.
Want to become a confident adv rider in just 3 days?
After 15 months riding through Europe and the Americas, Raul & Verena stop by the show to discuss riding the Pan American Highway by Motorcycle.
KTM 790 Adventure R Review
Oct 10, 2019
KTM 790 Adventure R REview
After 2000 miles of riding the KTM 790 Adventure R in the back country, we weigh in on its off-road worthiness.
Idaho BDR Tips
Oct 03, 2019
We hope these Idaho BDR tips make your ride more enjoyable!
TIP #1
Don’t be afraid to deviate from the main route.
Idaho is special. Capturing all of its glory in one ride, on one route, impossible. However, you can add other points of interest to your ride.
Don’t be afraid to go off-route to chase down fire lookouts, waterfalls, whatever.
Better accommodations can also be found by adding a few miles to the end of any day.
TIP #2
Prepare for all weather conditions.
This isn’t Colorado. You won’t be ascending 12000′ peaks. In fact, you won’t even clear 9,000 feet.
That doesn’t mean you the weather won’t get the best of you, though. In 2019, our first 4 days were littered with heavy rain. Temps were in the low 40s.
How did we combat this?
Good gear. Gore-Tex riding jackets and pants. Warm gloves. Layers.
You may be blessed with excellent conditions but in the event you aren’t, you’ll be thankful you prepared.
TIP #3
Good tires make for a good time.
50/50 adventure bike tires won’t cut it. Unless of course, its dry.
You’ll find that roads in the lower portion of the Idaho Backcountry Discovery Route don’t have a lot of rock in them. Heavy precipitation can make for slick or muddy conditions.
Our recommendation?
Try the Goldentyre GT723 tires. We’ve ridden the route on a KTM 500 and on a KTM 790 Adventure R with these adventure tires & they work great!
TIP #4
Navigate with GPS tracks.
The tracks are free from the RIDE BDR site and they’re flawless.
Use the Idaho BDR map as a supplement.
TIP #5
Utilize lodging.
Camping is fun but there are some great places to stay along the route. More importantly, spending our money in small towns will ensure businesses stay open in these remote areas.
Ride the Magruder Corridor section by itself
Visit the Florence cemetery
The Baum Shelter in Warren has great food
Ride with a guide! We will be hosting two adventure motorcycle tours in Idaho. We’d love for you to join us!
Friends and listeners, expect the same kind of show & content every week with one caveat.
We have a co-host! His name is Garrett Ortiz (he’s been a guest on two shows already). Garrett is a die hard Beta rider and of course, I love my KTM machines.
I would expect a fair amount of good humor, back & forth, and plenty of stories from the back country, tips, thoughts, etc.!
Episode 040: Secret Trails
Jun 01, 2019
Secret Trails. Do they still exist?
Garrett Ortiz stops by to debate the sharing of sacred spots through social media.
Episode 039: Gianna Velarde
May 27, 2019
Gianna Valerde is a Peruvian racer who competed in the Dakar Rally this year.
Episode 038: When a Good Ride Goes Bad
May 21, 2019
When a Good Ride Goes Bad
It doesn’t happen often but when a good ride goes bad, we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
Learning from My Mistakes
It was just supposed to be another epic weekend of riding. In the fall of 2006, a buddy and I embarked on what we thought would be a routine trail ride.
Unfortunately, a missed turn and an empty gas tank turned an otherwise amazing day into a dangerous situation.
I’ve been an adventure rider for over 30 years. My good friend Jason Gerald joined the show and asked me all about it. We covered the past, the present and what’s on tap for the future.
Episode 035: Egle on the Road
Apr 18, 2019
Egle on the Road
Egle Gerulaityte joins the show to talk about her round the world travels, Dakar 2019 and what she has learned from being on the road.
Ride BDR ambassador, Kevin Woody, joins the show to discuss Backcountry Discovery Routes.
Backcountry Discovery Routes
Apprehensive about your first or next motorcycle adventure? Backcountry Discovery Routes has you covered with pre-planned routes in a number of states. Simply visit their site, download the GPS tracks (or purchase a map) and do little bit of research while you’re there. Before you know it, you will be off on the adventure of a lifetime.
Episode 033: World Spins as Fast as We Ride
Apr 08, 2019
World Spins as Fast as We Ride
World Spins as Fast as We Ride–Verena & Martin join the show to discuss their motorcycle travels and plans for future motorcycle adventures.
Episode 032: Phoenix Handlebars
Apr 01, 2019
Phoenix Handlebars
Jason Gearld joins the show to reminisce about moto and discuss his business, Phoenix Handlebars.
Bars Simplified
For a lot of us, finding the “right” handlebar bend can be a confusing journey. Measurements like sweep, rise, and control area often come to mind. For the average consumer (a guy who hasn’t been running the same bend or 20 years) Phoenix Handlebars has streamlined the process. How so? 4 different bar heights with all other measurements being the same. Make your selection, bolt on the bars and go for a motorcycle adventure.
Save with Bend Motorcycle Adventures
Listeners of the podcast, we’ve got a great deal for you. For a limited time, Phoenix Handlebars is offering 20% off everything in their store. Get your bike set-up with a good, affordable set of bars now.
To save, use the code BEND20
Episode 031: Pan American Highway
Mar 18, 2019
Pan American Highway
James Barkman & Allen Stoltzfus recall their motorcycle adventures and mountaineering expeditions along the Pan American Highway.
Episode 030: Riding Around the World
Mar 14, 2019
Riding Around the World
Paolo Cattaneo joins the show & discusses riding around the world for the past 4 years.
Paolo taking a break from his RTW ride.
Paolo views our most valuable asset as time. Clearly, he makes the most of his–having been on the road since 2015. Riding his trusty KTM 1190, Paolo has amassed nearly 100,00 miles without any major issues.
Upon returning to Europe, Paolo plans to visit with family for an extended period of time before continuing his RTW motorcycle adventure through Asia.
Episode 029: Mountain View Motorcycle Adventures
Mar 11, 2019
Mountain View Motorcycle Adventures
Mountain View Motorcycle Adventures hosts motorcycle adventures in British Columbia and Baja. Owner, Matt Sutherland joined the podcast to talk with us about some of his upcoming tours.
Episode 028: Jocelin Snow
Mar 01, 2019
Jocelin Snow
Jocelin Snow is making the rest of her life, the best of her life. As a motorcycle adventurer, tour guide, and member of the prestigious BMW International GS Trophy Team, motorcycles are helping her live out dreams.
Jocelin joined us for episode 28 of the Bend Motorcycle Adventures Podcast.
Episode 027: On Her Bike
Feb 26, 2019
On Her Bike
Kinga Tanajewska has been on her bike & riding around the world, since April of 2017.
Episode 026: MotoMinded
Feb 25, 2019
MotoMinded imagines, designs, produces and sells, clever products to off-road and adventure motorcycle riders around the world.
Episode 025: Women’s Motorcycle Adventures
Feb 22, 2019
Women’s Motorcycle Adventures
Women’s motorcycle adventures are the specialty of MotoBird Adventures. Owner, Kerri Dougherty, joined the podcast to discus the trips she offers and how motorcycles have shaped her life
Female Motorcycle Ownership is on the Rise
A recent article from Women Riders Now points to the fact that 18% of motorcycle owners these days are in fact, female. Kerri has situated herself nicely for this emerging market. In fact, MotoBird Adventures offers trips exclusively for women.
PC: MotoBird Adventures
I asked Kerri about the aforementioned. To paraphrase, she believes that women may feel less inclined to ask for help when riding with a male-dominated group. Also, some might feel anxiety about holding the group up or slowing the ride. Either way, Kerri’s adventures are designed to “empower fellow women and grow deeper-rooted relationships…” Perfect.
PC; MotoBird Adventures
Ride with MotoBird Adventures
Ladies, make sure &reach out to Kerri for your next motorcycle adventure. From the California to coast, to the beautiful beaches of Belize. MotoBird Adventures has an all-female motorcycle trip to fit your needs.
Episode 024: Exploring Baja
Feb 18, 2019
Exploring Baja
Exploring Baja is the epitome of motorcycle adventure for some. The history & remote nature of the journey. Amazing food and hospitality. Diverse terrain, surrounded by the sea on both sides–Baja has it all!
We were fortunate to have Keith back on for this episode of the podcast as he recounted a recent, magical ride, through Baja.
When Should you be Exploring Baja?
Despite having the Pacific to the west and the Gulf of California to the east, there is a premium time to explore Baja. As you can imagine, fall through spring is optimal as the southern portion of the continent has a tendency to be dried and more dispersed.
Riding somewhere in Baja.
When Bike Works Best in Baja?
The one you own. As noted above, diverse landscapes, terrain, trails and roads are the norm on the peninsula. Keith opted to take his trusty Yamaha, WR 250 for this particular adventure. The Yamaha is great both on the dirt roads and technical trails. However, any bike appropriately outfitted for off-road motorcycle adventure will do.
Whichever machine you have or choose, make that it is properly prepared for the ride by following these tips.
Episode 023: The Arizona Backcountry Discovery Route
Feb 11, 2019
The Arizona Backcountry Discovery Route
The Arizona Backcountry Discovery Route is a 750-mile motorcycle adventure through the entire state of Nevada. For this episode of the podcast, a veteran of the Arizona BDR, Drew, joins the show & shares some of his knowledge regarding the route.
Plan Accordingly
Timing your ride on both the Arizona & New Mexico BDR is critical. Leaving too early or late in the year could lead to problems on snowy passes. In the summer months, this route could be unbearable due to heat and the monsoon season. In our opinion, late May or early June would be best. Some fantastic fall riding could be an option in October & November also.
Pack & Prepare Accordingly
Depending on where you live, the terrain and ecosystems of Arizona could be totally unfamiliar to you. Make sure to pack thoroughly for your motorcycle adventure. Don’t be afraid to carry extra water, also.
Prepare your bike thoroughly and be ready to tackle loose rock and sandy sections. If you’re running tubes, extras may be necessary. Don’t be afraid to run a few extra pounds of pressure through those rocky sections either!
Ride with Bend Motorcycle Adventures
Ride with Bend Motorcycle Adventures on an Arizona BDR Tour. We host a 5-day tour on this route. Participants are welcome to bring their own bike or choose an all-inclusive option and riding one of our KTM dual sport models.
Episode 022: KTM 790 Adventure R Specs
Feb 07, 2019
KTM 790 Adventure R Specs
The long-awaited, KTM 790 Adventure R specs were released back in November. Fans of the brand were teased with the offering as KTM unveiled a prototype at EICMA, in 2017. Nearly a year later, definitive specs and pricing for the KTM 790 Adventure R were delivered.
KTM 790 Adventure
With the introduction of the KTM 790, the Austrian manufacturer appears to be targeting two distinct buyers. For starters, there are those of us who want to get into adv riding but are concerned about kilos. The decision to graduate from the 240-pound KTM 500–a beloved and versatile machine–to a 400-plus pound twin, carries a lot of weight (no pun intended).
Second, the seasoned adventure motorcyclist. He or she has ridden a plethora of adventure bikes and has now decided that it is time for something different. For some, different comes in the form of simply brand new. However, the KTM is appealing for a number of reasons:
Smaller displacement than current or previous offerings
Lightest-weight KTM Adv Model
Improved suspension travel & ground clearance
Whatever your pain point, KTM is promoting this as a versatile machine for any of your motorcycle adventures. One that can do it all.
KTM 790 Adventure R Specs
On this episode of the podcast, we took the liberty of comparing and contrasting some of most notable KTM 790 specs, against the likes of the 500, 690, 1090 and 1290.
There’s a lot to like about this bike, at least from a technical standpoint. The KTM 790 weight eclipses 400 pounds but is considerably lighter than its larger displacement brethren. A lower center of gravity and a 5-gallon fuel tank should help you comfortably cover a boatload of miles. And what about that service interval range?
Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog, our podcast and YouTube channel to receive the latest updates on the KTM 790! We plan to provide a thorough KTM 790 Adventure review as soon as we take delivery of ours (hopefully in May).
Episode 021: Riding Around the World on a KTM 500
Feb 04, 2019
Riding Around the World on a KTM 500
Aaron Steinmann is an adventure motorcycle rider who is riding around the world on a KTM 500. We caught up with Aaron to learn about where he’s been and what he has learned from his travels.
The Ultimate Motorcycle Adventure
From the outside, riding around the world seems like such an overwhelming adventure. Logistics, language barriers, lonely days on the road; Aaron has seen it all. However, I get the sense that he combats a lot of these obstacles by traveling at a comfortable pace and tackling the journey, day-by-day.
The Ultimate Motorcycle
Unbelievably, Aaron has amassed over 60,000 miles on his KTM 500 while riding around the world! To put that into perspective. his KTM 500 has traveled the circumference of the Earth, roughly 2.5 times. For most of us, it is hard to imagine a motorcycle being reliable and durable enough to cover this many miles. Undoubtedly, this is an amazing testament to man, machine, and of course, routine maintenance.
Episode 020: Two Days on the Idaho BDR
Jan 28, 2019
Two Days on the Idaho BDR
My first two days on the Idaho BDR were amazing. Forest fires may have changed our start plans but could not sour the beautiful, Idaho backdrop.
Middle Fork of the Boise River
The most memorable part of the entire ride came on the second day. I found myself standing on a nameless bridge that stretched across the Middle Fork of the Boise River. Surrounded by mountains & overwhelmed by the sound of the river, I was alone.
Riding the Idaho BDR was more than adventure. It was meant to be an escape from technology, and the everyday grind. Mission accomplished! The remote nature of this ride afforded numerous opportunities to disconnect from technology and reconnect with myself.
To learn more about the Idaho BDR, make sure to check out the ride BDR website. Here, you can get a ton of information about this adventure (including gps tracks). I used this website to scout the route, purchase maps and research every facet of the ride!
Bend Motorcycle Adventures 019: Motorcycle Adventure Guatemala
Jan 24, 2019
Motorcycle Adventure Guatemala
Motorcycle Adventure Guatemala hosts the best rides in Central America. Even Fell, co-owner of Mag Tours joined the podcast to speak with us about their rides.
More than a Motorcycle Adventure
Evan was quick to point out that most of his clients are in Guatemala for more than just a motorcycle adventure. They are there for a vacation. Over the years MAG Tours has done an excellent job of striking a balance between the two for their clients.
On the Next Podcast:
Our friend Keith rejoins the podcast! Keith will be riding through the heart of Mexico for 7 days and will recap his journey with us.
Stay current with the latest episodes by subscribing to our podcast on the following directories:
The process of preparing to ride RTW is both rewarding and arduous. Listen in as our friend Tracy discusses her plans for riding around the world and weighs-in about the topic of solo motorcycle adventure.
Documenting the Journey
When asked how she might document her travels, Tracy wasn’t sure. However, she is adamant about the fact that her adventure should not feel like a job. The sense of obligation to document a journey can bring unnecessary burden or or detract from any adventure. However, Tracy may utilize a blog to share her experience with friends and family. Stay tuned!
On the Next Podcast:
Evan joins the show to discuss his company (Mag Tours) and the motorcycle tours they offer in Guatemala.
Stay current with the latest episodes by subscribing to our podcast on the following directories:
Episode 017: Solo Motorcycle Adventure Through Asia
Jan 17, 2019
Solo Motorcycle Adventure Through Asia
Noraly Schoenmaker joins the podcast to discuss her solo motorcycle adventure through Asia. Noraly started her motorcycle adventure in Dehli and plans to ride through the country of Malaysia.
Follow Along on YouTube
Noraly has done an excellent job of documenting her motor bike adventure on YouTube. Make sure to follow along as she shares her travel experiences on a regular basis.
Don’t forget about the itchy boots blog! More photos and written content from Noraly’s travels can be found here.
On the Next Podcast:
Our friend Tracy is in the planning stages of her own around the world motorcycle adventure. We check in with her to better understand the planning process. As, we look to discover what is driving her to embark on such a monumental adventure.
Stay current with the latest episodes by subscribing to our podcast on the following directories:
Episode 016: Riding the Longest Road in the World
Jan 14, 2019
Longest Road in the World
In 2018, two guys from Colorado came up with a crazy idea–ride the longest road in the world. With only two months to get ready, the duo prepped gear and machines, then rode to the start of their motorcycle adventure in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
Adversity on the Longest Road in the World
Huge mosquitoes in Alaska, sketchy border crossings and a lost passport, the trip had its share of uncomfortable moments. In fact, both Ian and Ian admit that there were times when they wanted to quit. In the end though, perseverance prevailed and both proclaimed they’d do it again!
On the Next Podcast:
We catch up with Noraly who is currently riding her own adventure, albeit solo. Noraly is currently on her own adventure motorcycle ride from Dehli to Malaysia.
Stay current with the latest episodes by subscribing to our podcast on the following directories:
Episode 015: West Hare Scramble Championship
Jan 10, 2019
West Hare Scramble Championship
The West Hare Scramble Championship gets underway on January 19th, 2019. 8 rounds, 5 different states. Some of the largest races in the US! Think you’re ready?
Racing the West Hare Scramble Championship
Jacob pointed out a few mods that you might make to your machine before coming out to one of these off-road motorcycle events.
Oversize gas tank
Bib mousses or heavy-duty tubes
A fresh set of knobbies
Jacob also pointed to the 7th round of the series as one you do not want to miss. For this particular round, the East and West hare scramble series’ converge–a shootout of sorts for hare scramble supremacy.
Personally, we’ve got our eyes on the Wilseyville CA round. The riding here looks amazing! And…we can head south after the race and enjoy the LA Barstow to Vegas ride a few days later–road trip!
In 2019, we hope to see the West Hare Scramble Championship return to Oregon. It has been a number of years since the series has paid a visit to the Beaver State. Perhaps we’ll see a round held near Medford on the calendar next season.
On the Next Podcast:
We catch up with two guys who traveled the longest road in the world, on their motorcycles. Perhaps the funniest guests we’ve had to date. We are looking forward to sharing this episode with everyone. Don’t miss it!
Stay current with the latest episodes by subscribing to our podcast on the following directories:
Episode 014: Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association
Jan 09, 2019
Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association
The 2019 Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association season is going to get underway in March. Justin Lewis, marketing director for the OMRA, stops by to discuss both series and some of the legislative work they’ve been involved with.
Racing with the Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association
The OMRA sanctions 2 different off-road motorcycle racing series (XC & GP). The Gran Prix series consists of 8 different rounds. Races are traditionally 1 to 1.5 hours in length. Terrain will vary, though racers can expect a mix of off-road riding and natural-terrain motocross.
The cross country series has 8 different rounds hosted by Oregon motorcycle clubs. These Oregon motorcycle events range from typical, head-to-head racing, to the always fun, ISDE format. Races in the XC series run 2-2.5 hours, depending on class. However, the ISDE events usually run longer.
For more information regarding racing, classes and registration, visit the OMRA website.
Our Tips for Racing in the OMRA
Sign-up early
Use an oversize gas tank
Run ultra heavy-duty tubes or bib mousses
Signing-up early comes with an added benefit this year. Series members get advance notification for China Hat ISDE online registration. China Hat is an always-popular event that can sell out fast. Wouldn’t you like to know when sign-up opens (ahead of time)?
Seconds matter. An oversize gas tank is not required and not necessary for most events. Regardless, an oversize tank could keep you from having to stop for gas. Races are always decided by seconds–this could be the difference between 1st and 2nd!
Finally, there is nothing worse than getting a flat in the middle of the race. Do yourself a favor by running bibs or ultra heavy-duty tubes.
On the Next Podcast:
We sit down with our friends from the AMA West Hare Scrambles to discuss the 2019 series, venues, and tips for first time attendees.
You can stay current with our podcast by subscribing on one of these directories:
Much like the Southern California rains, Anaheim 1 quickly came and went. Did the AMA Supercross opener live up to the hype? We believe so. A solid downpour prior to the main events made for some interesting racing.
Anaheim 1 Main Events
Colt Nichols moved into the lead early during the 250 main and rode uncontested, to his first ever victory. Further back in the pack, Adam Cianciarulo & RJ Hampshire waged a short war–Adam ended up on the ground & would ultimately finish in the 5th. At the end of the Anaheim 1 main, the 250 results looked like this.
Colt Nichols
Dylan Ferrandis
Shane McElrath
RJ Hampshire
Adam Cianciarulo
In the 450 class, Justin Barcia claimed his first 450 supercross win since 2013. It didn’t come easy though, as Dean Wilson and Malcolm Stewart ran away during the early laps.
As the race wore on, the leaders made too many mistakes–allowing the likes of Bam Bam, Ken Roczen and Eli Tomac to lay claim to the podium positions. When the checkers flew, the top 5 looked like this:
Justin Barcia
Ken Roczen
Eli Tomac
Dean Wilson
Cooper Webb
It should go noted that Cooper Webb went down in the first turn, yet rallied to finish 5th in the sloppy conditions. Coop was fast in practice and had a good heat race too. Will the switch to KTM be enough to put him into title contention this year?
We’re looking forward to Glendale to see if surprise results continue to be a trend or if the series favorites put their stamp on the series.
On the Next Podcast:
Next time, we’ll cover round 2 of the AMA supercross series which will be held in Glendale, AZ, on January 12th.
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The National Hare and Hound series has long offered some of the best off-road motorcycle racing on the west coast. After interviewing series director, Jacob Michna, we quickly learned that 2019 would be no exception.
National Hare and Hound Info
Participants can expect “True American Off-Road” racing along with diverse venues and terrain. Typical courses consist of 1-3 long loops and the race ultimately ends up being between 80-100 miles. Love to ride single track? Each round has plenty of that, according to Jacob. In fact, many of the races contain fresh-cut trails and re-opened tracks.
Jacob also took some time to talk about bike set-up and recommended the following:
We were stoked when Jenna volunteered to come on the show & tell us all about a couple of her moto adventures. Over the past couple of years she has ridden her Tiger through the back country & visited both Yosemite and Glacier National Park (to name a few).
Jen mentioned that in the future she would love to visit Iceland and do some adv riding on the island. We couldn’t agree more with her pick. Iceland is also on our short list of places to ride in the near future. In fact, keep an eye out for an upcoming podcast where we discuss riding in Iceland with the premiere touring company in the area, Ride with Locals.
Never too Late for Moto Adventures
Jenna started riding in 2013 and is living proof that it is never too late to learn the sport and take off on an adventure. Since discovering the sport, Jenna has ridden moto adventures that exceed 6000 and 7000 miles–talk about some long rides! Again, if you’re kicking-around the idea of learning to ride or embarking on a big adventure, there is not time like the present.
Like a lot of us, she has learned from subsequent rides & now travels much lighter than before. We enjoyed comparing and contrasting what we pack for motorcycle adventures today versus some of the things we carried on earlier rides.
We catch up with Justin from the OMRA to discuss the 2018 racing season and what’s on tap for 2019. Also, Justin dives into some of the legislative issues that the Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association is supporting.
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Blake joined us for episode 11 of the Bend Motorcycle Adventures Podcast on behalf of Lone Rider. Listen to hear about the inner-workings of the company and the great lengths they go to in order to test every product before releasing to motorcycle adventure enthusiasts.
The newest offering from Lone Rider is their ADVTent. This is truly a tent designed by riders for riders. Plenty of pockets and a dedicated space for gear storage will have all of your belongings tucked away. ADVtent is roomy enough for two motorcycle adventurers and will stow easily within your luggage or saddlebags. The included rain fly helps to keep you dry in wet conditions but quickly removes for warmer climates and stargazing. An SOS rescue footprint and “graphical map designs” on the exterior of the tent add a clever touch.
Currently, pre-orders are being taken at an unheard of, 20% discount. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to snag this tent with a steep discount!
Lone Rider offers an amazing collection of adventure motorcycle tents and motorcycle adventure bags. PC: Blake Draguesku
We’ve often covered the topic of tents through both blog posts and podcasts. Lone Rider is truly one of the only companies on the market designing, testing and developing tents for the adv rider.
In the coming months, Bend Motorcycle Adventures will provide a thorough review of this tent along with a follow-up podcast–stay tuned!
On the Next Podcast:
We talk with our friend Jenna about some of her most recent motorcycle adventures on the west coast. Jenna recently rode her Triumph Tiger through Yosemite, Yellowstone and Glacier National Park! As always, look for two podcasts per week from us.
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Professional videographer and owner of SkyPixel Media, Blake Scott, drops by the podcast to discuss his business and passion for shooting video.
Tips from a Professional Videographer
Considering taking your drone on the next adventure to capture some footage? Blake uses a protective case to ensure that he does not inadvertently damage the drone. Drones are also sensitive to dust and possible impacts during a ride. When Blake is carrying a drone to capture footage, he routinely rides in the front (out of the dust) and views the ride as more of a shoot–less of an adventure. Point being, be mindful of how you are riding and where you are riding when bringing the drone along.
For photography, Blake looks to telephoto lenses for capturing epic shots of the ride and introducing blur to the backgrounds.
Adam from Dmada Creative stops by the show & talks about his business and some of his experiences being a small business owner.
Made in the USA
Adam is proud to have handmade every single Trail Essentials Pouch. Furthermore, all of the materials for these pouches are sourced inside of the USA.
Speaking from experience, the Trail Essentials Pouches are “essential” for motorcycle adventure rides. We use 3-4 on every ride as they are a great means for stowing and organizing your belongings. For instance, when riding through Idaho we used one pouch to store electronics and charging cables. Another pouch was dedicated to tire changing equipment and another house some items in case of the chain breaking. These pouches can hold anything and will last a lifetime.
On the Next Podcast:
We’ll talk to our friend Blake who is has turned his passions for videography & motorcycles into a business and lifestyle most of us can only dream of!
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Episode 008: Veterans Back 40 Adventure
Dec 21, 2018
Veterans Back 40 Adventure
Chet from Veterans Back 40 Adventure stopped by the podcast to discuss how VB40ADV is deploying “dirt therapy” to relieve the daily stresses our veterans encounter. Veterans Back 40 Adventure is a non-profit org that sends veterans on motorcycle adventures at no cost.
Take Action or Donate
Being a non-profit, VB40ADV is fully-funded through generous sponsorship and donations. At the least, help spread the word about Veterans Back 40 Adventure by sharing their web page and social media accounts.
Tune in next time when we speak with Adam Dick from Dmada Creative. Adam makes the amazing Trail Essentials Pouches that you can find in our store. Hear about his journey, how he makes his products and what inspired him to create such a rad product that we use on our motorcycle adventures.
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Episode 007: The Motorcycle Adventurer
Dec 17, 2018
Motorcycle Adventurer
Motorcycle adventurer Keith stops by the podcast to share his experiences riding the Utah and Colorado Backcountry Discovery Routes.
Keith’s tips for a motorcycle adventurer
Having spent more than his fair share of time on motorcycle adventures, Keith had a few tips for listeners. First, Keith recommends that each adventurer start the day with nearly a gallon of water. Long & hot days on Utah Backcountry Discovery Route and the Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route will have you consuming more than you’re accustomed to.
Second, Keith emphasizes not waiting around for the “perfect time” to adventure. Plan the ride, travel during the appropriate season and go–get out the front door!
The 35th annual LAB2V (LA Barstow to Vegas) ride was held this past November in Southern California. Garrett Ortiz from ADVLITE joined the podcast this week to talk about his experience on the ride.
Want to ride LAB2V in 2019? Garrett dropped some advice for us on the episode–ride some deep sand! Deep and long sand washes are quite common on the route. If you haven’t had the opportunity to ride sand, now would be the time to get in a little bit of practice or instruction from Bend Motorcycle Adventures.
EPISODE 005: What to Bring on a Motorcycle Adventure
Dec 10, 2018
What to Bring on a Motorcycle Adventure
This week’s episode is a continuation from last week & solely focused on what to bring on a motorcycle adventure. Remember, last week we discussed the importance of having the following items on your motorcycle adventure packing list:
First-Aid Kit
Backcountry Discovery Route Colorado
Gear for Motorcycle Adventure
Make sure to give careful consideration to the gear your bring on motorcycle adventures. Lightweight, flashy gear is always appealing. However, will it stand up to a motorcycle adventure? Always assess variables such as the ride, elements, climate, and elevation prior to settling on your gear.
EPISODE 004: Packing for Motorcycle Adventure
Dec 07, 2018
Packing for Motorcycle Adventure
Packing for motorcycle adventures and what you bring will obviously be determined by the length of your adventure, regional climate, season, personal preferences, etc. For example, what you wear or pack for the Nevada Backcountry Discovery Route in fall, will differ from what you might wear in the summer.
Regardless, some things you just shouldn’t go without. We discuss 9 of our must-have items over the next two podcasts.
Keeping it Light
When packing for motorcycle adventure, great consideration must always be given to the weight of your gear. An overabundance of heavy gear or luxury items could make evenings in camp more enjoyable. However, there will be a trade-off in terms of the unsprung weight your bike is forced to carry. Unnecessary weight will compromise your machine’s handling & might make for an uncomfortable ride. Look to strike a balance between comfort & the performance of your bike by sourcing lightweight options like this tent, which we discuss during the podcast.
On the Next Podcast
Next time on the podcast, we outline the remainder of the essential items that should be on every adventurers list.
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EPISODE 003: Adventure Ride Bike Prep
Dec 06, 2018
Adventure Ride Bike Prep
Your motorcycle adventures are destined for doom without a thorough and repeatable process for adventure ride bike prep. Listen in as Jon outlines his 10-step, bulletproof process for preparing a motorcycle.
Routine Maintenance
Whether taking a motorcycle adventure in Washington or riding the continental divide, make these (below) adventure ride bike prep steps a part of your routine maintenance program. That way, you’ll always be ready for the next adventure.
Greasing Pivot Points
Inspection of Electrical Components & Wiring
On the Next Podcast
Next time on the podcast, we outline essential items that should be on every adventurers list.
Stay current with the latest episodes by subscribing to our podcast on the following directories:
Planning a motorcycle adventure like the Continental Divide Ride is a ton of work. For starters, what are some of the things you’ll need to have in order to even begin to think about the planning process? This episode of the podcast can help get your motorcycle adventures underway!
We always start adventure motorcycle trip planning by assessing our budget. Do you have $500 for this ride or $5000 for this ride?
It makes a big difference.
One tip for saving on the ride is to go with friends. Your riding buddies can help cut the cost of lodging in half, immediately.
Not having any luck finding riding partners? Forums like adventure rider or Facebook groups are a great place to partner up with another rider or group.
Consider camping when planning a motorcycle adventure also. Obviously, this will be cheaper than using hotels if you already have all of the gear.
We launch out of the gate with an intro to motorcycle adventure and discuss the current market. What could be more rewarding than motorcycle adventure? Whether it be a single day or hundreds of miles over the course of multiple days.
New to the motorcycle adventure space? Perfect! Listen and learn about the following motorcycle adventure topics:
Differences between off-road, dual sport and adventure motorcycles
We close the episode by pitching an open invitation to all businesses (big or small) in the motorcycle industry who would like to come on our podcast and promote their products or services.