You have often heard me say that as the CEO of your own business, you should train with the same commitment and determination as an athlete. However, in this episode of the InFlow Podcast, I would like to reflect on the Art of Taking a Pause.
In my experience, we full our days with three things: planning, practice, and play.
It’s easy to get trapped in the planning phase. We spend a lot of energy thinking and sometimes overthinking what needs to be done.
We then start to implement, and this action taking is vital to success. However, action requires a lot of focus and energy, which can leave you feeling exhausted.
Finally, but critically, we need time to play. During this time, you get to replenish your inner resources and nurture your soul.
Over the past 14 months, we have experienced explosive growth in our land investing and educational businesses. While this has been a genuinely exhilarating journey, it has also required a lot of energy, focus, and constant planning and practice on my part.
I, therefore, decided to listen to my body, mind, and spirit and gave myself the gift of time to pause. While it was a little unconventional and not precisely what I had planned, I am so pleased that I did.
For four wonderful days, I invested in nurturing myself with the time and space needed to find my center. While I decided to stay at home rather than travel to a retreat, I created the environment that I needed to give myself time to play, breathe and reflect.
This pause has given me the inner fuel that I needed to regain my vision and hit the reset button.
I am now ready to launch into the second half of 2021 with the clarity of purpose, motivation, and passion that I need to pursue my goals.
In this episode:
- The importance of play in your professional development
- How to create a retreat experience without changing your environment
- The benefits of taking a pause
Sometimes, when you take the time to stop and reassess your current situation, you realize that your reset will take you in a completely different direction, personally, professionally, or in your financial affairs.
If you are looking for an alternative that offers both lifestyle and financial freedom, land investing might be the vehicle that you have been seeking.
Join the Land Profit Generator team on June 25th – 27th for a 3-Day Virtual Land Flipping Bootcamp. We will be teaching all of the methods and strategies to build a 6 or 7-figure dollar real estate empire while also providing the space and time to pursue our lives.
Book your ticket at