Here is my list of small kindnesses to add to the world when and wherever you can:
Make people feel seen
Offer help. Reach in a grocery store, put someone's cart away
Pick up some trash, it's everywhere. Keep your eyes open.
Smile at someone (I realize this one seems difficult because we are masked a lot in public and you cannot see people's mouths, but try while you are driving, or walking on the sidewalk, or at a public park)
If you can/cannot smile at people, be sure to also try to make eye contact. Especially while conversing. Your checker, cart return, delivery driver, fast food clerk, gym desk attendee, older neighbor, everyone can see you seeing them, and in a time when human interaction is just plain weird, make sure to SEE people.
Promote peace. at home, at work, at play
Listen to people. Be an active listener. Look it up, refresh your memory, and then practice listening
Give a genuine compliment
Make small talk with people. It's trite sometimes, but try and make that connection kind and genuine.
Help someone you love. Just a little or a little extra.
Encourage someone. kindly offer feedback in an encouraging way.
Let someone merge. For goodness sake try to be a generous driver.
Pay for someone else. Even if it's leaving your change for the next person
Volunteer your precious time.
Say "I love you" to people. I mean it. Say it.
Hold the door for someone.
Offer to help. just offer.
Withhold judgement. withhold speaking for someone else.
Send a kind email, card, or text.
Watch out for the lonely hearts of the world. People who look down and out, or are perpetually on their own. Make sure you recognize the people on their own who may need a lift.