One topic, Across the Ages. Each episode delves into the history of a chosen subject, spanning from way back when, all the way up to some time ago.
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One topic, Across the Ages. Each episode delves into the history of a chosen subject, spanning from way back when, all the way up to some time ago.
Copyright: © Natalie Sabin
Which ancient civilisation used crocodile poo as a facial whitener? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
Where to find me:
Cosmetic spoon:
Beauty and cosmetics 1550-1590 - Sarah Jane Downing
The History of Lipstick Regulation in Western Seats of Power - Sarah Schaffer
Cosmetic Materials and Paraphernalia in Ancient Iraq - Prof. Dr. Nasser Mekawi
Cosmetics in the Greco-Roman World - Ava Clarke
Sextus Propertius -
Woad -
Which ancient culture depicted a whole lot of anal sex in its pottery? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
Where to find me:
Hold that pose link (as promised):
Who monetised the butt queef? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
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Which historical sport do we get the word Freelancer from? Find out in the episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which famous 19th century novelist was fully on board with faeries? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
Vikram's wonderful Podcast:
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Who was the worlds first known female serial killer? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages. Planthropology Podcast episode I guested on to talk about the History of Gardens: I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which ancient culture sliced off your tattoo if you hadn't earned it? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages. I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
For hundreds of years which pacific nation have been using stones bigger than humans as currency? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which empire was the first to wang diseased corpses into sieged cities? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which famous tomb had a space dagger? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Artwork photograph - Queen Puabi's headdress, beaded cap, and jewelry. Courtesy of University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, PA, (c) 2015 Bruce White
Which Ancient culture loved butt chugging? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages. I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which gopping medieval job left people walking about covered in 'oles? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
What weapon did Edwardian women use to fight off street harassers? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which princess challenged potential suitors to a wrestling match, and bested every single one? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Who fought 30 battles against the Chinese before her 21st birthday? Find out in this Episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
What the hell does a chainsaw have to do with childbirth? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which ancient philosopher recommended drinking a cocktail of goose semen mixed with water during labour? Find out in the episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
What token of love did the Elizabethans stick in their armpit before handing it over to the object of their desire? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
*This one is not for the faint hearted.* How could milk and honey be used as an execution method? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
Which Pirate Queen took on the might of Ancient Rome? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
What did merchants of Pompeii collect from mount Vesuvius to sell in their food shops? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
What ancient culture wore penis protectors as decoration, and to show off social rank? Find out in this episode of Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.
How long by law could a princes shoes be in 14th Century England? Hear the answer and loads more on the first episode of my brand new podcast Across the Ages.
I’ve set up a Ko-fi account and here's the link: Each episode takes about 12 hours to create and I do everything myself, so if you enjoy Across the Ages, then feel free to support me by buying me a coffee.