How You Know You Need To Update Your Life's Blueprint.
Today we’re going to dive into what a coaching call with me looks like with one of our VIP team members, Alexis Iglesias. You’re going to learn so much from HER call, you’re going to want one of your own! At first, on the surface, it looked like Alexis needed help with time management and finding a schedule that works for her, but after some digging, we discovered it stems from some unrealistic expectations she put on herself from an outdated blueprint. What's a blueprint you might be wondering?
It's the rough plan or vision you have set for yourself. Sometimes it stays with us for years despite changes we go through in life. (Married at 24, kid at 25, making $100k by age 30, buy a house, etc) Then, when our lives don't match this blueprint, we get frustrated thinking about where we SHOULD be. But our expectations of ourselves are based on this outdated blueprint we created when we were maybe 16 or 21. There's nothing wrong with us, we simply need some updating to being fulfilled with where we are. When our blueprints are aligned with reality, we are fulfilled. Do YOU need to update your blueprint? We'd love to hear what insights you have, email us at team@trainlikeagymnast.com.
Learn A Backflip In A Day Workshop:
Interested in our November 10th LIVE gymnastics workshop in Playa Vista, California? Get all the details here!
We'd flip for joy if we had the pleasure of meeting you next month!
2020 Hawaiian Fitness Retreat:
Interested in joining us for our retreat in HAWAII in February!? Treat yo'self and daydream here!
Snag Your Must-Have Athlete Success Kit By Leaving Us A Review!
If you’ve loved everything in this episode or have any takeaways, be sure to leave a review. As a thank you, I’d like to send you our Athlete Success Kit. I’ve included everything in this guide that helps me stay successful and productive personally and professionally. If you want your copy, just leave us a review and send us a screenshot to team@trainlikeagymnast.com and we’ll shoot it over to you!
What's in it? Everything you need:
- Impactful Sports & Fitness Films
- Books That Have Changed My Life
- Tools for Time Management, Gratitude, And Recovery
- Tips For Stress Reduction & Management
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Danielle helps athletes regain confidence in their identities so they can show up as their best self in all areas. She helps unlock their full potential through gymnastics-based conditioning, mental repatterining, and emotional discovery. See if you have what it takes to Train Like A Gymnast. Support our podcast so we can continue to deliver the best free content possible here: https://anchor.fm/trainlikeagymnast
Intro/Outtro Music: Creative Minds from Bensound