Special:The band live on the moon - Kwoon Band Interview|Offside Fest#8
Dec 03, 2024
📌 Introduction
As the first band on the first night of 2nd Offside Music Festival, Kwoon's stunning sound and unparalleled live performance are beyond words: Over the years, their creations are always challenging the limits: from the majestic volcano, the peaceful ocean, to the top of a 3,900-meter snow mountain, and even sending guitars into space; it can be said that they can do anything. In this Episode, let them take our ears to travel between the stars.
Special:Natural musical dialogue from Norway - Spurv Band Interview|Offside Fest#7
Nov 25, 2024
📌 Introduction
When Spurv took the stage on the second day of 2nd Offside Music Festival, they immediately fired up the whole crowd! As a band from the northernmost region of the planet, their music is delicate and soft without losing its natural wildness. This is also their first time to perform in China, so let me listen to their experience before the "game"!
Special:Enjoy eternal music bliss from UK to CN - yndi halda Band Interview|Offside Fest#6
Nov 19, 2024
📌 Introduction
As the closing band in the first day of the 2nd Offside Music Festival, yndi halda's performance is indisputable.
This is their first performance in five years, and also their return to China after eight years.
Then let's listen to how this precious eternal music blessing from the UK was obtained!
作为第二届 Offside 音乐节第一天的压轴乐队,yndi halda 的表现无可争议。 这是五年来他们的第一次演出,同样也是八年后再次来到中国的首演。 那我们就一起来听一下这一份来自英国珍贵的永恒音乐祝福是如何得来的吧!
Special:Sharing the same musical vibration at 30° North Latitude - dunk! Interview|Offside Fest#5
Nov 12, 2024
📌 Introduction
In July this year, a letter from dunk! to Offside Festival on social media ignited the Chinese instrumental rock community. As the largest and oldest instrumental/post-rock music festival in Europe, dunk! festival has become an annual event and pilgrimage site for post-rock fans since its development in 2005. Almost all the big bands you know have performed here. In this Episode, we are honored to invite its manager Federico to talk about the story behind dunk! and how this precious sound gift came to China across 9,000 kilometers.
“I wanted to be in a band that was really singular and didn’t sound like anything else, If we find ourselves doing something that seems too familiar or too easy, our tendency is to push it in a different direction to see if we can make something else happen”——Doug McCombs
第45期:如果你在意榜单排名,那你就永远找不到小糖人(嘉宾:烟头 & 张伸)
Jun 14, 2024
📌 本期内容
今年五月,苹果以十天倒数盘点的形式公布了 Apple Music 的百大最佳专辑榜单;每到年底,各大网站和平台也都会推出他们一年中最喜欢的专辑和单曲。 但是和我们的期待相反,往往这些榜单会呈现出毁誉参半的“翻车”态势。 那排行榜究竟有没有参考价值和意义呢?我们究竟应该怎样看待榜单和评分这件事呢? 本期,我们就和两位嘉宾系统性地深究一下排行榜这件事。
第43期:在绯红之王的神秘宫殿里(嘉宾:烟头 & 老韩)|NWW List 专题#4
Apr 23, 2024
📌 本期内容
“If we expect another peak experience, we deny ourselves the opportunity. Once we cast decide all our demands and expectations, return to that point of silence within ourselves within ourseIves, something becomes available. The direct experience of engaging with music with silence, with the real the authentic. The true is readily available if we can get ourselves out of the picture, seeing things as a child, and engage with king crimson and that experience is available. So once we have had that experience, what do we do to enter that open innocent and silent space, where all becomes possible once again. And then there it is.”—— Robert Fripp
“要是你写了首烂歌,给它配个演讲录音会听起来厉害点”这虽是句玩笑话,却也揭露了部分事实:一首器乐摇滚放到一半突然冒出来一段演说录音,听起来就会不知为何像要揭示某种真相哲理似的;就算做不到让人肃然起敬,至少也能多吸引些听众的注意。可是,贴段录音谁都会,真正能做好的乐队又能有几个?本期由 B 哥向大家推荐 Public Service Broadcasting 这个乐队,他们痴迷于运用演说录音来制作概念专辑和现场演出:伦敦大轰炸、攀登珠穆朗玛峰、阿波罗登月都是他们的创作源泉。
⏳ 时间轴
00:03:50 听众反馈 00:06:03 演出回顾 00:18:40 主题讨论 00:57:56 特别环节 01:00:56 专辑推荐 01:05:56 演出推荐 01:08:36 尾声(Jambinai - In the woods)
后摇在今天的中国地下演出现场依然保持着火热的生命力:每逢大牌乐队到来,Live House 总会堵得水泄不通。但同时,它作为一种音乐风格似乎正在许多乐迷和乐手的心中老去:有人批评它老套、僵化。可当打开维基百科,却又能看到类似“颠覆改写”、“打破传统”等字眼……这之间的矛盾该如何理解?本期节目我们一起来尝试理一理后摇的进化史。