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Carpool Chuckle Contest – Daily Jokes for Kids

Designed by kids, made by adults and full of daily kid friendly one-liner dad jokes. Did you know laughter not only boosts mental engagement but also enhances a child’s cognitive abilities? Yay for dad jokes! Signup to our newsletter for awesome daily coloring pages too! https://theticklepickle.com

Mums, Work and Chaos

Welcome to Mums Work and Chaos, the podcast that dives into the unfiltered, often hilarious world of modern motherhood. Hosted by Louise, this is your weekly dose of real talk on everything from fashion, medical advocacy, and neurodiversity to navigating family dynamics and encouraging kids’ self-expression. With candid conversations featuring mum influencers, business owners, and experts, Mums Work and Chaos is the place to find support, share laughs, and feel part of a community that gets it. Whether you’re juggling work, family, or just trying to find a moment for yourself, this podcast is

Myla & Madz with…. Dad

Come hang out with Myla & Madz with…. dad, while they discuss all kinds of current topics, trends, and family stuff.

Parent Busters

Welcome to Parent Busters: A fun and FUNNY podcast where parents and kids can learn about interesting and sometimes weird topics together (and laugh together!). We’re also busting some funny and weird sayings, superstitions & wives’ tales our parents told us. Great if you’re looking for a podcast for kids and parents for family listening, homeschool podcasts, or podcasts for teachers to learn with kids! Be sure to grab our FREE Buster Deduction Sheets BEFORE listening to the episodes or just head over for more learning after listening on ParentBusters.com.

Valentina Zoe

Es un programa de entretenimiento saludable familiar. Descubre declamaciones poéticas, relatos de cuentos infantiles y consejos educativos. Disfruta aprendiendo y creando recuerdos inolvidables en familia 👪
Cada episodio es una experiencia única que despierta la imaginación y siembra valores positivos. Únete a nuestro podcast mágico donde los cuentos infantiles cobran vida, la poesía enamora y los consejos educativos inspiran.

Soy Valentina Zoe y me alegra que dediques tiempo para compartir en familia. En mis podcasts encontrarás cautivadoras declamaciones poéticas, relatos infantiles llenos de fantasía, consejos educativos y tutoriales digitales de nuevas tecnologías. Permíteme cautivarte con una propuesta enriquecedora que fusiona diversión y aprendizaje de forma saludable para todos los integrantes de la familia. Aprenderás valores y experiencias positivas centradas en el desarrollo de inteligencias múltiples.

▶️ YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@ValentinaZoeTv
👥 FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/valentinazoetv
📸 INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/valentinazoera
🐦 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/valentinazoera
🎵 TIKTOK: https://tiktok.com/@valentinazoera
💬 TELEGRAM: https://telegram.com/valentinazoe
☘️ LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/valentinazoe

🎙️ SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/6jn85oTrwxxu0KeG8hs7Rz
🎙️ APPLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.apple.com/sv/podcast/valentina-zoe/id1529670404
🎙️ GOOGLE PODCASTS: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL3Jzcy5jYXN0Ym94LmZtL2V2ZXJlc3QvZTEzMjUwOTA3YTRiNDk2ZmI5YTZkNjcwNzM0YmJkYjMueG1
🎙️ AMAZON MUSIC: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/1fbf7225-e4fe-479f-91ef-048fc97d02d3/Valentina-Zoe
🎙️ iVOOX: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-valentina-zoe_sq_f11030490_1.html
🎙️ TUNEIN: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Kids–Family-Podcasts/Valentina-Zoe-p1361943
☘️ LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/PodcastValentinaZoe

✅ La producción de mi podcast tiene como objetivo crear contenido de valor educativo infantil para promover valores positivos en los niños y el entretenimiento saludable de las familias.
El podcast es Supervisado por Profesionales y Adultos Responsables.

🚀 SUSCRÍBETE AHORA: ▶️ https://bit.ly/valentinazoetv 🥇

🌻 Valentina Zoe
🌐 https://valentinazoe.com
🌐 https://valentinazoetv.com
⭐ https://valentinazoetv.com/link-me
®️ #ValentinaZoeTv #ValentinaZoe #ValentinaZoePodcast #ValentinaZoeShorts #LaMochilaMagica #LaMochilaPoetica #ElRicondeLosCuentosMagicos #PoesiaPoetica #AulaGeek #ElReinodeElPrincipito #LaPandemiadelKovy-19

A Contagious Smile Podcast

A Contagious Smile. Is a platform that assists both special needs families and survivors of domestic violence. We shine the spotlight on amazing individuals who have battled through hell, conquered it, and now want to share their stories so that you too can find your inner light again just like they did. We also interview guests who can provide our listeners with information and resources that can also help. Let us help you find and bring back that inner light. Every smile tells a story. Share yours!

Personalities, Parenting and Partners

Our relationships are fuel for the soul. They keep us laughing, loving and crying. Relationships can be triggers. They can hurt. They also heal. Author Kate Mason has spent her career in relationships. Of course she has. Now she hosts her own podcast. In Personalities, Parenting and Partners, Kate shares her insight, intelligence and instructions on why relationships work… and why some don’t. She also looks at how our personalities impact our relationships – whether they be with partners or as parents. Personalities, Parenting and Partners is a podcast that allows you to listen, learn and laugh about life and love.

Once Upon a Time [OUT]

Bedtime Stories for Kids.

Petbuzz Podcast

Welcome to the Petbuzz Podcast, the pet podcast for everyone! This show is for pet lovers of all kinds, from animal experts to everyday pet owners. On this podcast, we’ll chat about all things pets, from the latest pet news to tips on how to best care for your furry friend. We’ll also hear from pet experts and everyday pet owners who will share their stories and advice about living with and loving pets. So whether you’re a dog person, a cat person, or just love all kinds of animals, the Petbuzz Podcast is the show for you! Learn More:https://petbuzzshop.com

Truth Moms

What if fear of the truth didn’t hold us back? Instead of having to do the research yourself, we’ve done it for you.
Tune in each week as Real Moms drop some truth bombs. Answers start now.