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Awesome Muscles Seminar – Daniel Gastelu

Welcome to the Bodybuilding.com Awesome Muscles Online Podcast Seminar Series, where you learn about the best training and nutrition scientific breakthroughs, and approaches, directly from your favorite fitness expert, Dan Gastelu.

FIT DAD FAT DAD podcast – Joe Wicks: Fitness and Health Coach, Dad, Online Entrepreneur, and Blogger

Joe Wicks from joewicks.com shares his journey of fitness and health. All dads know how important fitness and health are supposed to be, but it always gets put on the back burner. The Fit Dad Fat Dad Podcast is the real life example of how dads can easily lead a fit and health lifestyle. Learn to conquer fear, shame, hopelessness, and doubt about getting healthy and in-shape. Dads are busy people but Joe teaches the strategies that work for a fast paced life. He will take you through the simple, practical, and realistic ways to get fit and healthy. Listen and learn the steps to incorporate exercise and proper nutrition into your everyday life. Joe uses his own life story of childhood obesity, yo-yo diets, and failed attempts at working out with humor and down to earth advice. Kids can keep you on your toes so it’s important to learn how to lead your family into daily health and wellness.

Podcast – 100% Population Health – Adam Lake

A podcast about everything. If its population health related.


La più importante risorsa italiana disponibile gratuitamente sulla rete relativa ad alimentazione, integrazione e allenamento.. Impara segreti, strategie e piccoli accorgimenti indispensabili per ottimizzare i tuoi risultati in termini di crescita muscolare e definizione.

Gli argomenti trattati all’interno dei vari video-articoli e file audio risultano essere un validissimo strumento per tutti coloro, UOMINI e DONNE, intenzionati a non perdere tempo attraverso mille sperimentazioni e a massimizzare da subito i propri risultati.

L’autore, Enrico Dell’olio, vi guiderà attraverso i suoi video-articoli nel mondo della Cultura Fisica ( Body Building ) con un occhio di riguardo alle tecniche H.I.T. ( High Intensity Training ).

The Optimal Human Health Podcast – Ideal Collaborative

Welcome to the local podcast for Ideal Collaborative Health and Fitness. Where collaboration is the key to optimizing your genetic potential.

Getting Real with Réal

Everybody Knows your Glory but do they know your story. We get Raw, Vulnerable & Real to empower you with the truth

Stretch Therapy

For Every Body

The CRO Journal – Keil Cronauer

Join Keil Cronauer in this Podcast all about THINKING : TRAINING : EATING

We will dive further than any other show in how to balance life with TRAINING SMARTER and THINKING STRONGER…

Sage Rountree

JPS Health and Fitness – JPS Health and Fitness

Host & JPS Health & Fitness head trainer Jacob Schepis connects you with the best minds in the business including Brad Loomis, Ian McCarthy & Layne Norton to educate you on what you need to know when it comes to evidence-based training and nutrition.