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For Podcasters

We offer a wide variety of podcast business solutions for podcasters and future hosts that are
thinking of starting a podcast.


Podcast Representation: Business Manager / Agent

If your podcast has over 20,000 downloads per episode, we can take the burden off of you in managing your advertising, and help align you with the right networks. Inquire on how we can help you. We currently act as the business manager for one of the top true crime podcasts, Cult Liter by Spencer Henry.


Podcast Development Services

Our simple, low-up-front cost podcast development services provide A to Z solutions for launching your podcast. From selecting the equipment, designing your podcast art, professionally editing your audio files, creating your RSS feed, utilizing show notes, determining which hosting services to use, to implementing advanced merchandise and VIP membership tactics, let Top Podcast handle all the heavy lifting. You also become featured within the TopPodcast network, helping market and amplify your show at inception.


Podcast Website Solutions

Unlike WIX or GoDaddy, we provide custom podcast websites that are flexible, search friendly, and can help you monetize merchandise faster. Inquire on how we can build you a state-of-the-art TopPodcast website.


Podcast Consultation

Set up a 1-hour consultation with the founder of TopPodcast, Kurt Laufer, who will provide an overview on what you need to know before you start a podcast. He also conducts 1-hour lunch-and-learns, a comprehensive industry overview for brands and agencies. The fee for this 1-hour consultation is only $150.


Podcast Equipment

Our Podcast Equipment Center provides you a single-source hub for discovering the best equipment at the right price. Don’t be fooled by all the expensive recommendations you may read about. We will make sure you are pointed in the right direction and can make economical decisions that makes sense for you.


Podcast Marketing & PR Services

Inquire on how TopPodast can help market and promote your podcast. We can implement a digital strategy to promote your show as well as feature you within the TopPodcast network.


Book at 1 hour consultation, on any topic, with Kurt today for only $250.. From Podcast Marketing to Podcast Development, Kurt can provide his expertise as one of the premiere subject matter insiders in the industry.

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