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Podcast Conférences Publiques

l’Institut français de la mode s’ouvre à un large public avec un cycle de conférences visant à mieux connaître et déchiffrer la mode et plus largement les industries de la création. Ce « cycle de conférences de l’IFM » s'adresse aux personnes individuelles et non aux entreprises. Le programme traite tant des aspects historiques, économiques, professionnels, sociaux et esthétiques de la mode, en donnant la parole aux meilleurs spécialistes et aux témoins des grandes transformations des métiers de la création. Read More
l’Institut français de la mode s’ouvre à un large public avec un cycle de Read More

MILT275 – The Resilient Warrior – Liberty University Online

This course will examine in depth the reality of tribulation and trauma in the lives of military warriors (as well as warriors” in other marketplaces of life), key definitions and factors related to resilience, and the Resilience Life Cycle™ which addresses the Before, During, After, and Learn & Adapt (feedback) phases of personal resilience and Comprehensive Personal Fitness™. Read More
This course will examine in depth the reality of tribulation and trauma in the l Read More

Reverse Psychology

Mike and Diana are both psychologists who like to talk about psychology and love to talk over each other. Each week they sit down to talk about something weird, interesting, horrifying or otherwise fascinating in the world of psychology, mental health and pop culture. Read More
Mike and Diana are both psychologists who like to talk about psychology and love Read More

Подкаст-проект о психологии “Не все дома”

Подкаст-проект "Не все дома" рассказывает о различных жизненных ялениях с точки зрения психологии. Мы будем говорить о причинах тех или иных событий, рассмотрим участников происходящего вокруг и постараемся дать практические советы о том, как сделать жизнь кадого из нас немного приятнее. Слушайте, узнавайте, задавайте вопросы! Психология - это увлекательно. Программу ведут: Евгений Черепов - в роли ведущего и практический психолог, психоаналитически-ориентированный психотерапевт Анита Анютина как главный эксперт программы. Read More
Подкаст-прект “Не все дома” рассказы Read More

Strategies for Landscape-Scale Restoration in the Tropics – Yale International Society of Tropical Foresters

From January 26 to 28, 2012, the Yale Chapter of the International Society of Tropical Foresters convened practitioners and researchers from government, academia, and environmental and development institutions from around the globe for information exchange on challenges and emerging strategies in scaling-up restoration in the tropics to provide ecosystem services and benefit biodiversity and local livelihoods. The three-day conference took place in Kroon Hall at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) in New Haven, Connecticut. Read More
From January 26 to 28, 2012, the Yale Chapter of the International Society of Tr Read More

Pueblo mexicano, pueblo mestizo

«El pueblo mexicano» es una serie que Descarga Cultura.UNAM integra a su acervo sonoro, pero que originalmente constituyó una coproducción de TV UNAM y Radio UNAM para televisión y radio. Los contenidos, supervisados y escritos por investigadores universitarios, abarcan temáticas que van del origen de nuestros pueblos al análisis de las imágenes nacionales, así como los principales retos políticos, sociales y económicos que actualmente enfrenta nuestro país. A continuación reproducimos “Pueblo mexicano, pueblo mestizo”, dividido en tres cápsulas, las cuales reflexionan en torno a diferentes momentos en la construcción de la identidad nacional. Más que una simple mezcla entre españoles e indígenas, el pueblo de México es producto de su rica historia pluriétnica y multicultural. Producción Descarga Cultura.UNAM / Coordinación de Difusión Cultural / UNAM D.R. © UNAM. Read More
«El pueblo mexicano» es una serie que Descarga Cultura.UNAM integra a su acerv Read More

La folle histoire de l’Univers

Podcast d'une passionnée des sciences de l'Univers
Podcast d’une passionnée des sciences de l’Univers Read More

BroadE: Proteomics – The Broad Institute

BroadE workshops bring researchers in the extended Broad community together so they can learn from one another. BroadE workshops (the 'E' stands for education) offer insights and share hands-on training in breakthrough technologies, high-throughput methods, and computational tools not typically found in conventional research labs. Through this ongoing series, which is open to Broad staff and to researchers at MIT and Harvard, the Broad community hopes to extend the impact of its science and openly share new methods. Read More
BroadE workshops bring researchers in the extended Broad community together so t Read More

Culture alimentaire – Eric Birlouez

Approche culturelle des systèmes alimentaires et culinaires (Cours en 6 parties)
Approche culturelle des systèmes alimentaires et culinaires (Cours en 6 parties Read More

Cours de Gastronomie Moléculaire 2013 : Manger – Hervé This

Puisqu'en chaque chose, il faut considérer la fin, il est juste que nous guidions la cuisine par l'exploration de la question : qu'est ce que manger ? Le cours 2013 est en 7 parties, avec différents intervenants, comme Claude-Marcel Hladik, Pierre Gagnaire, Christian Salles ou Danièle Alexandre-Bidon. Read More
Puisqu’en chaque chose, il faut considérer la fin, il est juste que nous Read More

Açık Bilinç

Güven Güzeldere ve konuklarıyla bilim ve felsefe sohbetleri.
Güven Güzeldere ve konuklarıyla bilim ve felsefe sohbetleri. Read More

音楽と科学 – JST

 響きとは室内(正確には地面や障害物、建築物がある限り屋外でも…)において必ず起こる現象です。普段あまり意識していませんが実は私たちはあらゆる音(自分の発する声も)をこの響きも含めて耳にしているのです。残響とは字の通り室内で発せられた音が響きとなって残る現象です。この現象は音楽演奏にとって非常に重要なものとなってきます。そもそも民族音楽や私たちの馴染みのある邦楽(能楽など)は屋外で演奏されてきました。そういう音楽的観点から見ると、残響とはあまり縁がなかったのでしょうか?現在のいわゆる音楽専門ホールは実はヨーロッパを中心とする教会音楽から始まったようです。中世ヨーロッパにおいて、教会内ではパイプオルガンの演奏や、合唱などが行われていました。そこで耳にしているいる演奏音などはその楽器から出る音プラス残響音なのです。教会の形状次第で様々な残響が起こります。より美しい響きを求めて時代と共に人々はその残響を考慮に入れて教会を建築するようになります。そこから派生したのが音楽専門ホールになる訳です。時代によって音楽の流れがある様に、それに合わせる様にその演奏にあった残響が出るように専門ホールが建築されていきました。最適な残響時間は現代においては科学的分析の元で検証されてきました。普段音楽専門ホールで行われているオーケストラのコンサートなどではこういった残響が考慮されているわけです。もちろんこれは聴く側だけでなく、演奏者も同様に残響を意識しているわけです。たとえば、同じオーケストラ編成で同じ曲を演奏したとしても、どこのホールで演奏するかで残響が変わってくるわけです。また、音とはあらゆるものに反射するわけですからそのホールに来ている観客にも反射します。正確にはホールにどれくらい観客が入っているか?ということでも残響は変化してきます。そういった点は普段私たちはあまり意識していませんが、今後は心地良い音楽を鑑賞する際はそういった響きも意識しながら演奏などを聴くとまた違った楽しみ方が出来るのではないしょうか? Read More
 響きとは室(正確には地面や障害物、建築物がある限 Read More

Phoebe’s Humpback Whale Adventure – Schoolyard Films

14:39 "Phoebe's Humpback Whale Adventure" Join high school student, Phoebe Fitz, in her quest to learn about humpback whales.  She teams up with scientists who study the whales in Hawaii, and learns first-hand what it takes to work on the high seas with these magnificent animals.  In Lahaina, she visits a local high school and meets students who are actively involved in the humpback studies. Read More
14:39 “Phoebe’s Humpback Whale Adventure” Join high school stu Read More

BroadE: Statistical Genetics – The Broad Institute

These presentations were filmed during the September 2013 Statistical Genetics Workshop, part of the BroadE Workshop series. This workshop provides an introduction to the basic principles of statistical genetic analysis. This course is targeted for individuals who are interested in learning the basics of genetic analysis. Specific areas of focus for the course include: study design considerations for genetic association tests, quality control (QC) procedures for genetic data, basic analysis of genome-wide association SNP data, and introduction to rare variant testing approaches. The workshop blended lectures introducing each of these topics and then hands-on practical application, in particular for QC and common variant analysis. Read More
These presentations were filmed during the September 2013 Statistical Genetics W Read More

Ça Se Passe Là-Haut

Astronomie, astrophysique, cosmologie, astroparticules...
Astronomie, astrophysique, cosmologie, astroparticules… Read More

Earth – California Academy of Sciences

Learn more about incredible ecosystems of Earth, and how we can sustain them for the future with this collection from the California Academy of Sciences. Based in San Francisco, the Academy is a renowned scientific and educational institution dedicated to exploring and explaining the natural world and addressing the challenge of sustainability. Learn more by visiting: Subscribe to get direct access to newly published content in this collection. Read More
Learn more about incredible ecosystems of Earth, and how we can sustain them for Read More

Microbiology 1 – Spring 2009 – Professor Narey

Santa Monica College Microbiology 1: Fundamentals of Microbiology. Professor Narey This couse involves the study of several types of microorganisms with emphasis on bacteria. Principles of microbiology, metabolism, genetics, immunology, and medical and nonmedical applications are considered. Read More
Santa Monica College Microbiology 1: Fundamentals of Microbiology. Professor Nar Read More

Amphibian Ecology and Conservation 2018 – Dr. Matt Gray

Amphibian Ecology and Conservation - Spring 2018
Amphibian Ecology and Conservation – Spring 2018 Read More

Sustainable Horticulture – Kinsale College of Further Education

The course allows students to develop a broad range of practical skills in a variety of horticultural-related areas as well as obtain a thorough grounding in the scientific, sociological, political and legal aspects of food production, human ecology and sustainability. Read More
The course allows students to develop a broad range of practical skills in a var Read More

Cambridge Ideas

Communicating the transformative impact on society of eight centuries of brilliant academic thought. Cambridge research together with comment and opinion on national and international current affairs. Read More
Communicating the transformative impact on society of eight centuries of brillia Read More