Top Science & Medicine Podcasts

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Conversations about Organ Donation

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Science & Medicine

Invasive Weeds Agency

Weed Control and Ecology Experts
Weed Control and Ecology Experts Read More
Science & Medicine

The ed·DIE Horror & Paranormal Podcast

The ed·DIE Horror & Paranormal Podcast. We discuss Horror & Paranormal Books, Movies, Hauntings & more. We dive into the stories that scare you, be it true cases or pure fiction. Join us for personal paranormal accounts, legends & more. Tell us Your own stories too. Read More
The ed·DIE Horror & Paranormal Podcast. We discuss Horror & Paranormal Read More
Science & Medicine

Entre probetas

'Entre probetas' nació para informar y entretener; entretener divulgando ciencia.
‘Entre probetas’ nació para informar y entretener; entretener divul Read More
Science & Medicine

Développement de l’enfant – Vidéos

Ensemble de séquences vidéo illustrant le développement cognitif, moteur et social de l'enfant de 0 à 12 ans. Voir le site Web à l'adresse suivante : Read More
Ensemble de séquences vidéo illustrant le développement cognitif, moteur et s Read More
Science & Medicine


Science & Medicine

René Drucker

René Raúl Drucker Colín (Ciudad de México; 15 de mayo de 1937), es un científico mexicano especializado en Fisiología y Neurobiología. Colabora de forma regular como articulista en periódicos y revistas. Realizó sus estudios de licenciatura en la carrera de Psicología en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, una maestría en la Universidad de Illinois y un doctorado en la Escuela de Medicina de Saskatchewan, Canadá. En la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México fue jefe del departamento de Neurociencias del Instituto de Fisiología Celular de 1985 a 1990, jefe del departamento de Fisiología de la Facultad de Medicina de 1991 a 2000, coordinador (vice-rector) de la Investigación Científica de febrero 2000 a diciembre 2007. Es Investigador Emérito del Instituto de Fisiología Celular y fue titular de la Dirección General de Divulgación de la Ciencia.1 Fue presidente de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias de 2000 a 2002, es miembro del Consejo Consultivo de Ciencias de la Presidencia de la República y es Investigador Nacional de Excelencia y Emérito del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.3 En el 2012, Andrés Manuel López Obrador lo incluyó en su propuesta de gabinete para dirigir una nueva Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en caso de ganar las elecciones presidenciales de este mismo año.4 Miguel Ángel Mancera, jefe de Gobierno del DF., lo nombró secretario de Ciencia y Tecnología en diciembre de 2012. Producción TEVE.UNAM / Coordinación de Difusión Cultural / UNAM D.R. © UNAM. Read More
René Raúl Drucker Colín (Ciudad de México; 15 de mayo de 1937), es un cient Read More
Science & Medicine

Putah Creek: Life Blood of the Region, Fall 2011

This seminar, featuring weekly guest speakers, covers the resources of Putah Creek: which are critical and why. It also teaches about the physical processes of the flowing water, land inundation, and river channel dynamics interact with the ecological processes, the vegetation, and the wildlife. The course covers fundamental processes that sustain the critical resources; what can be done to protect, conserve and restore the vital processes; and the resources that depend on them. The speakers come from the fields of academia, management, planning, hydrology, ecology, and fine art. Read More
This seminar, featuring weekly guest speakers, covers the resources of Putah Cre Read More
Science & Medicine

Darwin – Darwin College Lecture Series 2009

In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organised a series of eight public lectures. Each series has been built around a single theme, approached in a multi-disciplinary way, and with each lecture prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject. Read More
In the second term of every academic year since 1986 Darwin College has organise Read More
Science & Medicine

W21C Patient Safety Podcast – W21C Podcast Team

W21C Patient Safety Podcast
W21C Patient Safety Podcast Read More
Science & Medicine

New Approaches to Maternal Mortality In Africa

Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG5) aims to improve maternal health. Unlike other MDGs, few countries are on track to achieve even the first goal of MDG 5, namely, to reduce maternal mortality by 75%. Sub-Saharan Africa suffers from the highest regional maternal mortality rate (MMR) at 640 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births and the annual decline has only been 0.1%. In stark contrast, average MMR in developed countries is 14. The focus for discussion and action to reduce maternal mortality rates is of necessity largely restricted to the fields of medicine and public health. At the same time, however, there is a spectrum of challenging biological, social and cultural issues that constitute the context within which maternal mortality occurs. In our workshop we plan to break new ground by bringing together those with expertise in current initiatives to reduce MMR with leading researchers in genetics, immunology, obstetric epidemiology, and social and biological anthropology. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum within which people with very different expertise and experience can explore the latest research findings and see how these could influence understanding and ideas for action to reduce maternal mortality in Africa. The following two areas, taken together, will form the focus of the conference: Biological mechanisms determining birth outcomes The social and historical context for maternal mortality in Africa We see this as a unique opportunity to bring together those with experience of implementing initiatives aimed at reducing MMR with researchers from different but highly relevant academic disciplines. Our focus on this important issue will enable us to bring together the latest research in fields that all too often do not ‘talk’ to each other. An additional question to be posed in the course of this conversation concerns the very nature of interdisciplinary enquiry. Do we have a language with which to talk meaningfully of the interactions between biology and history? To what extent can basic scientific research inform policy-making? Read More
Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG5) aims to improve maternal health. Unlike oth Read More
Science & Medicine

Psychology – Plymouth University

The Research Centre in Brain, Cognition and Behaviour encompasses excellence in Thinking & Reasoning, Memory, Vision, Behavioural Neuroscience, Language Development, Social Psychology, Health & Wellbeing and Human Factors. Read More
The Research Centre in Brain, Cognition and Behaviour encompasses excellence in Read More
Science & Medicine

Smallholder Farming and the Future of Food

500 million smallholder farmers support over 2 billion people, yet for many, their future looks increasingly uncertain. What is the way forward for smallholders and for the future of food? Image courtesy of Read More
500 million smallholder farmers support over 2 billion people, yet for many, the Read More
Science & Medicine

UPMC Culture scientifique

Conférences organisées à l'université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public.
Conférences organisées à l’université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public. Read More
Science & Medicine

Processus morphogénétiques

Morphogenetic processes This laboratory works an a novel signalling mechanism based on the intercellular transport of a specific class of transcription factors. These transcription factors, called homeoproteins, have important morphogenetic functions at all developmental stages. They are also expressed in the adult where they participate in adult physiology. According to recent studies done by this laboratory, this mode of signalling is involved in the patterning of neuronal networks and the regulation of brain plasticity, two key milestones for the proper development of the nervous system. Read More
Morphogenetic processes This laboratory works an a novel signalling mechanism ba Read More
Science & Medicine

UPMC Recherche

Conférences organisées à l'université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public.
Conférences organisées à l’université P.M. Curie, ouvertes au public. Read More
Science & Medicine

Génétique et physiologie cellulaire

Christine PETIT, Professeure de la chaire de « Génétique et physiologie cellulaire » La physiologie du système auditif, en particulier celle des premiers relais de traitement des signaux sonores, est assez bien comprise. En revanche, les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui la sous-tendent échappaient encore à toute caractérisation, au début des années 1990. L'approche génétique que le laboratoire du Professeure Christine Petit en proposa, a permis d'en initier le déchiffrage. Cette recherche adossée à l'identification des gènes dont l'atteinte est responsable de formes précoces de surdité chez l'homme, se développe sous la forme d'études multidisciplinaires. Elle éclaire les bases moléculaires de la formation et du fonctionnement de l'organe sensoriel auditif, notamment de ses cellules sensorielles ainsi que la pathogénie d'un vaste ensemble de surdités héréditaires du sujet jeune. Elle est aussi à l'origine de la découverte de nouvelles propriétés physiologiques du système auditif. L'objectif de la recherche s'est élargi depuis peu à l'élucidation de la pathogénie de la presbyacousie, surdité neurosensorielle liée à l'âge, et à une approche thérapeutique du syndrome Usher. Les cours de Christine PETIT portent sur le système auditif, son fonctionnement et ses dysfonctionnements. Ils s'adressent à un public intéressé par les neurosciences, la psychoacoustique, la musique et les troubles de la communication acoustique. Professor Christine PETIT is holding the chair of 'Genetics and Cellular Physiology'. Despite the amazing knowledge gathered on the physiology of the auditory system, especially at the peripheral level, the sensory organ and its innervation, the underlying molecular mechanisms, were escaping characterization. Then, on the grounds of the identification of the genes causative for the early onset forms of deafness in humans pioneered by Professor Christine Petit, her laboratory set off to decipher the cellular and molecular mechanisms of hearing, the way in which the auditory system develops and processes acoustic signals. Crossing the boundaries between medical and basic research fields, multidisciplinary analyses enable this laboratory to decipher the molecular physiology of the sensory organ (especially of auditory sensory cells), the pathogenesis of a large spectrum of inherited deafness forms and also to uncover new physiological properties of the auditory system. Today, its research encompasses additional objectives, such as in particular the treatment of Usher syndrome, using a gene-therapy approach of the retinal defects associated to congenital profound deafness and the elucidation of the pathogenesis of presbycusis, age-related sensorineural hearing loss, in the perspective of preventing and alleviating this very frequent communication disorder. Read More
Christine PETIT, Professeure de la chaire de « Génétique et physiologie cellu Read More
Science & Medicine

Sommerfeld Lecture Series (ASC)

Every semester the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics invites a distinguished theoretical physicist in order to present a short series of lectures with increasing level of specialization. Usually it includes a public talk for a general audience, a theory colloquium and a specialized seminar. Read More
Every semester the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics invites a di Read More
Science & Medicine

Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights: Have Ten Years of Voluntarism Worked? – Audio

Whilst international corporations are taken to court for complicity in human rights abuses and the trade in child labour and sweatshops is still a scourge throughout the world, this event asks whether the international approach to corporate social responsibility of the last ten years has worked. The approach of the last decade has focused primarily on voluntary measures taken by companies and enterprises, and finds expression in codes of conduct and non-binding agreements like the UN Global Compact. The CSR movement originally proposed some measures which should be legally binding on corporations, together with voluntary measures, but this was rejected for a voluntarist approach. Ten years on we can ask: has this worked? Read More
Whilst international corporations are taken to court for complicity in human rig Read More
Science & Medicine

Mental Health – Plymouth University

Areas working in the subject of Mental Health at the University of Plymouth include Social Work, Psychology, Healthy and Social Care Studies, Mental Health, Paramedicine and Nursing. Foundation opportunities including Counselling and Working with Older Persons are available at our Partner Colleges. Read More
Areas working in the subject of Mental Health at the University of Plymouth incl Read More
Science & Medicine

Recherche en cours

Recherche en cours donne à entendre dans un langage simple et vivant, les questions que se posent aujourd’hui les scientifiques, leur quotidien dans les laboratoires, le regard qu’ils portent sur leur travail, la motivation qui les pousse à chercher. Loin de toute sacralisation de la Science dans sa tour d’ivoire, l’émission tend à montrer comment la recherche renvoie à de multiples enjeux politiques, économiques et culturels.
Recherche en cours s’adresse à un très large public de curieux et est conçue par des animateurs eux-mêmes acteurs de la recherche.
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Recherche en cours donne à entendre dans un langage simple et vivant, les quest Read More
Science & Medicine

Psikoloji Okulu

Podcast by Psikoloji Okulu
Podcast by Psikoloji Okulu Read More
Science & Medicine

Centre for Global Research – RMIT University

In order to disseminate research and engage in public discussion on contemporary issues related to globalisation and social change, the Centre for Global Research initiates and supports a wide range of public forums, conferences, seminars and festivals. Our aim is to provide an intellectually challenging but accessible and collegial environment for discussion and debate. The CGR records many of the these events and presents them here on iTunes U. Read More
In order to disseminate research and engage in public discussion on contemporary Read More
Science & Medicine

Desarrollo territorial y empresarial

El Primer Congreso Territorial del Noroeste organizó una serie de conferencias en las que diferentes expertos debatieron en torno al desarrollo económico desde una perspectiva regional, y en las circunstancias de una crisis estructural del sistema, con el objetivo de exponer alternativas al modelo y soluciones aplicables globalmente. Poniendo siempre el acento en las personas y sus problemas Read More
El Primer Congreso Territorial del Noroeste organizó una serie de conferencias Read More
Science & Medicine

Médecine expérimentale

La chaire de Médecine Expérimentale et le laboratoire Inserm qui lui est associé (Inserm U833, Angiogenèse embryonnaire et pathologique) travaillent sur l'angiogenèse, la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux à partir de vaisseaux préexistants. Les principaux thèmes de recherche et d'enseignement sont : 1/ les facteurs responsables de la croissance et de la différenciation des artères, des veines et des lymphatiques ; 2/ les molécules impliquées dans le guidage des vaisseaux et des nerfs ; 3/ L'induction de protéines de la matrice extra-cellulaire par l'hypoxie ; 4/ les maladies liées à une angiogenèse anormale, telle la télangectiasie hémorragique héréditaire ; 5/ les nouveaux produits anti-angiogéniques dans le cancer. Le rôle du système rénine angiotensine au cours du développement embryonnaire est un autre axe de recherche et d'enseignement. The chair of Experimental Medicine and its affiliated Inserm laboratory (Inserm U833, Embryonic and pathologic angiogenesis) work on angiogenesis, the growth of new vessels from preexisting ones. The main themes of research and teaching are : 1/ factors responsible for the differentiation of arteries, veins and lymphatics ; 2/ molecules involved in vessel and neurone guidance ; 3/ induction by hypoxia of extra-cellular matrix proteins ; 4/ diseases related to abnormal angiogenesis such as hereditary hemorragic telangectasia ; 5/ new anti-angiogenic agents in cancer. The role of the renin angiotensin system during embryonic development is another area of research and teaching. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller Read More
La chaire de Médecine Expérimentale et le laboratoire Inserm qui lui est assoc Read More