Join our journey through history as we explore how an inedible plant became one of the most widely grown crops in the entire world. From its humble beginnings in central Mexico, corn has played a huge role throughout world history as a food source and even in religion. We'll explore how selective breeding led to thousands of corn varieties, the classification of corn types, and some of the unique ways we use corn today!
Sources Used:,the%20corn%20we%20know%20today.,cobs%20studded%20with%20puffed%20kernels.
Music Used:
Suavemente - Alysha Sheldon
Unsolved - Mythical Score Society
In the Amazonas - Kikoru
Excavation at the Amazon - Trace Way
Nights in Mexico - Alysha Sheldon
Bluegrass Boogie - The Undertowns
Caravan Trails - Sight of Wonders
Acoustic Ornaments - Codey Randall
Tumbleweed Town - River Run Dry