Episode 13 | July 2022 | Week 2:
Revolution in their minds.
At this point in my life, I really only care about one thing: my children’s future. I can only imagine the same is true for most parents, and especially so for parents of young children, but the future which they will inherit from us will not resemble anything we’ve ever known. The protective bubble of fabricated reality that we thought was the world in which we lived our entire lives up until now is about to catastrophically burst all around us. The pillars of trust that have upheld our authorities and institutions are crumbling fast on all sides and it’s no longer possible for us to prevent the roof from collapsing in on itself.
For the past couple of years, our two-faced and emotionally abusive leaders in government have been taking advantage of our naive trust in them and stringing us along with a future-faking carrot-on-a-stick that everything will return to “normal” if we just continue to comply with their unending illegitimate tyrannical edicts and mandates. If we continue as a collective of people to follow the direction of these diabolical murderers and rapists who control our governments, our institutions, and the mockingbird media, we will surely lead our children to the dungeon that’s been prepared for them and a lifetime of unspeakable horror, torture, and captivity. Or, we can choose to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by divisiveness, we can choose to unite as one people, and stand up to these playground bullies once and for all.
The hardest part is admitting that our social contracts have all been broken and then coming into acceptance with the formally inconceivable depth of betrayal we are experiencing. It is the Revelation of the end of days as we have known them to be, for once the scales of the dream spell you’ve been under have fallen from your eyes, you cannot help but see the falseness of the world as it’s been. Each person must choose the path ahead for themselves, and for their children who rely on them, the direction we will go. My hope is that enough of us will choose to no longer comply with our captors so that we might have a chance to break free before they lock us all up in the torture chambers to which we are being led.
But, ‘hope’, as a famous American quaker once said, is a thin soup.
Before the world was coerced into participating as unwitting human guinea pigs in an unprecedented mutagenic serum medical experiment, I never would have asked this question but now I need to know: who gets the intellectual property rights to my genome when I'm not "Nature's Product" anymore? Despite the fact that the ones experimenting on us assured everyone that these injections are “safe and effective”, what does their clinical data tell us? And, why are pro-choice abortion advocates siding with the KKK?
We’ll answer these questions and more in this episode of Rock Stone Report LIVE.
Buy this guy a coffee ...and ROCK ON \m/