In the Gospel of Luke, when Jesus sent the seventy out to the cities to which He would be going, part of his instructions to them were, "Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace be to this house'" (Luke 10:5).
What a wonderful prayer this is for the homes in our world today: "Peace be to this house." That prayer strikes a deep chord in the hearts of every family, especially those who live with the burdens of strife and busyness within their walls. It’s what every family wants and needs: peace in their house. Many parents, and a lot of children, whisper some form of this request in their own prayers.
The world needs authentic Christians, not people who are charming churchgoers in public and at each other’s throats in private. The best place to develop authentic Christianity is in the home, where we are challenged to be like Jesus every day with the people we are closest to. It’s important to be absolutely honest about ourselves, and freely forgiving toward others.
After offering words of encouragement to families, host Ray Notgrass uses this opportunity to pay tribute to his big brother, Alan, who is celebrating his 75th birthday.
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