LINK to Nicotine Patch Study:
On this episode, Bob and Nat go in depth on why they think God is BACK and USA is BACK! Are we close to forgetting how to speak face to face without the use of AI? How do we preserve the most primitive form of communication before we lose it? Is it a conspiracy that we are led to believe we are insignificant specs of dust, or are we made in God's image? How can science prove the existance of God?
We discuss mixed martial arts and how fighters like Jon Jones believe in a higher power, and also brought back the Trump dance as a new victory dance! Is Joe Rogan on board with JC?
We also break down the cost/benefit of alcohol vs. other mind-enhancing substances and compare in terms of which have spiritual benefits versus which are designed to dumb us down and calcify our pineal gland! We talk about organized religion versus private spirituality.
Can you become addicted to the truth? The truth is the strongest and most addicting drug once you begin the journey!
How much damage can lame duck presidents do on their way out?
Natalie begins the discussion on how she preps herself as well as her family in case our society breaks down, and we go over some over some of the most important items you should bring with you to the darkside!
What's your biggest fear? Natalie and Bob compare and contrast, and probably reveal too much about themselves in the process.
Natalie gives great advice on how to relieve the symptoms of a virus through the use of a nicotine patch (disclaimer: we are not medical practitioners)
This episode is packed with great content!
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