Trader's mindset plays a vital role in CFD trading, here, I offer you, some principles and tips for starting your path in developing the right mindset.
1. - Know what you want, and be as specific as you can.
How are you going to know if you achieved your goals if you don't know what they are? How are you going to know if you are getting closer if you don't know where are you headed?
The first step in achieving anything worthwhile in life is knowing what it is that you want.
The second part; you have to be as specific as you can. Picture this: a man goes to his boss and asks him for a rise. His boss gives him a one cent rise and sends him back to work. This man was not specific. Next time he should have a figure in mind.
2. - Don't do things half-way.
"Do or do not... there is no try" - Yoda
I love this quote from Star Wars. In the military people are thought that trying is failing. Don't try... do!!!
When I was young my father told me the story of Hernan Cortes. Before launching his attack he burned his ship leaving his man no other option but victory. If you really want to be a successful CFD trader, do as Cortes did, burn your ship and accept nothing but victory.
3. - Discipline
In this life nothing can be acquired without discipline. Remember the story of the turtle and the hare. In the CFD market small profits can add up very quickly if you are consistent.
4. - Watch your inner-dialogue.
If your inner dialogue makes you doubt yourself every five minutes, how are you going to have discipline? How are you going to gain the confidence needed to be a successful CFD trader? Be positive and stop talking yourself down!!
5. - Learn to think by yourself.
You need to avoid the traps of the group thinking. True achievers lead they never follow. Life gave us one Henry Ford, one Benjamin Franklin, one Steve Jobs.
Shakespeare wrote: "All the world is a stage, and we are mere actors." Decide the role you are going to play in this life, don't let others decide for you.
In the CFD Market around 80% of traders are losers, do you want to follow them?
I recommend that you don't comment your CFD trading experiences with everyone. As a general rule people are not going to be very helpful. Most of the people, even the ones we love, tend to over criticize; and if you don't have an iron will it can damage, a lot, your learning process.
6. - Confidence.
We tend to be our worst enemies. Even when we did our homework and are very well prepared, when the time comes, we doubt ourselves. Confidence is not something you are born with, it is something you develop. The only practical way I know that will help you cultivate your confidence is experience. When you do things you workout your confidence muscle.
If you want to develop your confidence in the CFD trading area... trade. As time goes by you will develop a feeling of how the market works and your confidence will raise.
7. - Enjoy every part of the way.
The best traders of all time are those that love their work. They enjoy every part of the trading process. Occasional setbacks are nothing to them because they know it's just part of the deal. Learn to enjoy your trading experiences and your odds will increase dramatically.
8. - Live in the moment.
When you are trading, don't think about past victories and losses; it can be very harmful. Leave your past experiences in the past. Thinking about your setbacks will damage your confidence. And thinking about your victories can easily transform you into a reckless trader. Live in the know, enjoy the moment.
I hope this is helpful. I know anyone c