I want to share some of my favorite bands and ask questions to people who I looked up to growing up involved in the hardcore scene in Detroit. I thought it would be interesting to share some of my experiences and hear stories from people ranging from band members to show promoters and zine creators. Even as far as photographers and bartenders. I want to understand how we all ended up in the same rooms, and be fortunate enough to share the same culture with a small group of people across the globe.
Hardcore means the world to a lot of people but some have moved on to a more routine lifestyle. That being said, my mission is to shake up the memories that a lot of us have and reinvigorate the hardcore scene since the pandemic has taken away what we love for so long now.
We all take away certain things and share a common set of values and I think that is also important to recognize. Without hardcore, I would not be who I am today and so many people can agree. Lucky for us, we can have these conversations and preserve and pass on what we love.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I like creating it.
Check out the Instagram @terrorzonepodcast for a lot of the info and when new podcasts will be released. Also any suggestions or feedback is welcome and appreciated . Thank you for checking it out!
Instagram profile for Terror Zone Podcast @terrorzonepodcast
Host: Rob Parker. @bustin.out.710
Producer: Darren Cardinal @cakes_fiasco