Dan gives his report on New York Comic Con 2017 and all of the awesome Star Wars merchandise that was announced. He also had a great time hanging out with the fine folks at Funko where he helped them officially unbox his dream come true: The Dengar Funko POP!
We review the trailer for The Last Jedi and like all of you we’re stoked to see what’s in store for the new heroes of Star Wars. And as long as Kylo Ren doesn’t kill his mom, we can’t wait to see it in December!
In I Wanted Everything Mac has a big ol box of figures given to him and a great customer service story involving Disney Parks.
We revealed the winner of our Target “Share The Force” Funko POP exclusive last week but never received word from the winner so we’ve offered it up again. Listen to see if you’ve won!
We would like to give a giant, Sandcrawler-sized THANKYOU to our buddy, Chris Hamilton for his awesome anniversary present!
Halloween is just around the corner and like we did last year, we are celebrating by revealing some of the scariest Star Wars figures ever released. Not Rancor scary, but “POTF2 Leia scary.” We’re looking for figures that were released that make you shake your head and say, “Why…..???” Send us your favourites and we’ll read them on our October 28th show! Here’s the figures we covered last year:
Luke Skywalker Throne Room Duel
Dannik Jericho
Darth Vader Lava Reflection
Kenner Cloud Car Pilot
Shadows of the Empire Chewbacca as Snoova
Luke in Bacta Tank
Elan Sleazebaggano
Screaming Mace Windu-Saga Series, Geonosian Rescue
Poe Dameron 6-inch Black Series
Power of the Force Princess Leia Monkey Face
The Force Awakens Princess Leia-D'Qar Ceremonial Dress
Phantom Menace Spitting Jabba the Hutt
Kenner Small Head Han Solo
Jar Jar Binks Candy Tongue Dispenser
The Phantom Menace Yoda