A Charlotte Mason podcast helping you find freedom in her philosophy. Conversations around childhood, motherhood & education.
The Modern Miss Mason Podcast is hosted by Leah Boden đŹđ§
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A Charlotte Mason podcast helping you find freedom in her philosophy. Conversations around childhood, motherhood & education.
The Modern Miss Mason Podcast is hosted by Leah Boden đŹđ§
Copyright: © A Charlotte Mason Podcast
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Jonathan Rogers/The Habit: https://thehabit.co
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Carrie De Francisco https://coffeewithcarrie.org
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Treehouse Schoolhouse: https://treehouseschoolhouse.com
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective The Callenlas Chronicles by H.R. Hess A fantasy fiction series from a biblical worldview for young people.
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Dwell Differently: https://dwelldifferently.com/pages/wwa-about
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective The Runaway Sheep Dan Olson & Craig MacIntosh A children's picture book about God's faithfulness. The little sheep finds many crafty and creative ways to hide, but the shepherd is always one step ahead, able to find and bring home his runaway sheep. This multi-faceted and charming tale uses many different Bible stories to show young and old how much the good shepherd loves us.
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Clare Luther: https://clareluther.co.uk
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Jen Pepito/Peaceful Press: https://www.thepeacefulpreschool.com
The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective S.D. Smith: https://sdsmith.com
â101 Ways To Ask For A Narrationâ: https://payhip.com/b/uqRst
Use Code: PODCAST for 10% off.
Find everything you need to support your Charlotte Mason Home Education, here: https://www.leahboden.com/
Sign up for 20% off The Collective on our brand new (much better) platform, here: https://modernmissmason.substack.com/subscribe?utm_content=139671905
Sign up for your 2024 coaching here: https://www.leahboden.com/coaching Lynn Seddonâs Advent Guide: https://raisinglittleshoots.com/celebrating-the-seasons-with-children-a-nature-advent-calendar/ Beth Kemptonâs Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-calm-christmas-podcast-with-beth-kempton/id1537869969
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Substack read and sign up here: https://open.substack.com/pub/leahboden?r=3hsha&utm_medium=ios
This is the audio file of the most recent We Workshop from The Collective Community; we'd thought we'd share it with you! Join us live next time by signing up here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective for ÂŁ4.99/month
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Buy Katieâs book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/0764235427/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1697812692&sr=8-1
Substack: https://leahboden.substack.com/ Join The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Sign up for Bethanyâs journal here: https://bethanyjoydawson.com/ Use code: modernmissmason and get your first month free!
Join The Collective, ÂŁ4.99/month: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective Here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Buy Daveâs Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/1496483472/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1696007860&sr=8-1 || The Chosen YouTube Clip: https://youtu.be/o5OnF3sg0cY?si=sy1Dg_jMiSvJqqR3
Join The Collective Here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective, ÂŁ4.99/month: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective Here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Enjoy this wonderful talk from my friend and colleague, Diana Edwin, from the Modern Miss Mason Conference 2023. You can connect with Diana here: www.dianaedwin.com || SIGN UP FOR THE COLLECTIVE HERE: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Sign up for The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Sign up for The Modern Miss Mason Conference, 1st July: https://www.leahboden.com/conference To a butterfly - William Wordsworth Written in the orchard, Town-end, Grasmere. I'VE watched you now a full half-hour; Self-poised upon that yellow flower And, little Butterfly! indeed I know not if you sleep or feed. How motionless!--not frozen seas More motionless! and then What joy awaits you, when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees, And calls you forth again! This plot of orchard-ground is ours; My trees they are, my Sister's flowers; Here rest your wings when they are weary; Here lodge as in a sanctuary! Come often to us, fear no wrong; Sit near us on the bough! We'll talk of sunshine and of song, And summer days, when we were young; Sweet childish days, that were as long As twenty days are now.
Book your conference ticket here: https://www.leahboden.com/conference
Book your conference ticket here: https://www.leahboden.com/conference Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Earth has not any thing to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. Never did sun more beautifully steep In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill; Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! The river glideth at his own sweet will: Dear God! the very houses seem asleep; And all that mighty heart is lying still!
Book in to the Modern Miss Mason Conference and/or sign up to The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/ My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth: My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.
Ten Ideas For Book Club Questions: Join The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Book Club Questions: 1. What were your initial thoughts about the book? Did your opinion change as you kept reading? 2. How would you describe the author's writing style? Did it enhance or hinder your reading experience? 3. Which character did you really relate to or find the most interesting? Why? 4. Any particular themes or messages that really grabbed your attention? How did the author explore them? 5. What parts of the story hooked or surprised you the most? Did any plot twists totally throw you off? 6. Did the book evoke any strong emotions? Which scenes or moments got you right in the feels? 7. Could you picture the settings described in the book? Did the author do a good job of bringing them to life? 8. Were there any quotes or lines that really spoke to you? Share your favourites and chat about what they meant to you. 9. Did the pacing of the book feel right to you? Were there any parts that dragged or went too fast? 10. What did you make of the ending? Did it leave you satisfied or wanting more? What would you add?
To the Daisy by William Wordsworth. With little here to do or see Of things that in the great world be, Daisy! again I talk to thee, For thou art worthy, Thou unassuming Common-place Of Nature, with that homely face, And yet with something of a grace, Which Love makes for thee! Oft on the dappled turf at ease I sit, and play with similes, Loose types of things through all degrees, Thoughts of thy raising: And many a fond and idle name I give to thee, for praise or blame, As is the humour of the game, While I am gazing. A nun demure of lowly port; Or sprightly maiden, of Love's court, In thy simplicity the sport Of all temptations; A queen in crown of rubies drest; A starveling in a scanty vest; Are all, as seems to suit thee best, Thy appellations. A little Cyclops with one eye Staring to threaten and defy, That thought comes next â and instantly The freak is over, The shape will vanish â and behold A silver shield with boss of gold, That spreads itself, some faery bold In fight to cover! I see thee glittering from afar â And then thou art a pretty star; Not quite so fair as many are In heaven above thee! Yet like a star, with glittering crest, Self-poised in air thou seem'st to rest; â May peace come never to his nest, Who shall reprove thee! Bright Flower ! for by that name at last, When all my reveries are past, I call thee, and to that cleave fast, Sweet silent creature! That breath'st with me in sun and air, Do thou, as thou art wont, repair My heart with gladness, and a share Of thy meek nature!
Today Iâm replaying an awesome interview with actor, Daniel Carver, who will be joining us for the Modern Miss Mason conference on the 1st July 2023. PLEASE book your ticket and join us live in Warwickshire or via the livestream (replay will be sent to you) via this link: https://www.leahboden.com/conference
While from the purpling east departs The star that led the dawn, Blithe Flora from her couch upstarts, For May is on the lawn. A quickening hope, a freshening glee, Foreran the expected Power, Whose first-drawn breath, from bush and tree, Shakes off that pearly shower. All Nature welcomes Her whose sway Tempers the year's extremes; Who scattereth lustres o'er noon-day, Like morning's dewy gleams; While mellow warble, sprightly trill, The tremulous heart excite; And hums the balmy air to still The balance of delight. Time was, blest Power! when youth and maids At peep of dawn would rise, And wander forth, in forest glades Thy birth to solemnize. Though mute the song---to grace the rite Untouched the hawthorn bough, Thy Spirit triumphs o'er the slight; Man changes, but not Thou! Thy feathered Lieges bill and wings In love's disport employ; Warmed by thy influence, creeping things Awake to silent joy: Queen art thou still for each gay plant Where the slim wild deer roves; And served in depths where fishes haunt Their own mysterious groves. Cloud-piercing peak, and trackless heath, Instinctive homage pay; Nor wants the dim-lit cave a wreath To honor thee, sweet May! Where cities fanned by thy brisk airs Behold a smokeless sky, Their puniest flower-pot-nursling dares To open a bright eye. And if, on this thy natal morn, The pole, from which thy name Hath not departed, stands forlorn Of song and dance and game; Still from the village-green a vow Aspires to thee addrest, Wherever peace is on the brow, Or love within the breast. Yes! where Love nestles thou canst teach The soul to love the more; Hearts also shall thy lessons reach That never loved before. Stript is the haughty one of pride, The bashful freed from fear, While rising, like the ocean-tide, In flow the joyous year. Hush, feeble lyre! weak words refuse The service to prolong! To yon exulting thrush the Muse Entrusts the imperfect song; His voice shall chant, in accents clear, Throughout the live-long day, Till the first silver star appear, The sovereignty of May.
Thereâs no intro this week, sorry! Thankful Iâve pre-recorded lots of these poems as I have no voice today! - Enjoy the poem, Leah x
Getting vulnerable over here with my current home educating life! Sign up for The Collective and Coaching here: https://www.leahboden.com/
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective There is a Flower, the Lesser Celandine, That shrinks, like many more, from cold and rain; And, the first moment that the sun may shine, Bright as the sun itself, 'tis out again! When hailstones have been falling, swarm on swarm,â Or blasts the green field and the trees distress'd, Oft have I seen it muffled up from harm, In close self-shelter, like a Thing at rest. But lately, one rough day, this Flower I pass'd, And recognized it, though an alter'd Form, Now standing forth an offering to the Blast, And buffeted at will by Rain and Storm. âI stopp'd, and said with inly-muttered voice, "It doth not love the shower, nor seek the cold; This neither is its courage nor its choice, But its necessity in being old. The sunshine may not bless it, nor the dew; It cannot help itself in its decay; Stiff in its members, withered, changed of hue." And, in my spleen, I smiled that it was grey. To be a Prodigal's Favoriteâthen, worse truth, A Miser's Pensionerâbehold our lot! O Man! that from thy fair and shining youth Age might but take the things Youth needed not!
To the Skylark BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Ethereal minstrel! pilgrim of the sky! Dost thou despise the earth where cares abound? Or, while the wings aspire, are heart and eye Both with thy nest upon the dewy ground? Thy nest which thou canst drop into at will, Those quivering wings composed, that music still! Leave to the nightingale her shady wood; A privacy of glorious light is thine; Whence thou dost pour upon the world a flood Of harmony, with instinct more divine; Type of the wise who soar, but never roam; True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home!
Join me over on The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazedâand gazedâbut little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.
Top tips for bringing fresh spring energy into your study and exploration of nature. Join The Collective here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden?fbclid=PAAaaL4soh3LKm0sto3zjRikULrU78mxO4JtSThUGxszIPmzF9hpNTjFerPug
Grab your workshop bundle here (pay what you can): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/LeahBoden?locale.x=en_GB&fbclid=PAAab1hoyCS7KFuc0sAdquiA-WChcLYUC5PZgAFfZSEHT-HYaRzVri51LIIXY
Winterâs last push (workshop sale), pay what you can: https://www.paypal.me/LeahBoden?locale.x=en_GB
Read more about living books in chapter 6 of Modern Miss Mason. Download the Mason Moments here: https://www.leahboden.com/book
The Tables Turned BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Join us over on The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Read more about narration in chapter 5 of the Modern Miss Mason Book: leahboden.com/book
Written in March by William Wordsworth Join us over on The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Olufunmikeâs Substack Newsletter: https://open.substack.com/pub/olufunmike/p/an-invitation-or-a-lesson-plan?r=3hsha&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post Living Books Press: https://www.livingbookpress.com/product-tag/home-education-series/
âA change is as good as a holiday!â - today Iâm sharing three things I do every weekend. Join The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Come and join Dave and I as we talk about the impact, comments and favourite moments as Modern Miss Mason was launched into the world over these past 4 weeks. Come and meet us at the conference here: https://www.leahboden.com/
This is part 2 of a two part series on numeracy and literacy - teaching the philosophy and practice. This recording is taken from a Modern Miss Mason workshop. Grab your conference ticket or sign up for The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/
I do start the podcast by referring to it as a âworkshopâ đđ€ŠđŒââïž This is part 1 of a two part series on numeracy and literacy - teaching the philosophy and practice. This recording is taken from a Modern Miss Mason workshop. Grab your conference ticket or sign up for The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/
Listen in to this vibrant conversation with mother of 6 and home educator, Rachel Kovac. The Reading Mind Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=1548604447&i=1000587098985 How to read literature like a professor: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Read-Literature-Like-Professor/dp/006000942X Come and join The Collective: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective Read Modern Miss Mason, the book: https://www.leahboden.com/book
Buy the book and join The Collective here: https://www.leahboden.com/the-collective
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/leahboden?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=804c1b31-a08a-4893-9eee-d719a3016ef6
Itâs a wrap - season 6 was fun but weâre taking a break for December for many reasons and weâll be back in January as we launch the Modern Miss Mason Book - Wahoooooo! Grab your 2023 coaching call here: https://www.leahboden.com/coaching and sign up for your Modern Miss Mason Book preorder goodies here: https://forms.gle/2EHaMYdZaJesMvBZA
Today I want to introduce you to my lovely new friend, Michelle Morrow, from Australia. In this conversation you'll get a fabulous insight into the Charlotte Mason philosophy and homeschooling in general in Australia. Check out what Michelle does over at: https://myhomeschool.com/au/ The Preorder Preview page is LIVE, sign up for your goodies here: https://forms.gle/5swmFT5m9DEqeZaT8 Sign up for the Nov/Dec Modern Miss Mason Home Workshops here: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/modern-miss-mason-workshops-1291329
Learning stuff can be VERY hard. We can make it harder on ourselves! How? By not understanding not just what to learn but how we learn. Dave share's some simple things he has been learning about learningâ not an expert but a fellow learner. Lots we do not know about learning â but the basic science is developing all the time! We believe you will find many explicit links between education theory and the work of Charlotte Mason. In other words, Charlotte was way ahead of her time! Hopefully there will be a few AHA moments. On today's episode Dave (my husband) and I have a conversation about the bests ways to make learning stick. We talk about: Link learning, Engage the senses, Ask good questions, Repetition, and Nurturing relationships Dave's homework assignment: Google "Bloom's Taxonomy" Find Dave over at @daveboden2 Leah's Links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden - use code: 20YEARS for 20% off
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/leahboden Modern Miss Mason: Discover How Charlotte Mason's Revolutionary Ideas on Home Education Can Change How You and Your Children Learn and Grow Together. || For every mother who desires to cultivate a lasting foundation of curiosity and wonder for her children from home, whilst continuing a rich life of learning for herself. Modern Miss Mason is your invitation into an adventure, a call to turn a corner on your already incredible journey of parenting and let Leah Boden show you the fresh face of an age-old perspective on motherhood, childhood, and education. As a young mother and new home educator, Leah was overwhelmed by the breadth of available resources. How to know which to choose? What would best guide and inspire her children? Whose voices should she trust? That's when she discovered the timeless work and words of Charlotte Mason. A ground-breaking and revolutionary voice in education, Charlotte breathed life and beauty back into childhood in a stiff, archaic age, opening the eyes of parent-teachers and the hearts of students--and changing the future of home education. Let Leah Boden show you how Charlotte Mason's ideas can transform your homeschooling experience. She will help you: find methods that you and your children can explore by learning through books, being outdoors, and through living experiences; recognise that each child is unique and discover how to plan their learning journey accordingly; and learn how to practically incorporate Charlotte's timeless philosophy into your home every day. In an overwhelming digital age that can distract and divert our attention from the past, turn back to Charlotte Mason's educational ideas that started it all--and discover what they can do for you and your family.
Today's episode is taken from a live workshop interview with home educator and writer, Amy Hughes @simplelittleamy It's raw and unedited, but it's fantastic! Sign up for the whole workshop bundle here: https://modernmissmason.thinkific.com/courses/modern-miss-mason-workshops Use Code: MMMGIFT for 25% off
Modern Miss Mason Home Nov/Dec Workshops: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/modern-miss-mason-workshops-1291329 Another Way To Learn - About the book Over the past century, the role of parents in the education of children has changed dramatically. This timely book, written by an experienced group of British home educators, is a call for parents to take back this role, a battle cry to defend our right to do so and a vision for the restoration of family within our nation. It is a handbook to equip and empower families in the daily rhythms and choices of home education. This book will inspire those who are curious and encourage those already on the journey. Packed with practical advice, it is an irresistible call to bring education right back to the heart and hearth of the family. https://www.anotherwaytolearn.co.uk/ Book website https://motheringthroughtheseasons.com/ Blog https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/mended-teacups/id1451853032 Podcast
Russ is a pastor and author living in Nashville, Tennessee. His books include Rembrandt Is In The Wind (Zondervan, 2022), Struck: One Christianâs Reflections on Encountering Death (IVP, 2017), and the Retelling the Story Series, featuring The Advent of the Lamb of God (IVP, 2018). His personal mission is to communicate the truths of Scripture in accessible ways to people in process. Aside from his books, Russ has written for The Rabbit Room, She Reads Truth, The Gospel Coalition, Crossway, The Art House, Lifeway, Parenting Teens, Dec 2015, The Blazing Center, and To Write Love On Her Arms, among other blogs, podcasts, and printed media. Modern Miss Mason links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
My guest on the podcast today is non other than the amazing, Jennifer Pepito. Jen is a generous hearted, authentic mother of 7 children who has recently released into the world, "Mothering By The Book". Tune in to our conversation today as we learn about walking away from fear, leaning into the present moment, and growing in our motherhood. If you love the podcast don't forget to click those 5 stars and leave a sparkling review, that way lots more people will find out about the Modern Miss Mason podcast đ§ || Thanks for your support, Leah x x Raising Independent Learners Workshop: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/421868067747 https://www.leahboden.com
Today I'm in conversation with actor, Daniel Anderson (aka Daniel J Carver - stage name). Daniel recently performed with the RSC and I knew I had to ask him about his experience. Dan shares about his childhood and wanting to become an actor, he tells a brilliant story about a discouraging teacher; he shares tips on memorising and playing Shakespeare, and generally inspires us with his faith and work ethic. Daniel on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniel4nderson/?hl=en-gb Modern Miss Mason Coaching: https://www.leahboden.com/coaching
Leif Bersweden is a writer, botanist and science communicator with a face-down, bottom-up approach to watching nature. He grew up in rural Wiltshire where he taught himself how to identify the local wildlife. More recently, Leif completed a genetics PhD at Kew Gardens and is the author of The Orchid Hunter (2017) and Where the Wildflowers Grow (2022). Website: https://leifbersweden.com/ Modern Miss Mason Links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Conference Audio Experience here: https://modernmissmason.thinkific.com/courses/modern-miss-mason-conference-2022
Anna Koska is a published author, and freelance illustrator of some 25 years, specialising in fruit, vegetables and the natural world, and to date has illustrated in excess of 100 books. As well as book illustration, Anna regularly receives commissions from chefs, authors and restauranteurs for food and botanical art. Anna works in watercolour, pen & ink, oils and, most recently, egg tempera. Her methods may vary but the joy of her artwork is constant; each piece she creates is a celebration of the fruit, vegetable, animal or plant she has captured with her inimitable flare, which has secured her place as one of the UKâs leading natural history illustrators. Anna's a new book, From Coast and Cove: An Artistâs Year in Paint and Pen published by Pavilion is available now. You can find Anna over on instagram and twitter @gremkoska - Unboxed Course: https://modernmissmason.thinkific.com/courses/unboxed || Use Code: unboxednewbie Leave me an Off The Cuff voice message: https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/message || Conference & Workshop: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Unboxed Course: https://modernmissmason.thinkific.com/courses/unboxed || Use Code: unboxednewbie Leave me an Off The Cuff voice message: https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/message || Conference & Workshop: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Unboxed Course: https://modernmissmason.thinkific.com/courses/unboxed || Use Code: unboxednewbie Leave me an Off The Cuff voice message: https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/message
Unboxed Course: https://modernmissmason.thinkific.com/courses/unboxed || Use Code: unboxednewbie Leave me an Off The Cuff voice message: https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/message
Today is a bonus episode - I'm chatting to Lanaya Gore and Twila Farmer who have written and illustrated the new biography for children about Charlotte Mason: Charlotte Mason, The teacher who revealed worlds of wonder. Purchase the book here: https://blueskydaisies.net/books/charlotte-mason-the-teacher-who-revealed-worlds-of-wonder/ Connect with Lanaya here: https://www.instagram.com/lanaya.gore/?hl=en-gb Twila here: https://www.instagram.com/twilajfarmer/?hl=en-gb Leah's links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
This week I'm working from a listener topic around what to do if children are struggling to engage (or down right refusing). Let's talk about reluctant learners. All my links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden Bless a Brit (sponsorship ticket): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-modern-miss-mason-conference-tickets-260161519107 Leave me a voice note: https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/message
Kicking off a new season of the Modern Miss Mason podcast with "Off the cuff" sessions. Off the cuff topic, leave your voice message here: https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/message All my links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today I have the privilege of introducing you to Faye Morrissey, the new manager of the The Armitt Museum and Library in Ambleside, Lake District. We discuss her archaeological background, her journey into the role at The Armitt, and how she plans to celebrate and care for the legacy of Charlotte Mason. Enjoy! Please visit The Armitt here: https://www.armitt.com and consider donating (scroll to bottom of page) to support their ongoing work here: https://www.armitt.com/get-involved/|| Friends! The February workshop is open and tickets are on sale, Unboxed is at it cheapest price before we upgrade to a new platform in March (donât worry, weâll move you all over), and I have coaching slots open for February and March - so click here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden and come see me!
Cindy Rollins is a beloved returning guest of the podcast and today we discuss her reading life, how books have moulded her mothering, and how sheâs sharing this via her own podcasting and writing. || All things Cindy here: https://morningtimeformoms.com || All things Leah here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today's conversation is with the brilliant Betsy Jenkins of @homeschooling_withtheclassics || We discuss all things Charlotte Mason, their life on a lake, homeschooling all boys, Charlotte Mason for special educational needs, art study, diversity within art study...and so much more! || Links for Betsy: https://www.instagram.com/talltimbers_willowlake/ || Leah's links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden || Thank you for listening - Leah x
Lauren Hoffman (@birdsandbobbles on IG) is the real deal - I know because weâve drank tea together in Nashville, eaten her cake, and we can talk about poetry all day. Motherhood and homeschooling brought to life her gifts and passions and she is a shining example of not shrinking back in the child rearing years, but has set to keep growing herself and be a shining example to her daughter. Youâll love this conversation, and youâll love her. || As usual PLEASE subscribe to the podcast, click the five stars and if you can, take a few moments to leave a happy review so that others can find community here. || Lauren's Links: https://bobblesandbirds.com + https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbobbles/?hl=en || Leah's Links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
A very happy Christmas to you my dear listeners - may you know the closeness of family, clarity of mind for this season, and the joy, love and peace of Jesus in your heart! || Iâm so very grateful for each of you and have wonderful plans as we journey together in 2022. - Leah x x
âLet young people study as far as possible under one master until they have received some of this teaching and know its style." Charlotte Mason || I could think of no better guest to discuss the power of music with than author, musician and composer, Joel Clarkson. || Joel is a treasure trove of wisdom, and inspiration when it comes to making, playing and listening to good music - today we particularly talk about orchestral and classical music, which as Charlotte Mason educators, I know itâs right up your street! When we wrapped up this conversation I felt like Iâd paid good money for a classical music and composition workshop, honestly I learnt so much, and I know you will too! || Hang on until the last few minutes of the interview and youâll hear a snippet of Joelâs music which he was so generous to let me use on the podcast. Please, check out his book, his albums, his audio readings of the Green Ember series by S D Smith, and anything else he has produced or created. || If you love the podcast Iâd be so grateful if you could rate, review and share the love - it really gets the word around, and it would be the perfect Christmas present! Thank you. || Joel Clarkson: https://www.joelclarkson.com || Leah's Links: https://www.leahboden.com
âOne ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.â Johann Wolfgang von Goethe || Todayâs interview with performance poet, David Bowden is jam packed full of story, helpful tips, inspiration and poetry recitation - youâre going to love it. || Spoken Word Gospel/David Bowden: https://www.spokengospel.com/ || Leah's Links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
âWe are all meant to be naturalists, each in his own degree, and it is inexcusable to live in a world so full of the marvels of plant and animal life and to care for none of these things.â - Charlotte Mason Todayâs guest is Cornwall dwelling self shooting freelance conservation film maker, the absolutely delightful Nina Constable. I hope today's conversation sharpens your curiosity for the natural world, inspires you to look deep and further into the green spaces around you, as well as provoking you to begin those important conversations with your children about conservation. I also hope today's conversation lifts nature study off the sketch paper and watercolour pallet and enables you to view this observational life through a different lense. Let's lean in and listen to episode 2 of season 4 with Nina Constable, Life through a lens. Nina Constable: https://www.ninaconstable.co.uk Nina on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ninaconstablemedia/ Leah's Links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
If you don't already know Tim and Chris Willard you are in for a treat! This fabulous pair share grace and beauty through their words and images whilst writing books, raising daughters, and home educating. Keep an eye out for Tim's new book early next year. You can follow them here: https://www.instagram.com/timothywillard & here: https://www.instagram.com/splintersong Tim's website: https://thebeautychasers.com/learn-more Sign up for the final Modern Miss Mason Workshop of 2021 on Dec 4th here (replay will be sent out to you): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/188970083607 My website: https://www.leahboden.com
Popping by to say âHiâ with stories of Lake District adventures, the dawn chorus and all things Charlotte Mason (of course đ). Charlotte Mason Unboxed Course: Here Coaching Information: Here Conferences: Charlotte Mason Inspired: https://leahboden--theycallmeblessed.thrivecart.com/2021-charlotte-mason-inspired-conference/ Learn Free (use code: MMM2021 for 10% discount) Renew Homeschool Conference (Promo coming soon) Charlotte Mason Institute Podcast Episode: The PNEU In You - With Em Bowers Taylor Swift - The Lakes Leah's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Iâm so honoured to introduce you to the incredible mother, mentor, educator and encourager, Leslie Martino. Leslie and I chatted over zoom; she was in sunny Florida, chatting peacefully as her mother took her children for a walk, and I was in chilly Coventry hushing and ushering children into other rooms in the house, as usual. Our conversation today covers a myriad of topics from educational beginnings, through to the art of slowing down and we even throw some thoughts about moving our body in there! A feast I tell you. Hereâs my conversation with Leslie Martino. You can reach Leslie here: https://lesliemartino.com/ or on Instagram on @lesliemmartino Get 20% off Unboxed here: https://coursecraft.net/courses/z9Yfe?code=SEASON3 using code: SEASON3 All the links to all my things, here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Gemma Somauroo (@ourmuslimhomeschool) is a wife, homeschool mum to 4, award winning blogger, inspirer, encourager, podcaster and top notch homeschool content creator; her platform https://ourmuslimhomeschool.com delivers wisdom and experience on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook as well as through her âLaunch Your Homeschoolâ course. Our conversation today covers homeschool beginnings, organisation, emotional health advice as well as a general get to know Gemma, I know youâre going to love it. Find ALL my links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today I have another gem for you. Alicia Hutchinson (@overatalicias) and I have been hanging around the homeschool blogosphere and then Instagram for many years. Our children are a similar age and I feel like weâve evolved from young enthusiastic homeschoolers into mentors and mother encouragers, side by side but with a mere 3,906 miles between us. Alicia is wife to Jarrod, mum to 4 children, home educator as well as the founder and leader of the wonderful Learning Well Community ( https://www.aliciahutchinson.com )Sheâs always been a great inspiration and encouragement to me not only as a fellow educator but also as a thrifty homemaker and creative mum. Alicia shares from her Christian faith and reflects on her identity from the perspective of the Bible. Sheâs so full of wonderful ideas, wisdom and fun - I know youâre gong to treasure this conversation. Find ALL my links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Todayâs guest is the lovely Christine Bailey and she is a wonderful example of a mother who carefully considers the atmosphere of their home. Christine is a mum to two daughters; sheâs also a farmer and a writer. They have 17 acres in Santa Fe (fee), Tennessee, where they raise organic produce, flowers, bees, and chickens in a sustainable way that heals the land and grows into beautiful food. They also gather the community at long farm tables under the stars at their seasonal Kindred Dinners. Christine and her husband Steven believe life is meant to be shared in community, you can hear this through our chat today and I know youâll be richer for engaging in our conversation. You can connect with Christine on Instagram at @organicstine and @thekindredfarm or over on her website here: https://linktr.ee/thekindredfarm. Find ALL my links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Todayâs guest is a perfect example of a beauty seeker, and sharer. Her life and words are a great inspiration to me, and even during this conversation (and during editing) I was moved by what she said and how our conversation made me feel. Today Iâm sharing my conversation with the wife, mother of two with one on the way, and writer Sarah Clarkson. Sarah is articulate, vulnerable and honest in our conversation today and I know youâre going to treasure it and why not also give these words permission to help you grow as you go into a new week. You can reach Sarah here: https://sarahclarkson.com/ You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
My conversation this week is with the inspiring mother of 4 Christie Purifoy. Christie, amongst many other things, is an author, podcaster and gardener, she consistently points us to beauty through her words and photography; Iâve found her reading life and intellectual pursuits, as well as her commitment to growth (personally, and in the garden) such an inspiration and I think you will too. You can reach Christie here: https://www.christiepurifoy.com/ You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
In this week's conversation Iâm speaking to returning guest Serena McCarthy (https://instagram.com/the_nature_of_light?igshid=17fg0ywjbdlza). Serena has a long background in theatre, direction and acting; sheâs a writer, editor, pastor voracious reader (I love all her recommendations, she recently text me and said âstop what youâre doing, click onto Amazon and order âmy name is Asher Levâ, so I did) and as an adult woman she chooses to continue to remember and delight in beautiful verse, words and scriptures. Thereâs also a special guest appearance on this episode, my dad! Paul Sheffield makes an appearance because Iâve known him all my life as someone who memorises - but not for show, but to richly feed his inner life. Listen in...
Books mentioned:
My name is Asher Lev - Chaim Potok
Verse Worth Remembering - Stanley Maxwell
Letters to a Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
All the links to ALL my things: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today, weâll be hearing from our friend Amber OâNeal Johnston who youâll remember from season 2. Amber was part of the Podcast Zoom LIVE in January, sheâs a homeschool mum to 4 children in the US, sheâs an incredible writer, encourager, advocate and speaker. And you have to check out her heritage packs; go look and shop at https://heritagemom.com/ Today sheâs sharing her top 3 tips for growth in 2021. Listen in and be inspired. ALL the links to all my things can be found here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today, our guest is Kyle Campbell. Kyle and I had a complete âmeet cuteâ via instagram back in 2017 the night before I left for Franklin, TN, which happened to be her home town - it was so bizarre! Over the years weâve shared our stories over dinners, cocktails, in coffee shops and in our homes with our husbands and children. She is hands down the most innovative, creative person I know and she inspires me everyday with the words and images she shares on her instagram account @suddenjourneys. Kyle is the real deal, sheâs authentic, vulnerable, a thoughtful friend, has the BIGGEST heart and cooks up a storm in the kitchen which will leave you full for days! Hereâs our conversation about creativity and courage to continue... Kyle: https://kylecampbellphotos.com/gallery/suddenjourneys All my links: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Iâm so glad to be back after a long break which included Christmas, New Year and a long, difficult bout of Covid-19 đ Today I introduce Season 3 and share an excerpt from the Podcast LIVE recording. Rachel Kovac @rachelstitchedtogether shares her three tips for growth in 2021. Donât forget to share, click on those five stars and leave a review to help our fellow mamas find the podcast â€ïž
So honoured today to invite you into this conversation with my friend and founder of the Wild + Free community, Ainsley Arment. Check out the work of W + F over on https://www.bewildandfree.org/ - Pick up a ticket for the January Podcast LIVE here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/something-to-grow-by-tickets-127163420213
Itâs Advent! Weâre celebrating these simple beginnings with Cindy Rollins and her beautiful book âHallelujahâ, an advent guide using the music of Handleâs Messiah. Join us for a conversation about Charlotte Mason, a literary life and advent traditions. Follow Cindy on Instagram on @cindyordoamoris and follow her writing life over on her website here: https://cindyrollins.net/ Pick up a ticket to my January Podcast LIVE âSomething to grow byâ here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/something-to-grow-by-tickets-127163420213
Todays conversation is about poetry and fairy tales with Northern Irish poet and storyteller Meghan Bell. Meghanâs poetry and book are available on Amazon worldwide. https://www.amazon.co.uk/M-E-Bell/e/B08KTL19PN?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000 You can follow her lyrical journey over on Instagram: https://instagram.com/meghanelisewriting?igshid=13o6v0oavmw7q Grab your ticket for the âSomething To Grow Byâ podcast live webinar on January 9th here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/127163420213
It was a absolute delight to interview Karen Glass, such a poignant voice into the Charlotte Mason community and she even brought a favourite poem along with her which youâll hear at the end of the podcast. Please go across to http://www.karenglass.net/ and find out more about her books, research and desire to keep us all learning. Truly a kindred spirit. As ever you can find ALL the links to ALL my things (including Charlotte Mason Unboxed, Code: NOV20) over here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Iâm so honoured to share this lively conversation I had a few weeks ago with PNEU (Parents National Educational Union)graduate Dr. Susie Nyman. Susie is an incredible teacher and leader, expert and sought after voice in SEN and Multisensory Teaching and all round joyful human! Find her books here: Eastap, L. et al. (2018). Dyslexia Friendly Schools Good Practice Guide - 2nd Edition. British Dyslexia Association. https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/shop/books/dyslexia-friendly-schools-good-practice-guide-2nd-edition Nyman, S. (2019). The Multi-sensory Teaching Toolkit. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/products/dr-susie-nymans-multi-sensory-teaching-toollkit Nyman, S. (2020). How to become a Grade Riser. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/collections/revision-extras/products/how-to-be-a-grade-riser-by-dr-susie-nyman-teacher-must-have
Excited for you to listen in to my conversation with beautiful legend, Sally Clarkson. Sally is a podcaster, speaker, conference host, prolific author as well as a wife, mother and grandmother. She speaks with wisdom and grace into motherhood and education, and Iâm honoured to call her friend. Check out Sally on Instagram here: https://instagram.com/sally.clarkson?igshid=ann13bz4wwm9 and her most recent book âAwaking Wonderâ; itâs a beautiful insight into her homeschooling journey. Find ALL the links to ALL my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Pull up a chair, pour a cuppa and join Amber and I in a beautifully rich conversation about Charlotte Mason, educational freedom, diversity and hope for the future. Amber speaks, writes, and shares her observations on her blog on home education, culture, books, global travel, and more, and when asked about her path she likes to smile and say, âIn my house, Charlotte Mason has an afro.â Find her incredible posts and resources here: https://heritagemom.com/ - Find ALL the links to ALL my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
This week weâve got Charlotte Mason gold alongside some classic homeschooling straight talk with the one and only Julie Bogart. Join us for a rich, funny and invigorating conversation to get your week started right! You can reach Julie here: https://linkinprofile.com/juliebravewriter . You can find ALL the links to ALL my things, including my newsletter here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Todayâs podcast is an enlivening conversation with the wise and wonderful Dr. Carroll Smith of the Charlotte Mason Institute. Dr. Carrollâs knowledge of Mason and his connections within the community go back to the early 80âs - so, so interesting! You can find out more about the institute here: https://charlottemasoninstitute.org/ You can find ALL the links to ALL my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today Eloise @mightymother_ and I deep dive into Charlotte Mason in the early years, encouragement for mothers, the atmosphere of the home and how she wrote a book in two weeks during the UK Covid-19 lock down! You can find out all about her content, courses and coaching here: https://fridabemighty.com/about/ || ALL my links to all my things are here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
In this weeks episode I get to interview my husband Dave Boden (aka Modern Mr. Mason) about his work in education and the principles of a growth mindset. We discuss Masonâs notion of education being a place of growth as well as the continuous place of growth for mothers. You can find out more about Daveâs work with Grace Foundation here: http://www.Grace-foundation.org.Uk and here: https://www.facebook.com/gracefoundationcharity || ALL the links to all my things including coaching and the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course can be found here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Em Bowers is an inspiring enthusiast of the work of the PNEU; sheâs part of the team leading the Charlotte Mason community in the UK whilst home educating her youngest two sons. Youâll find her on Instagram @simplesmallslow || You can find all the links to all my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
This week I introduce you to my long-time friend and theatre expert Serena McCarthy. Serena has read, studied, taught, directed and acted in Shakespeare productions since her teen years and takes some time today to share her experiences and helps guide us in reading, memorising and teaching Shakespeare to our children. You can find Serena occasionally blogging over at: http://majesticandmystical.blogspot.com/?m=0 and sharing on her Instagram @the_nature_of_light || You can find links to ALL my things: https://linktr.ee/leahboden - Thanks for listening, Leah x
ALL the links to all my things (Including the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course) here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
ALL the links to all my things (Including the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course) here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
ALL the links to all my things (Including the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course) here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
ALL the links to all my things (Including the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course) here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
ALL the links to all my things (Including the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course) here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Todayâs poetry reading is by Diana Edwin|| ALL the links to all my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Todayâs poetry reading is by Greta Eskridge, author of âAdventuring Togetherâ || ALL the links to all my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Todayâs poetry reading is by Lynn Seddon of Exploring Nature With Children || ALL the links to all my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
It starts with me || Leahboden.com || ALL the links to all my things: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Weâre wrapping up this season with an epic, fabulous conversation plus Q & A with mother, creative and Charlotte Mason enthusiast Richele Baburina about maths! Here are a few places you can find her. Shop for maths resources over at https://simplycharlottemason.com/store/the-charlotte-mason-elementary-arithmetic-series/ and brush drawing resources over on https://www.twentytwentypress.com/ - http://charlottemasonpoetry.org/ - IG: @rbaburina || ALL the links to ALL my things are here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden and donât forget to use the code DEAL20 for 20% off the Charlotte Mason Unboxed course (limited numbers for a limited time). Enjoy - Leah
Hop on the imagination bus with my fabulous friend Elsie Iudicello and I as we explore how the Charlotte Mason philosophy expounds this important part of child development and education. Find Elsie over at @farmhouseschoolhouse on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/farmhouse_schoolhouse/?hl=en ) || ALL my links to all my things are here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
We take an alternate route down a Waldorf pedagogy today and talk with Rachel Kovac (@rachelstitchedtogether) about handicrafts. Rachel is so beautifully inspiring and practical - she truly brings this habit and rhythm to life through this conversation. Rachel has a course hosted by Wild + Free called âThe Music of Mozartâ which includes handicrafts, poetry, stories and much more - check it out here: https://www.bewildandfree.org/mozart. Find her on Instagram here: https://instagram.com/rachelstitchedtogether?igshid=1l97b1pp7ya8o || All the links to ALL my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Today we take a step back into history with my friend Hilda (@harthandhome); veteran CM home educator, reader, history reenactor, nature explorer and curator of beauty! We discuss books, timelines and living history fun (costumes not included đ). You can find Hilda over on Instagram sharing her wisdom and selling books - go check out her @promiselivinglibrary page đ ALL my links to all my things are here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden || Enjoy the show!
A deep dive into the place of poetry in our lives and education with homeschool graduate Joy Clarkson (@joynessthebrave). Joy is the daughter of well known author, speaker and mentor to many, Sally Clarkson. Joy is a PHD student at St. Andrews, Scotland and is reading theology. Join us for a rich conversation to thrill the heart and equip your homeschool. https://joyclarkson.com/ || All the links to all my things: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Amy Hughes and I discuss how Charlotte Masonâs philosophy inspired not only her home educating but also her journey towards gentle parenting. You can find Amy on Instagram (@simplelittleamy) or over on her blog (simplelittlelifeblog.wordpress.com). All my links to all the things are here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
Building on the foundation of nature study with fellow UK Charlotte Mason mama Diana Edwin (@solent_charlotte_mason_uk). With Dianaâs engineering background and her passion for STEM subjects she guides us in books choices , journaling, narration and the gentle continuation of scientific study within the Charlotte Mason philosophy. All the links to all the things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden - please message Diana via Instagram for the book titles she recommends. Online conference I mention: https://www.learnfree.org.uk/
So excited to introduce you to my fabulous friend Greta (@maandpamodern) - we talk all things books...including the one sheâs about to launch into the world! Find Gretaâs resources here: http://www.gretaeskridge.com/ and the links to all my things here: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
A deep dive into the meaning of the âfeast of educationâ. Iâm joined by Kyle Campbell of @suddenjourneys (Instagram) who adds a beautiful sound bite speaking on the subject of grazing boards with my response on how they relate to our understanding and implementation of the feast of education. Poem read by Sienna Boden. All the links to all the things: https://linktr.ee/leahboden
This week Iâm interviewing one of my all time favourite people, Lynn Seddon! We talk about nature study in lock down and Lynnâs lovely mother culture rhythms. The reading is from Volume 1, âHome Educationâ and Sienna Boden is reciting âHappy Thoughtsâ by Robert Louis Stevenson. All the links to all the things: https://linktr.ee/leahboden || IG: @Leahvboden @modernmissmason
In this episode we explore the length and depths of Charlotte Masonâs 6 volumes; how to read them and not feel overwhelmed along with ten top tips for study. The poem recited is âOf Isolationâ by Charlotte Mason taken from âThe saviour of the worldâ volume 1.