Terribly Tiny Tales brings to you Season 01 of Such A Pyaar - an audio story series performed by Meiyang Chang, Archana Pania, Rajat Barmecha, Sushant Divgikr, Shreya Gupto, Aritro Banerjee, and more.
Best experienced with earphones & love.
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Terribly Tiny Tales brings to you Season 01 of Such A Pyaar - an audio story series performed by Meiyang Chang, Archana Pania, Rajat Barmecha, Sushant Divgikr, Shreya Gupto, Aritro Banerjee, and more.
Best experienced with earphones & love.
Copyright: © Terribly Tiny Tales
Scenes from a morning after, as two mostly strangers try to figure if something can, in fact, happen between them.
At an airport, enroute for a trip, a couple talks about experimenting, boundaries, and what it means to be dating "exclusively."
First date out of the closet. But what do you wear (other than your heart on your sleeve)?
Through voice notes, banter, and reflection — a man explores the idea of belonging to a relation and personal s p a c e.
A (mostly sweet) confrontation ensues in a cafe as a couple grapples with what it means to be childhood sweethearts as adults.