The Marvel team at Hasbro must wish they weren't working remotely. They could just walk into the office, drop a microphone, and walk out again. For the second time in a row they not only broke the HasLab funding records (in dollars AND backers), they smashed through it and just kept going. Not only is the Galactus HasLab funded, we are also getting the Nova figure, the Silver Surfer figure, the Morg figure, and an alternate Doctor Doom head!
In this podcast Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie have a postmortem on Galactus. It was a smash success, but could it have done even better? We dissect the HasLab from start to funding to finish.
Also in this week's show, the Hasbro team of Dwight Stall, Dan Yun, and Ryan Ting sat down with Arnie for a 20-minute exclusive interview. They talk retro 3.75-inch figures, retro Legends, Galactus, and more.
Finally, Hasbro has revealed their waves for the next two MCU movies -- The Eternals and Spider-Man: No Way Home. The hosts react to these reveals and ask the Eternals question: "who wants figures in ornate robes?"
With a discussion of next month's PulseCon and more, it's all in this week's Marvelicious Toys!
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