Episode 4 with the incredible demystifying powers of Andres Anauz, Educating us on how the global money flow works, what affect using the dollar as their primary currency has on emerging countries like Ecuador and specifically learning about the IMF's ability to generate SDRs.
Check out the following links for more info, some of which are referred to in the episode!
- Andres Decode talk : 58minutes in https://vimeo.com/showcase/6700449/video/383792642
- FT Alphaville piece : https://ftalphaville.ft.com/2020/03/13/1584100656000/Time-for-an-SDR-injection-/
- The Nation piece https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/economy-fed-imf/
- El Diario piece https://www.eldiario.es/murcia/murcia_y_aparte/Farma-colonialismo-triaje-monetario_6_1010058987.html
- CEPR article https://cepr.net/press-release/g20-should-call-for-imf-to-issue-3-trillion-sdrs-cepr-economists-say/
- Real News Network piece https://therealnews.com/stories/imf-global-south-cope-economic-crisis-coronavirus
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