In this episode Patrick explores the theme beating at the heart of the Torah: God’s mission to unite heaven and earth. We will explore how the Torah begins on a mountain garden where God dwells with humanity, and then traces his mission to recreate that reality through covenants in a world corrupted by human sin.
Like the podcast? Bible Field Guide also combines images and short essays on Instagram to help people visualize and internalize the historical, cultural, literary, and theological world of the Bible. Check out our Instagram account for our latest posts, or go to our website to learn more. We are still VERY early, so there isn’t much to look at, but we’ve got exciting things planed for 2019-2020… so stay tuned.
On the theme of God’s mission to unite heaven and earth:
T. D. Alexander’s City of God.
G. K. Beale’s God Dwells Among Us.
Here are some of my favorite, accessible introductions to the Torah:
From Paradise to Promised Land by T.D. Alexander.
Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Pentateuch by Gordon Wenham.