We use modern jet-substructure techniques to propose LHC searches for multijet-resonance signals without leptons or missing energy. We focus on three-jet resonances produced by R-parity-violating decays of boosted gluinos, showing that shape analyses searching for a mass peak can probe such gluinos up to masses of 750 GeV (650 GeV) with 20/fb (5/fb) at the LHC at 8 TeV. This complements existing search strategies, which also include counting methods that are inherently more prone to systematic uncertainties. Since R-parity-violating gluinos lighter than all squarks hadronize before decaying, we introduce new color-flow variables, "radial pull" and "axis contraction", which are sensitive to the color structure of the R-hadron's decay. The former measures the inward pull of subjets in a fat jet, while the latter quantifies the inward drift of the N-subjettiness axes when changing the distance measure. We show that they can dramatically improve the discrimination of a boosted gluino signal.