A sort of Patrick & Eric in the Morning episode - but this episode we invited on Charles from the Things of No Interest Blog to discuss the 31 games released on Board Game Arena during the month of December.
12/01: Thurn & Taxis, from Andreas Seyfarth & Karen Seyfarth, 2006 Spiel des Jahres
12/02: Welcome to… / Welcome to New Vegas, from Alexis Allard & Benoît Tupin
12/03: 99, public domain
12/04: Flaming Pyramids, designed by Norbert Abel
12/05: Small Islands, designed by Alexis Allard
12/06: Map Maker, designed by Louis Lafair, Joshua Lafair, Becca Lafair
12/07: Solo Whist, public domain
12/08: Kami, adapted from Goïta Shogi
12/09: Luxor, from Rüdiger Dorn, 2018 Spiel des Jahres nominee
12/10: Hungarian Tarokk, public domain
12/11: Cacao, from Phil Walker-Harding, 2015 Spiel des Jahres Recommended
12/12: Piraten Kapern, from Haim Shafir
12/13: Off the Rails, from Andrew Platt, Stuart Platt
12/14: Connect 6, from Professor I-Chen Wu
12/15: Spades, public domain
12/16: Saint Petersburg, from Bernd Brunnhofer, 2004 Spiel des Jahres Nominee
12/17: Cribbage, from Sir John Suckling
12/18: Yokai, from Julien Griffon
12/19: Quantik, from Nouri Khalifa, from Gigamic’s Classic game line
12/20: Nanga Parbat, from Steve Finn
12/21: Oh-Seven, from Alex Weldon
12/22: Bandido, from Martin Nedergaard Andersen
12/23: Concept, from Gaëtan Beaujannot & Alain Rivollet, 2014 SdJ Nominee
12/24: Haiclue, from Will Leaf
12/25: Via Magica, from Paolo Mori, reimplementation of Rise of Augustus
12/26: Martian Dice, from Scott Almes
12/27: Dungeon Roll, from Chris Darden
12/28: Con Sonar!, from Christian Boutin
12/29: Big Time Soccer, from Andrew S. Fischer
12/30: Forbidden Island, from Matt Leacock, 2011 Spiel des Jahres Nominee
12/31: Klaverjassen, public domain
Patrick Hillier @overthehillier
Eric Buscemi @EricBuscemi
Charles Hasegwa @charleshasegawa