We stand with the Black Lives Matter movement in advocating for racial justice, and against police violence. Wynter and her family have also suffered a personal tragedy, so this episode is in somber observance of this, as well as our current national events. Queer scholars & activists, Homay King and Jeanne Vaccaro join Karen to offer reports and resources for social justice actions, including ways of contributing for those who cannot participate in street actions. They discuss the media coverage of protests, race, and the pandemic, while reflecting on how race, feminism and LGBTQ politics intersect, or fail to, in “pride month” media and entertainment, including the recent Hulu original series Mrs. America. Nuo-lingo focuses on the concept of “mutual aid” and what it truly means, while the panelists offer resources for what to read, what to watch, and how to educate yourselves & others about race, justice, and sexuality in America.
Instead of another plea to contribute to us this week, we ask that you contribute to the social justice organizations of your choice, especially those promoting peace, and racial, gender and sexual equality. We, and our guests this week (Homay King and Jeanne Vaccaro) recommend the following:
Black Visions Collective (BLVC) “believes in a future where all Black people have autonomy, safety is community-led, and we are in right-relationship within our ecosystems. (https://www.blackvisionsmn.org/)
ABC (Act Blue Community Bail Funds) where you can split a donation between up to 40 community bail funds all over the country, from Louisville to Hawaii, Baltimore, NOLA, CA, Memphis, Chicago, as well as bail funds established by organizations like the LGBTQ freedom fund. (it’s a long URL, so look on our Patreon Page) https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd?fbclid=IwAR2x8YYMubmjvUldt3XWQ2h9AJKkV5oEhjPqE4Zkdxpmv-szyPCa1lYcs8Y
BLM Global Network: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019
Philadelphia Community Bail Fund: https://www.phillybailout.com/
Reclaim Philadelphia: https://www.reclaimphiladelphia.org/
The Philadelphia Cultural Fund: https://www.philaculturalfund.org/
What we talked about this week: