Title: Story Time Returns to Dorset
Story time returned to the Dorset Village Library with drag performers Anita Cocktail and Mama Dukes, who read and entertained a full house to visitors.
Title: Vermont Exhibit Opens At SVAC
“For The Love Of Vermont” – an art exhibit of paintings about Vermont by Vermont-based artists from the 20th century – opened at the southern Vermont Arts Center on July 22. It follows an opening at the Bennington Museum of more paintings from the collection of Vermont Country Store owner Lyman Orton.
Title: Arlington To Track Carbon, Energy Use
The town of Arlington is moving ahead on tracking its energy use to gain a better understanding of that as well as how they can save money and reduce carbon emissions.
Title: Building Back Better
After the recent flooding events in July, a major question facing many Vermont communities is whether to build back what was, or build it back better, with more resiliency. That’s also going to cost more. We talk with several local leaders to hear their thinking on that.
Title: Broadband Milestone Reached
Bennington County became one of the first counties in Vermont where universal broadband access is within reach. The Southern Vermont Communications Union District and Fidium Fiber held a ceremony at Bromley Mountain on Aug. 8 to mark the moment.