We know there’s a lot of things going on more important than Legacy, but we wanted to record/release the cast on our regular schedule, in case anyone still wanted to listen this week and because our footprint is small enough that we’re pretty confident that it won’t distract from the many ways people are taking up the fight for racial justice right now.
If you have the means/ability to do so, please do the research to find and contribute to organizations in your community and support the struggles of marginalized people locally and beyond. #blacklivesmatter #indigenouslivesmatter
This week in Magic: Jeff can’t make the Cyberclaw go brrr, McBain still knows his Twitter handle and doesn’t have time for shoutouts, and Quinn is weirdly excited about lame duck Standard. The guys discuss the companion change, the Lotus Box and Challenge results, and what we’re looking forward to in the latest iteration of the Legacy meta.
1:06 Intro/housekeeping
5:00 Companions (again, but for probably the last time)
28:29 The Lotus Box Legacy $1.5k results
40:02 The May 31st MTGO Challenge results
1:21:38 What we’re looking forward to playing this week
1:26:54 That’s gas!
Lawrence Harmon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LawrenceHarmon
Cozy Gang Podcast: https://www.patreon.com/CozyGang
Color of Magic Podcast: https://www.colorofmtg.com/
Dequan Watson on Twitter: https://twitter.com/powrdragn
Brian Allen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DLCeasar
National Bail Directory: https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory
Thraben University brewing contest: http://www.thrabenuniversity.com/?p=2508
Combo goblins: https://twitter.com/solnox2/status/1267173417238671360
The Dead Format Podcast: https://twitter.com/DeadFormatCast
Hit us up on Twitter: twitter.com/canadianthresh