On this week’s OK Beast Podcast, the crew shares their Super Mario Maker 2 impressions, discusses the newly released Bittboy PocketGo handheld, and dives into their favorite games of the decade, year by year.
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What’s Up:
Super Mario Maker 2, League of Legends, Bittboy PocketGo handheld, Final Fantasy 14
Listener Questions (Tweet Us or Email Hello@OKBeast.com):
We asked listeners to email us with their favorite games of the decade. Here are their responses:
Chase Williams: Inside as a perfect expression of the word artwork, conveying meaning while defying interpretation, expressing a particular truth about the evils capable in humans without words but through play, and highlighting the sense making capacity of the brain.
Ben Bellevue: Journey. It tells a story in a way that not only perfectly translates its mechanics to its theme, but comes together to tell a powerful and moving story in a way that couldn’t be done in another medium. It isn’t a game with a story, but a game that is a story.
Quin Hoffman: Dishonored 2. It takes the foundation built upon by the original, and makes something truly fantastic and tells a grand story with rich levels. It gives you a toolbox, and lets you experiment with everything. It is the perfect Immersive Sim.
Caitlin: Battle Chef Brigade because it’s fun, charming and perfect in almost every way
Andrew Cogswell: Slime Rancher for the exact same reasons Caitlin said for Battle Chef Brigade.
Alex O’Neill: Breath of the Wild. If you think about all of the experimentation with open world games over the last decade, in particular between 08 & ‘15, BotW is, in my eyes, the result of all thy work, and an experimentation into open world that gets so much right immediately.
Nato Johnston: divinity original sin 2 until Baldurs gate 3 comes out
Cameron Abbott: Tetris Effect. It transcends video games & is an expression and triumphant declaration of video games as an art form. It brings immersive experiences both equally in & outside of VR. It perfects the perfect game, & inspires and evokes emotional responses beyond any other medium.
Dylan: Breath of the Wild is uncontested when it comes to player freedom, creativity, and thoughtfulness in an open-world setting. It’s the gold standard for open-world games.
Chris Nelson: God of War (2018). It combines stunning visuals, a versatile soundtrack with intense highs and chilling lows, a tight cast of fascinating characters with stellar performances, a superb & rewarding combat system, and the incredible one-shot aspect should be applauded to this day.
Noah Friscopp: The Witcher 3. It has the unfair advantage of being the conclusion to both a long running novel series and a trilogy of games that completely captures the fantasy of it’s character, enraptured you in it’s world, and sends off the characters in nearly the best way possible.
Neil Rivera: The Witcher 3 was a coming out party for CDPR and was a massive step forward for open world quest design. Looking at the hype for Cyberpunk, I don’t think it’s nearly as high without The Witcher 3 being as incredible as it was.
Elliott: The Witcher 3. As @PeerIGN said- “it’s side quests are more thoughtful and detailed then the main quests in most games” 170 hours of content, gorgeous art, unique story and monsters. Perfection.
Javin Mather: Oooof…..very torn on Witcher 3. Agree based on overall execution, but Bloodborne created a wider array of emotions and unique emotion for me. God of War was the most personal.
Andy: Ni No Kuni Wrath Of The White Witch, amazing art style, stellar gameplay (Pokemon meets Final Fantasy) and an incredible story of companionship tinged with sadness throughout. Oh and Drippy, Drippy is the greatest companion ever.
Logan Wilkinson: I think this entire convo is wrought with drama and danger but what I will say is The Last of Us. It conveys the breadth, diversity, and the tragedy of humanity’s experience and singular entity of love, in all it’s shades and forms that anchors it’s all. Sweeping, epic, intimate
John Maddock: Mass Effect 2. A story that nails the sci-fi space epic while also providing fun combat and allows you to bond with your crew in a way that makes you care about all of their stories.
Alec Bobko: I have to say it’s GTA V. This game is still making content for it’s fanbase YEARS after it’s initial release. To top it off, it’s all free! Yeah they might not all be great, but I can’t think of a AAA Dev that supports a single game for so long. BotW is a close second though.
Youtube Watcher: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Its ubiquity was felt in the memes the game sprouted and its sales across multiple systems. Was also fun as heck to play.
Lorian: Dark Souls, raised the bar for thoughtfulness in all aspects of game design, carved out its own huge player base, impacted games in general forever
Harold Price: Rock Band Blitz. It took 5 years of RB DLC into a new style. A fun new way to experience music.
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