I’ve a list of 70 deep & personal questions. Each guest picks a few at random. No small talk allowed.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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I’ve a list of 70 deep & personal questions. Each guest picks a few at random. No small talk allowed.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tom Speight is an incredible singer songwriter from London with over 1.1 MILLION monthly Spotify listeners. I found his song Into The Night through the magic of Spotify algorithms and I'm so glad I did. He has had a crazy couple of years personally, and when I saw that he was coming to Bristol - I HAD to grab him for a chat before his show. Such a positive outlook on life considering the ups and downs he's experienced. Not one to miss! Also... it's the LAST episode of series 2?! How did that happen? See you in 2020 for series 3!
We dive into fate, online dating, family, Crohn's disease, being an independent artist, his ideal death row meal (my favourite thing to discuss ever!) and more.
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Tom: @tomspeightmusic
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Katie Sky is none other than one of my BEST FRIENDS! But also just so happens to be an insanely talented singer and songwriter. You may recognise her from her song Monsters, which was remixed by Timeflies back in 2014. Since then she's flown across the globe writing in various camps and sessions - and has very recently just got married (!!). She's one of my favourite people on planet EARTH, and I am so happy and excited that you guys can get to know her a bit better via this episode.
We dive into her life purpose, toxic people and relationships, being assertive, communication, depression, assertiveness and songwriting!
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Katie: @katiesky
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Today's guest is Claudia Fragapane - you may recognise her from Strictly Come Dancing back in 2016. She's also an insane gymnast. She came to prominence at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, where she was the first English woman to win four gold medals since 1930. How bloody impressive is that?!
She's only just turned 22 so I'm sure some of my questions were quite a lot to take ha! I'm mega grateful to her for opening up to me though and letting me in on her crazy little life.
We dive into how she became a gymnast, her crazy training schedule, the Olympics, Strictly Come Dancing, body image, online trolling and more.
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Claudia: @claudiafrag
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is the wonderful Josie Gibson! You may recognise her from series 11 of Big Brother in the UK which she won by a CRAZY 77.5% of the public vote - the highest percentage out of any other Big Brother series (!!). She's also a regular TV presenter on ITV and has recently become a Mum to the insanely cute little guy, Reggie. Oh, and she has the thickest Bristolian accent I think I've ever heard. I can't tell you how friendly, down-to-earth and easy to chat to she was. She put me at ease immediately. I'm so grateful she let me dive into her brain and ask her my weird and wonderful questions. Go and follow her if you don't already and send her some well deserved love!
We dive into fame, some of her wild stories, family, childhood, Motherhood, Big Brother, reality TV, break-ups, energies and more.
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Josie: @josiegibson85
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Imaginary Future (Jesse Epstein) is a SUPER talented singer and songwriter with over 2.8 million listeners on Spotify (!!). He's also one half of the fucking awesome duo Jome. Get to know his/their music and thank me later. I remember listening to his album Fire Escape on repeat for a solid two years. I was lucky enough to meet him through his wonderful wife Kina Grannis - and since then have had the pleasure of getting to know him on a personal level. He may be one of the kindest and most authentic guys I've ever met in my entire life. Seriously. This episode makes me so happy - I can't wait to hear what you guys think!
We dive into crying and emotions, bonding with close friends, goals, self-awareness, relationships and more.
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Imaginary Future: @imaginaryfuture
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is Josephine Vander Gucht from the incredible pop-duo Oh Wonder! Dan and I recorded a Meadowlark EP with Ant from Oh Wonder back in 2014 - just as they were gearing up to release their first single Body Gold. Since then, their career has gone from strength to strength. I can't tell you how satisfying it feels to watch two such crazy talented songwriters actually get what they deserve in the music industry. I left Jose feeling SO GOOD about myself. She has such an infectious happy energy that I've not come across in literally anyone else. Her confidence and self-worth is almost tangible. It'll be impossible for you to listen to this episode and not feel better about yourself after. I can't thank her enough for giving me some of her time! This is one you don't want to miss.
We dive into diet culture, body shaming, food issues, self confidence, self love, Oh Wonder, touring, what it means to be a woman in the music industry and much more!
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Josephine: @iamjosephinevg
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is GABRIELLE BLOODY APLIN, ladies and gentlemen! We both grew up on YouTube together back in 2008 - and I remember seeing her videos and thinking... holy mother of God. Who is this woman?? Her MGMT 'Electric Feel' cover still blows my mind to this day. She was wonderful enough to invite Meadowlark on tour with her after we'd only been a band for a few months! She's been nothing but kind and supportive to me over the years and it was a total pleasure to sit down with her and chat PROPERLY after only ever really saying hi and bye to eachother at gigs. She's just announced the release date of her third album Dear Happy, alongside an absolute banger of a debut single 'Kintsugi'! I could go on and on, but instead I'll just highly recommend you let yourself indulge in her beauty on Spotify (after listening to our episode of course)!
We dive into what it means to be truly free, burning out after her extensive PR/touring schedule, her ADHD diagnosis and what it feels like to live with that, mental health in general, veganism, being your own boss and lots more!
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Gabrielle: @gabrielleaplin
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Woody is the drummer for the ridiculously talented and successful band Bastille. In June, they released their third album Doom Days and it's personally my all-time favourite. I can't listen to their song Joy and not feel exactly that. Being in a band that size and touring that much has to come with some crazy ups and downs, so I was so excited to have the opportunity to sit down with him and pick apart what it's like to live a life like that. Having toured just a fraction of the amount they have, I know how hectic it can get - so for him to be on the road whilst having two kids and a beautiful wife at home - is all sorts of admirable and cool. I loved chatting to him so much. Hope you enjoy!
We dive into how Bastille began, Brexit, their intense touring schedule, becoming a Dad, the best gigs they've played, their rise to fame, the bits about the music industry people don't know and much more.
That amazing book I was talking about! - The Untethered Soul
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Woody: @woodybangsthedrums
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Billie Marten is a 20 year old singer-songwriter from Ripon in North Yorkshire! She is without DOUBT the coolest 20 year old I've ever had the pleasure of spending time with. I don't think she'd mind me saying that she's an old soul in a young body. She has such insight and wisdom for her age and her incredible voice and music reflects that. She released her first EP at the age of FIFTEEN (!!) and her second EP just a year later. She was also nominated for the Sound of 2016 award. Basically, she's amazing. You can check out her new album Feeding Seahorses By Hand now - you won't be disappointed.
We dive into body image, social media, being a female musician in 2019, seasonal affective disorder, anti depressants, family and much more.
That amazing book I was talking about! - The Untethered Soul
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Billie: @billiemarten
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sarah Goodhart is best known for appearing in the 14th series of Geordie Shore. (She was also on Ex On The Beach!) She's now a make-up artist and a bloody good one. She's gorgeous and very funny with bags of insight and wisdom on mental health and what it looks like to take care of yourself in today's society! I loved talking to her so bloody much.
Today we dive into all things reality tv, her traumatic experience on Geordie Shore, depression, anxiety, therapy, daily routines and much more.
That amazing book I was talking about! - The Untethered Soul
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Sarah: @sarahgoodhart
Get the FULL episodes a whole WEEK earlier for as little as $1 a month!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is Mr Joshua Keogh from the one and only AMBER RUN! Honestly... we wrote with him the day after we recorded this episode and I could NOT get over his voice when he started singing in the room. It blew my tiny little mind. He didn't go out of tune once. And fuck me, what an incredible writer and lyricist. It's likely you'll have heard Amber Run's music - their two songs 'I Found' and '5am' are two of my all-time favourites. And those two songs ALONE have over 122 MILLION plays on Spotify! Ridiculous but so so deserved.
Today we dive into anxiety & depression, suicide attempts, religion, relationships, family, grief and a whole lot more.
Follow Joshua: @joshuafabiokeogh
Follow Amber Run: @amberrun
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: http://www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is none other than Lewis Watson! Ask anyone who's met Lewis and who's in this industry - and they'll tell you he's the kindest soul you'll meet. I am eternally grateful to him for coming all the way down from London just to talk to me. He has over 1.6 MILLION Spotify monthly listeners and his songwriting and talent is finally getting the recognition it so deserves. He was wonderful enough to let Meadowlark tour with him back in the day and we love him endlessly. Thanks for opening up to me, Lewis!
Today we dive into his career in music, confidence, the music industry, family, childhood trauma, relationships and more.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Lewis: @levvis
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: http://www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is only Orla Gartland! I met Orla about 10 years ago when she bought tickets to see me play in Dublin. SHE came to see ME play??? I'd seen her sing on YouTube of course - how could I forget those wonderful faces she makes? But more than that, I remembered how funny, open and talented she was. She's just got better and better with age and is absolutely killing it right now. With nearly 400,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and over 11.7 MILLION views on YouTube - she is a force to be reckoned with. I feel so grateful she let me chat to her before her sold out gig in Bristol! All hail Orla Gartland. All hail.
Today we dive into the music industry, becoming an artist, body image and self-esteem, relationships, friendships, people-pleasing, Irish culture and more.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Social media:
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow Orla: @orlagartland
Support the Podcast: http://www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is MY DAD! I am so happy and grateful that this chat happened. I feel so proud to be his daughter. He has a history in medicine working as a GP, but now works full time as a Holistic doctor. He has so much wisdom and knowledge, and it'd be a crying shame if the world didn't get to hear what he had to say. Find out more about him and his work here: www.plymouthholisticdoctor.co.uk
I will let him do the talking - as he's pretty fucking good at it. Hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I enjoyed doing it. Big love to my Pops. What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.
Today we dive into triggers, grief, psychosomatic illnesses, his childhood, psychedelic drugs, human programming and more.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Support the Podcast: http://www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Dad: http://www.plymouthholisticdoctor.co.uk
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My guest today is none other than Marié Digby! I remember stumbling across her cover of Umbrella by Rihanna when I was 17 years old. That's a long time ago, team. I couldn't get over the insane talent and beauty she has - and I still can't, to be honest. Knowing her now and as a friend as well is just a huge treat. She has over 133 MILLION video views on YouTube and to this day makes the most wonderful music over on her Patreon page. Go and check her out - you won't be disappointed. Hope you guys love this episode as much I enjoyed talking to her.
Today we dive into social media addiction, bullying and not 'fitting in', religious schools, how she found her voice, record labels and much more. She has some wild stories you don't wanna miss... trust me.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Follow Marié: @mariedigby
Follow Kate: @katemcgill
Follow the Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: http://www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kina Grannis is an amazing singer, insane songwriter and a YouTuber! Holy hell, I love this woman. Endlessly. I stumbled across her YouTube videos when I was 18 and immediately became obsessed. I tweeted her. I covered her songs. I essentially harassed her until she liked me enough to take a chance on me and go away on a songwriting retreat in New York. We've become real life friends and it makes me so happy.
She has over 1.4 million YouTube subscribers and has over 244 MILLION video views. Her talent is incredible and amazing but the human behind it is even better, would you believe? I hope you love our conversation!
Today we dive into her crazy experience of getting trapped in Jakarta with her band for 100 days, gratitude, trauma, loss, family and everything in between.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Social media:
Kina: @kinagrannis
Kate: @katemcgill
Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mree is a singer, songwriter, producer, birdhouse/crafts maker and everything in between! So much talent. If you've not heard her sing yet, I highly recommend you get yourself over to YouTube right after this interview and watch her. She's like no one I've ever come across. When she sings, the entire room and everything in it stops to listen to her... I'm not even joking. I've seen it with my own eyes!
Today we dive into how Mree found her voice, inner-confidence and style. We also tackle determination, loss, deep-rooted fears, anxiety, social media and lots more. Huge thanks to this beautiful woman for letting me dive into her brain.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Social media:
Mree: @mreemusic
Kate: @katemcgill
Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Portia Conn is an incredibly talented singer and songwriter and is the front woman for the amazing electronic pop duo 'Mauwe'. They are so bloody good, check them out! That's All and Strangers are songs that you simply MUST hear.
Today we dive into vulnerability, her past celebrity relationship, anxiety, depersonalisation and more. Huge love to Portia for allowing me into her fascinating brain!
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Social media:
Portia: @portiaconn
Kate: @katemcgill
Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Daniel Broadley is a songwriter, a multi-instrumentalist and the producer for our band Meadowlark. He's also an incredible photographer/video director for Kode and Our World Is Grey.
Today we dive into grief, suicide, depression, inspiration and happiness. Huge thanks to Dan for letting me dive into his brain.
We upload new episodes every other Monday!
Social media:
Dan: @danielbroadley
Kate: @katemcgill
Podcast: @wedivedeeper
Support the Podcast: www.patreon.com/katemcgill
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.