My friend Lacy Gadegaard West likes to say, 'I'm a stylist by trade and a CEO by accident'. She's the Founder and CEO of Laced Hair Extensions, a globally recognized, multi-million dollar company.
Born and raised in a small town in Southern Utah, Lacy began her professional career as a stylist in Las Vegas. She developed her love for hair extensions and perfected her methods while working at the Bellagio and Aria for almost a decade. Lacy traveled the country doing hair for A-List celebrities and high-end clients.
With her experience at high end salons and clients that included celebrities and musicians, Lacy founded Laced Hair Extensions in 2010.
In 2015, Lacy began to experience health challenges, including a series of events in which her face became paralyzed, her speech slurred, and she suffered from crippling headaches, all of which led her to lose an unhealthy amount of weight. After countless tests, MRIs, and medical opinions, Lacy was diagnosed with a brain tumor and Multiple Sclerosis. Inspired by her time in the hospital with women suffering from hair loss due to medical treatments, Lacy wanted to do more. Lacy soon founded The Laced Hair Foundation, a purpose-driven non-profit dedicated to donating hair extensions to suffering women and giving hope when it’s needed most.
Today I get to talk to Lacy about her story behind starting the Laced Hair Foundation, and what it's like to live with MS. She also shares with me some of the ways you can get involved and volunteer your time or resources to the Laced Hair Foundation, and details on a fundraising gala she's hosting this week in Utah! For all the people out there who are already raving fans of Lacy's beautiful hair extensions, I think you'll really enjoy this inspirational story that will make you love her hair even more.
Time Stamps:
[02:04] - Where did Lacy Gadegaard get the motivation to start her own brand?
[04:12] - Lacy explains why the story of her journey is more meaningful than her successful results.
[06:08] - Lacy recalls the symptoms she experienced before a brain tumor diagnosis.
[08:13] - Why did hair clip-ins help Lacy during her treatments?
[10:50] - Lacy says she found her calling while speaking with fellow treatment patients.
[12:58] - Lacy talks about connecting with Bob Harmon over support for MS and getting her initiative together to officially help women.
[15:30] - You can turn any lemon into lemonade, no matter how sour they start off.
[17:32] - The quality of life for MS is better than years ago thanks to organizations and individuals working towards a better future.
[19:05] - What is “a day in the life” of someone managing MS? What are the sensations?
[21:55] - Lacy talks about pregnancy during MS. Why is it important for her to listen to her body?
[24:01] - Stress is a common thread to hair loss in women’s lives.
[26:28] - Lacy talks about the gala she is hosting soon that focuses on restoring confidence in women dealing with hair loss.
[29:02] - What will be going on at the event?
[30:32] - People can look fine, but have to manage “invisible” diseases or health concerns they deal with every day.
[33:28] - If you are part of someone’s support system, here are a few ideas of how to show up for them.
[35:35] - What are Lacy’s goals for Laced Hair Extensions?
[37:52] - Hairstylists are collaborating with Lacy to help women feel beautiful.
[40:25] - Where can you go to engage with the Laced Hair Extensions initiative?
[42:29] - We all have our struggles, and it can get better.
Supporting Resources:
Laced Hair Foundation
Laced Hair Extensions
Instagram @lacedhairfoundation
Personal Instagram @lacygadegaard