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Sometimes Christmas reminds us we are so happy! But sometimes Christmas reminds us we should be joyful but we aren’t. And today’s episode is all about eliminating comparison from our lives.
We are in the middle of this peace and joy series.
Today we are talking about something that robs us of joy year round but especially at Christmas and that is comparison and envy.
- Learn what comparison does to us
- The difference between envy and jealousy
- How to use purpose to find joy
Comparison will either make you feel inferior or superior, neither honors God.
And during the Christmas season in the hustle of it all, it is easy to compare so many things to others.
Bonuses, Christmas presents, holiday invites, family connections…the list goes on.
The Way Comparison Works:
Definition of Comparison:
What is it: It isn’t an emotion. But it drives emotions that make us feel some sort of way.
Comparison is the crush of conformity from one side and competition from the other – it’s trying to simultaneously fit in and stand out.
Comparison says to be like everyone else but better.
Fit in but win.
But it’s an impossible task. How can you win the race and be next to your teammates?
Comparison will either make you feel inferior or superior, neither honors God.
And that’s the issue, comparing ourselves to others leads us to fear, shame, sadness, and anger.
When we can’t win, we get envious of what others have that makes them seem better than us.
Envy occurs when we want what someone else has.
Jealously is when we fear losing a relationship or a valued relationship.
Comparison > envy > jealousy > inferiority of superiority > negative feelings that come with it
Our future is shaped by our past comparisons.
Not only in the decisions we make.
But in the way we feel about ourselves.
We can’t escape comparison but we can escape allowing it to make us unhappy with our circumstances.
You were not made to compare.
You were not made to feel you are less than.
But one easy trap we all fall into is comparison or envy,
SO WHAT IS THE REMEDY for comparison and envy? Appreciation and contentment.
Well if comparison says to be like everyone else but better.
Acceptance of exactly who I am says, the world will be better when I use the gifts that I have been given because no one has the same gifts I can uniquely offer the world.
Not made to fit but live on purpose with kindness and inner shine.
BOB GOFF SAYS We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose.
How to Find Joy By Stop Comparing:
- ReIdentify and embrace your purpose. Thank Jesus for being born for you. Notice the blessings that come with your purpose. See them. Be grateful. Resubmit yourself to God to see your purpose. To fix your eyes on him.
- Stop focusing on the next dream. The dream someone else has realized. And write down three answered prayers. Dreams come true. Walk around your home. Pray over it. And thank God for all parts of it. With the...