*Sandy’s Astro-Interesting Day*
April 19 (Fri) Mercury Rx conjunct Venus: What Is In the Note?
April 19 (Fri) Sun ingress Taurus: Getting Down to Earth
April 19 (Fri) Mars sextile Jupiter: Sparks Begin
April 19 (Fri) Mars sextile Uranus: Out of the Ordinary
*Sandy’s Favorite Day & Rare Event!*
April 20 (Sat) Jupiter conjunct Uranus: Irradic Luck
April 21 (Sun) Sun square Pluto: Not Budging
(Central Time for all dates & times)
Follow along with these transits personally! Download your Natal Chart:
➽ Finished Talismans: ➽
To be infused with the radiant energy of the Sun. (Tue, April 9) - SOLD
"I am empowered with courage,vitality, and pioneering spirit. I embrace stability, abundance, and inner peace. I am steady and assertive."
Sun (Aries) exalted & Moon (Taurus) exhaulted
To embrace that all unfolds harmoniously. (Tue, April 9)
“Each step I take is guided by celestial wisdom, ensuring that all aspects of my life align with divine purpose.”
Moon (Taurus) conjunct Midheaven (Taurus) conjunct 3rd Lunar Mansion (Attaining Gifts)
To be rooted in my intuition. (Sun, April 14)
“I move forward, driven with purpose, with confidence and clarity on my path.”
Moon (Cancer) trine Mars & Saturn (Pisces)
To embrace new beginnings. (Sun, April 14)
“I am a force of resilience, creativity, and compassion. I am empowered by the harmonious alignment of these celestial sources.”
Moon (Cancer) sextile Jupiter (Taurus)
➽ Upcoming Talismans: ➽
To be surrounded by people who genuinely care. (Wed, April 17) - SOLD
"My wellbeing, inspired growth, and celebrated successes become a creative network of encouragement and mutual respect in meaningful ways."
Moon (Leo) square Jupiter/Uranus (Taurus) in 11th House
To gain determination and confidence. (Wed, April 17)
“I feel my ambitions while my lioness courage leads me with purpose to embrace opportunities for growth and triumph.”
Moon (Leo) in 1st House square Jupiter/Uranus (Taurus) in 10th House
To be guided by innovation and wisdom. (Wed, April 17)
“I trust in my ability to adapt and thrive. I honor my unique journey that flows through me. I start my engine.”
Moon (Leo) square Jupiter/Uranus (Taurus) in the 10th House & Sun (Aries)
➽ Talisman of the Month - April ➽
(April 29th)
To embrace the unexpected allowing cosmic surprises to weave magic. (Charm)
“I welcome these breakthroughs. My ideas blossom into susatainable solutions that benefit you and me.”
Moon (Capricorn) trine Jupiter (Taurus) conjunct Uranus (Taurus)
DOWNLOAD NOW Jupiter Uranus: Lucky Breaks- Free Online Event!
April 10, 2024 Jupiter Uranus: CWS Webinar
September 22 - 29, 2024 2024 Amorgos, Greece Retreat
October 9 - 19, 2024 2024 Egypt Retreat
(Central Time for all dates & times)
Are you interested in joining us for a retreat, but still have a few questions? Receive a free 15-minute reading to ask Sandy questions to see if this retreat is the right fit for you! Sign-up here:https://intentionbeads.as.me/retreat
Who wants more in-person events?!