Episode 0x22 -- RSA is almost over...
Yes, we all survived, but RSAConflu hurts
So, 4/5th of Liquidmatrix is hanging out at RSAC this week. And we are really tired and would like to go home. Voices are pretty blown so we apologize for channeling Mike Rothman. It's been an exciting week and… well… thank goodness it's over.
- For this week's special episode...
- Stupid Vendor tricks
- BSidesSF + harrassment
- Buzzword Bingo
- Speed Dating
- We Lost
- I've got 99 problems and Rich ain't one
- Brian "CyberPotato" Honan
And if you've got commentary, please sent it to mailbag@liquidmatrix.org for us to check out.
DISCLAIMER: It's not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you're at work.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 5 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don't need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.
In this episode:
- No Notes due to SPECIAL REASONS
- Liquidmatrix Staff Projects
- The Security Conference Library
- Contribute to the Strategic Defense Execution Standard (#SDES) and you'll be Doing Infosec Right in no time.
- If you're interested in helping out with openCERT.ca, drop a line to info@openCERT.ca
- Upcoming Appearances: James speaking at Thotcon, BSidesChicago, BSidesRochester and secret coolness for Hacker Summer Camp in Vegas. Dave will be at Secure Dusseldorf, Infosecurity Europe, Black Hat, DEF CON, Secure Asia
In Closing
- Movie Review: No Review
- everyday is CTF! go set up a team
- Signing up for a SANS course? Be sure to use the code "Liquidmatrix_150" and save $150 off the course fee!
- Seacrest Says: I came for the booth babes and stayed for the bacon licking.
Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA