When humanity discovers a mysterious artificial object buried beneath the Lunar surface, a small team of astronauts are sent on a cryptic mission, but when their ships computer system, HAL, starts to display symptoms of sabotage, Dr. Dave Bowman is left in a tense showdown between man and machine. Leading him into a mind-altering journey through time and space.
The Holy Trinity are at it again this week, watching Stanley Kubrick's 1968 epic sci-fi film 2001: A Space Odyssey. We ask the question: What is a giant domino doing floating in the sky? Why does HAL 9000 sound like he's murdered people before? And what the hell was Kubrick smoking while making this film? Because we want some! So, is this one of the best sci-fi films every made? Does it still hold up? Shit, we'll be the judge of that.
Next: When Harry Met Sally (1989)
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