In late summer 2009, Amilcar Hill (known in Buffalo as DJ Milk) and his now-wife Rahwa Ghirmatzion, experienced the tragedy and heartbreak no parent ever should. Their 7-year old son Asa was killed in a car accident on the New York State Thruway near downtown Buffalo. Hill’s father was driving the vehicle, and his 7-year old little brother was also in the car. Both survived. It was the incredible outpouring of love and support from the Western New York community, Hill says, that allowed his family to cope with the emotional loss. Now, eight years later, Hill, his wife, and their 4-year old son Solace are an indelible part of the WNY community. DJ Milk can be seen - and heard - at local clubs, on TV shows, and spinning tunes for fans at Buffalo Sabres and Bandits games. This year, he will be playing all the pre-game music inside New Era Field right at the 50-yard line getting Bills fans ready for every game. This is the story of his life, Asa’s life, and the love of the community DJ Milk adores.