Today we are talking about sight words and how we teach them in our classrooms.
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NGSS Science Standards
Mar 31, 2021
Today we will talk about the Next Generation Science Standards and how you can teach them in your kindergarten class. We will also discuss how to incorporate engineering in kindergarten.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Tips to Prepare For a Teacher Evaluation
Feb 04, 2021
Today we are joined by Dr. Scott Crane, a.k.a my Dad, who will give us his insights into what your administrator is looking for when they do evaluations.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Subtraction: Teaching Part Whole Relationships
Dec 26, 2020
It’s that time of year when we start to think about how to tackle subtraction. We want to give you some guidance and tricks to make it easier to help your students grasp the concept and gain number sense.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
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Thematic Teaching
Dec 04, 2020
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Thematic Units Bundle
42 Thematic Units at an Incredible Savings.
These engaging, fun, and developmentally appropriate thematic units will thrill students in your classroom or homeschool while saving you valuable time!
Reach core standards in fun and active ways as you use these delightful across the curriculum, engaging lessons and activities.
Increasing Student Engagement
Oct 29, 2020
During this podcast we will discuss ways that we keep students engaged that you can use whether you are teaching online or in person.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
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September Planning Ideas and Songs
Sep 22, 2020
September is a great month to introduce Cross-curricular thematic units such as apples, harvest, fall, and scarecrows. Join with us as we celebrate September teaching ideas.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Teaching During a Pandemic! Ideas For The New Normal Possibilities!
Aug 19, 2020
We know you are all dealing with a lot so we wanted to give you as many ideas and tools as we could come up with. Whether you are teaching in person, through a blended model, or online, we have ideas for you. Please let us know how things are going! Write to us at and let us know your story.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Preparing for the Unknown School Year Ahead
Jul 22, 2020
With the beginning of the school year coming up, we are starting to think about how to best address the needs of our students this year. In this podcast, we’ll discuss some of our ideas for how to make the best of things.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Emotional Resilience: An Interview with Dr. Susan Linn
Apr 28, 2020
Teaching Kindergarten Online
Mar 20, 2020
We've suddenly become online kindergarten teachers and things are stressful. We wanted to check in with you and see how things are going with you. Please email us at if we can do anything to support you during this time.
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March! This is one of my favorite months of the year! In this episode, Kathy and Lyndsey talk about bringing engaging content into your March classroom.
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February Planning Ideas and Songs
Feb 05, 2020
In this episode, Kathy talks about the month of February and some planning ideas that will keep your class fun and engaging all month long! You will want to check out our February planning ideas here:
Here are some companion links that will bring engagement into your February curriculum.
January Planning Ideas and Songs
Jan 09, 2020
In this episode we talk about some fun activities to do in your classroom during the month of January. We sing a few winter songs too! You may want to check out our January Curriculum planner here.
Here are the links to products, posts, and more that we mention in the podcast.
December Planning Ideas and Songs
Nov 23, 2019
In this podcast episode we share some of our favorite activities, songs, and tips for the month of December. Hopefully this episode will help you enjoy your teaching from now to the beginning of winter break!
We give suggestions on how to enjoy Christmas themes, build cultural awareness, or learn about elves and reindeer without the holiday slant. For example, using the book “The Elves and the Shoemaker” is a great way to study “elves” in a different way. My class loved when we drew a tiny picture of ourselves by our life-size shoe in our art class.
We talk about gingerbread play dough that will last all month if you store it in a tight container… And much much more such as Christmas Around The World, a visit to the North Pole to learn about Santa and his elves, and the Reindeer Hokey Pokey!
Also, don’t forget to visit Nancy Stewart and see for yourself why we love using her songs in our classroom! And if you love to use music in the classroom, don’t forget to grab your song and finger play posters for December.
It is packed with 15 of our favorite December songs, many which we sing on this podcast.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
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Staying Organized in Your Classroom
Nov 18, 2019
Looking for some tips on how to get more organized? This is the podcast for you! Mom will give you lots of tips for getting organized and staying organized (not me though, I’m still a big ‘ol mess). We hope that you’ll come away with lots of ideas that can revitalize your teaching!
And while you are at it, don’t forget to organize your data using ESGI. Use code KIOSK to save $40 on your subscription.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
November Songs and Ideas
Oct 31, 2019
This month we want to share some of our favorite songs and activities for the month of November to help you get inspired and excited for your next month of teaching!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Construct Art: Putting Pieces Together To Make A Whole
Oct 05, 2019
A witch construct art project.
Examples of the fire truck art that we mention in the podcast.
During today’s podcast, we’ll talk about one of Mom’s favorite art activities: Construct art! This art method teaches important math skills while scaffolding art skills, and developing your student’s fine motor skills!
Every thematic unit we have has a construct art project (or two) included. Here is the page from our Community Helper Unit that shows you how to help your students make the fire truck we talked about in the podcast. After listening to the podcast, you should be able to make your own construct art projects!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
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Sep 23, 2019
Today we will be discussing how to help your students develop handwriting skills that will help them become proficient writers.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The beginning of the school year is upon us, and, if you are like us, you are hard at work making your daily schedule. It can be a daunting task sometimes, so in this podcast, we’ll give you some ideas for how to make your day work for you!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Providing Reading Interventions That Support All Students
Jul 11, 2019
Today our podcast will be a little different. We’ll be sharing with you a recording of a video presentation Kathy made for ESGI. In this presentation, you’ll learn some great strategies for effective intervention in your classroom, or tips on how to group your students for ELA centers.
If you haven’t tried ESGI yet, sign up for your free trial today.
You can see the video of this information below:
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The Best Things About Kindergarten
Jul 07, 2019
In our opinion, Kindergarten is the very best grade you could ever hope to teach! In this podcast episode, we’ll tell you why! Find us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and let us know your favorite things about teaching Kindergarten!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Tips For New Teachers: Interview with Vanessa Levin
Apr 05, 2019
This is going to be a great podcast interview for our listeners who are new teachers or new to kindergarten. Vanessa provides you with some great ideas and tips for making your first years stress free!
Vanessa Levin is a Pre-K teacher with more than 20 years of classroom teaching experience. She is committed to helping teachers teach better, save time, and live more by providing them with everything they need to create a fun and engaging learning environment, lesson plans, and activities for their little learners. As an early childhood trainer, she has spoken to thousands of teachers in person at popular early childhood conferences such as Frog Street Splash, I Teach K! and NAEYC. She was honored to receive the 2012 CCAEYC Trainer of the Year Award. Her work has been featured in Scholastic Teacher magazine and on popular websites like BuzzFeed. You can learn more about Vanessa by visiting her website PreK Pages.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Independant Work
Mar 07, 2019
Have you ever wondered what to do with all of the other students when you are doing small group work? Never fear! We have some ideas for you to get your students working independently!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
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Less Is More
Jan 26, 2019
Do you feel like you can’t cover everything in the classroom? Maybe you are trying to cover too much? In today’s episode we will discuss our “less is more” approach to classroom teaching that helps us to focus on what’s most important for student learning. We hope it helps you too!
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Linguistic Basics
Jan 18, 2019
Today we will discuss how linguistics (the study of language) relates to teaching reading and how knowing more about phonemes, graphemes, and morphemes can improve your teaching.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Making Music Magic In The Classroom
Nov 29, 2018
Today we are going to talk about the power of using music in your classroom. There are four artistic processes that students can engage in during a lesson. They are:
During Level One lessons students are engaged in responding to or performing music, during a Level Two lesson students are responding to or performing music as connected to academic content. A Level Three lesson engages students in academic content as well as musical content, and Level Four lesson involves students in the creative process as they experience all four artistic processes.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Learning Names of Self and Others
Sep 23, 2018
Hello Listeners! In this week’s podcast, we’ll be discussing some ways that you can teach your students their own names and the names of their classroom friends!
Want to make your teacher life even easier? We encourage you to try ESGI. Use the code KIOSK to save $60 on your first year!
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Find out more about name writing here.
A Fresh Look at Phonics: Interview with Wiley Blevins, Ph.D
Sep 09, 2018
In this week's podcast we talk phonics instruction with Wiley Blevins! Dr. Wiley Blevins is a world-renowned expert on early reading, and author of the seminal book Phonics From A to Z and A Fresh Look At Phonics, among many other works. He has taught in both United States and South America, and he regularly trains teachers throughout Asia. He holds a doctorate in education from Harvard University and has worked with numberous educational scholars, including Jeanne Chall, Isabel Beck, Marilyn Adams, Louisa Moats, Dianne August, and others.
In this weeks episode, Dr. Blevins will join us to talk about his book A Fresh Look At Phonics. I just finished reading this book and it's made a huge difference to my understanding and teaching of Phonics this year. One of my favorite parts of Blevin's book is how it breaks down the components of phonics in a way that demonstrates the systematic order we should be teaching in. With his permission, I've posted a few of my favorite tables from the book. First, a table of alphabet letters in order of utility, and then a table of the most frequent spellings of English sounds. I've also shown an example of one of Blevin's blending lines from his book. I loved the way that he builds differentiation into his blending lines, as well as review and repetition.
I highly suggest that you get yourself a copy of Blevin's book to help guide your instruction this year. I'm so happy that I've read it!
One thing that I am changing in my instruction this year, based on my reading, is building in more opportunities for my students to practice the skills they are learning. To that end, I've created decodable sight word sets based on the most common sight words and the Wonders sight word/letter sound progression. I will use these this year to make sure my students get the independant practice they need.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Star of the Week: Building a Classroom Community
Aug 26, 2018
How do you build a classroom community? Two of the things we do are "Friend of the Day" and "Star of the Week". In this episode we'll walk you through the procedures we use to celebrate each child in our classroom, to help the children learn each other's names, and to build a classroom "family".
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
We all know that an essential component of education is teaching with academic rigor, but what is rigor anyway? Today we will do a deep dive into that very question!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Developmentally Appropriate Kindergarten: An Interview with Christopher P. Brown
Apr 27, 2018
Today we have an awesome conversation about appropriate practice in Kindergarten with Christopher P. Brown of the University of Texas at Austin. Christopher is a Professor of Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Education. He holds the Maxine Foreman Zarrow Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Education. He is a Faculty Fellow with The Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis and a Faculty Fellow of the Center for Health and Social Policy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. He is also the Past-Chair for the Early Education/Child Development Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association. His research centers on how early childhood education stakeholders across a range of political and educational contexts make sense of and respond to policymakers' reforms. He has looked at this issue across a range of political and educational contexts using multiple theoretical and practitioner-based perspectives that span the fields of early childhood education, curriculum and instruction, teacher education, and policy analysis. Such work has led to empirical, theoretical, and practitioner-oriented publications on such topics as: high-stakes standards-based accountability reform in early childhood, early learning standards, pre-kindergarten (Pre-k) assessment, Pre-k alignment with elementary school, school readiness, culturally relevant and developmentally appropriate teaching, the changed kindergarten, neoliberal reform, teacher education, professional development, and teaching a mandated curriculum. Among his publications, 25 have been co-authored with 13 current and former graduate students at UT-Austin. His recent publications focus on three issues: 1) Examining how familial, education, research, and political stakeholders make sense of the changed kindergarten; 2) Understanding how practicing and pre-service early childhood educators in high-stakes public teaching contexts can engage in practices that support the cultural, individual, and developmental learning needs of children; 3) Examining the development of preservice teachers as they employ iPads in their teacher training program.
Thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Managing Behavior
Apr 01, 2018
In today's episode we discuss some ways that you can manage behavior in your classroom (including some of our own nonexamples). Plus, Mom makes a big confession about her past... We hope you find some useful and practical ideas you can put to use right away!
Thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
You might also enjoy these blog posts on behavior.
Behavior and the Trauma Lens
Maker Spaces: Interview with Maureen O’Reilly and Dr. Jenny Nash of Lego Education
Mar 26, 2018
Today we have a great discussion with Maureen Reilly and Dr. Jenny Nash of Lego Education about how Lego can be used to create a great school maker space and to support integrated and powerful learning opportunities.
Maureen Reilly is an educational consultant specializing in LEGO, robotics, and Maker Education. She is passionate about encouraging students and teachers to take risks, expand their creativity, and make their inventive ideas come to life. Maureen worked in public and independent schools as a homeroom teacher, robotics coach, Maker Space facilitator, and as a STEAM specialist. For over fifteen years, Maureen has developed creative educational content and community engagement experiences for the LEGO Company. Prior to her work in education, Maureen was a TV commercial producer, a producer for, and a Senior Producer for the LEGO Company. Outside of her professional work, Maureen founded the NYC STEAM Think Tank, a monthly meet-up for STEAM educators to network and share ideas. She is the Youth LEGO Ambassador of Fun for LEGO MINDSTORMS, the Master of Ceremonies for FIRST LEGO League robotics competitions, and co-founder of the Jr. Explorers Club, a summer adventure program for children. Maureen holds a dual Masters of Science in Education with a specialization in Literacy from the Bank Street College of Education.
You can follow her on twitter: @maureenrreilly
Dr. Jenny Nash serves as the Senior Educational Manager for LEGO® Education North America, where she provides direction and leadership in delivering meaningful education opportunities for districts. She works closely with administrators to design implementation plans and support teachers in using inquiry-based teaching through hands-on experiences. Previously, Jenny was the Director of Clinical Experiences and Director of Professional Development Schools at Marshall University, where she conducted STEM outreach and programming for K-12 schools in addition to working with student teacher candidates. She was also a general science teacher for a middle and high school in West Virginia, where she focused on provided blended learning and project-based learning experiences for her students.
Jenny is a long-time member of the National Science Teachers Association. She has a Bachelor’s of Business Administration from Marshall University, a Master of Arts in Teaching from Marshall University, and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Florida, specifically in the area of curriculum and teaching.
Thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Flexible Seating: Interview with Patti Clark of Lakeshore Learning Materials
Mar 18, 2018
On today's podcast we are so lucky to be able to hear from Patti Clark, the Vice President of Product Development at Lakeshore Learning Materials! Patti's team has been hard at work researching how they can support teachers who want to use flexible seating in the classroom!
Patti began her career at Lakeshore as a Product Developer in 2000. As a former elementary educator with ten years of hands-on classroom experience, Patti’s passion for helping children learn was second to none. In 2007, she took on the role of Elementary Product Development Manager, overseeing the creation of hundreds of innovative products for school-age children. In 2010, Patti became Director of Research and Development, followed by a well-earned promotion to Vice President of Product Development in 2015. In both of these pivotal roles, Patti has led the company’s efforts to create top-quality, standards-based materials for early childhood programs, elementary classrooms and homes nationwide. Wholehearted in her dedication to meeting the needs of an ever-changing educational environment, Patti and her team visit regularly with teachers around the country to discuss their real-world classroom needs—educator to educator. Patti’s active involvement with professional groups such as NCTM, NAEYC, IRA and ASCD is further testament to her ongoing commitment to the education community.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The Importance of Storytelling: An Interview with Michelle Lazarow and Peggy Kaye
Feb 04, 2018
Have you been trying to maximize the technology in your classroom? I certainly have. That's why I was so excited to find the Homer Learning app for my kindergartners! In this episode we get to talk to Michelle and Peggy of Homer Learning about the app and about the importance of listening and telling stories to the development of reading. You won't want to miss this one!
Michelle Lazarow is the Learning Theory Production Manager for HOMER, which means she bridges the gap between the HOMER Learning Team and Content Teams, while working on the production schedule for lessons and stories. Before starting at HOMER, Michelle taught preschool in New York City for many years, in both general ed classrooms as well working as an ABA therapist for children with Autism. She has a masters from Bank Street College of Education in Special and General Early Childhood Education, as well as a masters from New York University in Digital Media Design for Education. Michelle has always been fascinated with educational television and technology, and loves using her educational background to make HOMER the best educational product it can be.
Peggy Kaye is the Cheif Curriculum Officer at Homer, which means she designed the Homer approach to teaching foundational reading skills to young children. She began her career as a classroom teacher, but for the last 30 years, she has been a private tutor working with children who have a wide range of learning challenges. In addition, she is the author of the "Games For" series of books, which includes Games for Reading and Games for Writing.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Part Whole Mathematical Relationships
Jan 16, 2018
In this week's podcast we talk about the importance of part/whole mathematical relationships and some activities you can try with your students to help them develop this important concept.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Want to work on Part/Whole Number relationships with your students? Here are some free activities for you!
Inspired by our own December stress, we're podcasting today about ways that we as teachers can take care of ourselves. We hope that all of you take some time this holiday season to get some rest and reward yourselves for the amazing work that you do!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Parents, do you need some strategies for reading with your child at home? Teachers, do you need some ideas to send home with students to maximize their reading time with their parents? In this podcast we will address some of the things that parents can do at home with their children during reading time to maximize their skills.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Need some books to read with your child or students? Try these out!
Do you have students who just don't seem to be "getting it"? Perhaps the problem is their working memory. Today we'll discuss activities and strategies you can use to build your student's working memory, giving them the ability to better store the information they are being taught.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Planning Writing Units: Interview With Kathy Tuchman Glass
Oct 15, 2017
Kathy Tuchman Glass, a consultant and master teacher, is an accomplished author and former classroom teacher with more than twenty-five years of experience in education. She provides customized professional development services to K–12 educators with a focus on areas concerning curriculum and instruction. Among her many topics are differentiated instruction, standards work around English language arts, literacy, instructional strategies and teaching methods across content areas, assessments and rubrics, curriculum mapping, and backward planning for unit and lesson design.
Kathy is invested in increasing educators’ capacity to hone their craft and translate what she teaches to effective classroom practice. An author and dynamic, hands-on trainer, she provides professional development that educators can implement immediately to make a difference in students’ learning.
Kathy earned a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University (Bloomington) and a master’s degree in education from San Francisco State University. Originally a Midwesterner, she now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and continues to hold a current teaching credential. You can learn more about Kathy by visiting her website.
Click here to purchase her book and make sure to enter the code "kiosk" at check out to receive 20% off!
Kathy has graciously shared these great resources with us to help us get started planning our writing units!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Don't Let Them Take Your Joy: Interview with Dr. Jean
Oct 13, 2017
Dr. Jean Feldman’s noteworthy educational career has spanned more than 40 years. She has served as a classroom teacher, instructor of adults, author, and consultant. She is a member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the National Kindergarten Alliance, and the International Reading Association. Dr. Feldman’s list of degrees include a B.A. from the University of Georgia, a D.A.S.T. from Emory University, and both M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Georgia State University. Dr. Feldman inspires teachers across the country with her engaging songs and creative activities that help make teaching and learning FUN!
You can learn more about Dr. Jean by visiting her website, her blog, or her new "Happies" blog. She has so many great resources available there!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The Alphabetic Principle
Sep 23, 2017
Hello everyone! Today we will talk about the Alphabetic Principle, why it's so important, and some ways that you can teach it! We are both working hard on teaching alphabet letters right now and here's a picture of Mom's whole group alphabet materials to prove it.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Are you working on teaching the alphabetic principle too? Here are some activities that might help you out!
Transitional Kindergarten: Interview with Palma Lindsay
Sep 15, 2017
Today we have an interview with Palma Lindsay of KFUNdamentals! Palma is a kindergarten teacher who has stayed on the cutting-edge of educational research and technology throughout her 37-year classroom career. She has taught grades K-8, served as a mentor to new teachers, and shares her fun ideas in her innovative blog which is jam-packed with new and fresh ways to keep the FUN in the FUNdamentals.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The First 9 Weeks of Kindergarten
Sep 01, 2017
The beginning of school is upon us and we are tired! Here we'll present you with some tips for the first 9 weeks of kindergarten. If you are trying to set up a classroom based on play and investigative learning (like we are doing) it takes time (probably at least 9 weeks of practice) but it's worth it in the end when you've got a classroom full of little discoverers!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Music And Song: Interview with Heidi Butkus
Aug 11, 2017
Heidi Butkus has been teaching in California public schools since 1985. Combining a strong knowledge of brain research with practical experience, Heidi has created a wealth of fun and engaging teaching techniques that work well with diverse populations. She has presented at conferences nationwide, and is the owner and founder of Heidi has also created fourteen original CD's and DVD's for teaching beginning reading and math skills, three musical plays designed especially for young performers, and has written some picture books and many other teaching resources. Heidi's multimedia workshops are filled with fun and motivational educational activities that have been classroom tested and revised for effectiveness with all types of learners. Today Heidi joins us to talk about Heidi Songs and how music in the classroom can be a powerful tool for learning.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The First Day of School
Aug 04, 2017
We are gearing up for the first day of school and we're here to give you some tips and tricks for making it go smoothly and for setting up your year for success. We include practical tips like... getting a pedicure and a haircut. Which are definitely serious suggestions. Trust us.
Thank you so much for emailing us and telling us what you would like to hear about. Please continue to send us your suggestions at!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Setting Up Your Classroom Part 2
Jul 14, 2017
As per your requests, we are going to talk more about how to set up your classroom, with specific tips for new teachers and more advice about organizing your materials and filing cabinet. Thank you so much for emailing us and telling us what you would like to write about. Please continue to send us your suggestions at!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Setting Up Your Classroom
Jul 07, 2017
Want some tips for setting up your classroom for the new school year? Well we've got some (considering we are both in the middle of trying to set up classrooms). It can be stressful, but if you take it bit by bit you can end up with a great looking room!
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The Great Disconnect: Interview with Michael Gramling
Jun 23, 2017
Michael Gramling is a lifelong advocate for social justice who found his professional home in 1979 when he discovered Head Start and embraced its values and its goals working as a Head Start teacher. Currently he spends most of his time visiting early childhood programs all over the United States as a consultant and a trainer helping programs to elevate the level of discourse in classrooms and to meet the needs of individual children. In doing so he has gained a unique perspective and a thorough and intimate understanding of how early childhood education is practiced in the United States.
Michael earned his Masters Degree in Human Development at Pacific Oaks College in 2000 and has served as the coordinator and chief trainer for the Region IV Head Start Teaching Center at Western Kentucky University. In 2000 he developed the national training material used by the Head Start National Center for Family Literacy. He was a contributing author to the Zero to Three 2003 tome, Learning to Read the World, and has had two articles published in Child Care Exchange. Today he joins us to discuss his book The Great Disconnect in Early Childhood Education: What We Know Vs What We Do.
Purchasing his book through this affiliate link will help to support the podcast:
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Our Favorite Books
Jun 16, 2017
Today is a listener requested topic. What are some of our favorite books for professional and personal development? Here are the books we mentioned. Buying these books through these affiliate links will help to support the podcast.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Whiteness In Education: Interview with James Singer
Jun 02, 2017
James Singer teaches sociology at Westminster College and Salt Lake Community College and is enrolled in a doctoral program in the Sociology of Labor Markets and Social Policy at Utah State University. Singer is a member of the Navajo Nation and is a cofounder of the Utah League of Native American Voters. He is running for U.S. Senate in Utah and you can find out more about him at Today he will talk with us about how "whiteness in education" affects the way we teach and will give us some ideas on how to make education more multicultural.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Launch, Explore, Debrief
May 13, 2017
Today we will discuss the launch, explore, debrief methodology. This is a great way of teaching a math lesson so that the children become more involved in the lesson as they are given a chance to explore math concepts on their own at their own developmental level. You may noticed that this episode was originally done through Facebook Live, which was certainly an adventure...
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Balancing Math Education: Interview with Sean Nank, Ph.D
Apr 28, 2017
Today we are joined by Dr. Sean Nank, a faculty member at American College of Education and author of Testing Over Teaching: Mathematics Education in the 21st Century. We will discuss how teachers can strike a balance in their teaching between concepts, procedures, and applications. The podcast is also crashed by three new co-hosts who all want to have a turn talking about math...
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Running Records: Interview with Kira Beck
Apr 21, 2017
Kira Beck is a Reading Recovery teacher and Literacy Coach who has taught Reading Recovery for eleven years. She currently teaches a class on using running records to help struggling readers in the Alpine School District. Today Kira shares her expertise on using running records effectively in the classroom.
Here are some video examples of how to give a running record. Keep in mind that you don't have to use a recording form with text as this may be too restrictive. For example, if the teacher would have recorded what the child said when he tried the word their wouldn't have been room to do so.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Avoiding Burnout: Interview with Dr. Laine Young-Walker, M.D. and Vicki Davolt, LMSW
Apr 14, 2017
Dr. Young-Walker, M.D. and Vicki Davolt, LMSW join the podcast today to discuss the Early Childhood Positive Behavior Support program, a county wide initiative that assists early learning centers in establishing and maintaining effective learning environments. Dr. Young-Walker has recently published a study based on the discoveries she has made through this initiative concerning teacher support and burnout, namely, that supportive training has a positive effect on teachers of young children. The study, "Supporting Professional Development Needs for Early Childhood Teachers: An Exploratory Analysis of Teacher Perceptions of Stress and Challenging Behavior" was recently published in the International Journal on Disability and Human Development.
Laine Young-Walker, M.D.
Dr. Laine Young-Walker, M.D. is associate Dean for Student Programs, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and Division Chief, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She was the principal investigator for 4 projects funded by the Boone County Children's Services Board:
1) MU Bridge--School Based Psychiatry--funded since 2015
2) EC-PBS (Early Childhood-Positive Behavior Supports)--funded through LAUNCH (2010-2015) and Boone County Children's Service board from 2015 to present.
3) SOAR (System Offering Actions for Resilience) in Early Childhood--funded since 2016
4) BC-EBB (Boone County Early Child Coalition)--recently awarded to begin in Spring 2017
Vicki Davolt, LMSW, is the EC-PBS Coordinator.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Compacting the Curriculum into Half Day K
Apr 07, 2017
Today's podcast is a listener requested topic: How to compact the curriculum into a half day schedule? Well, it's tough, but definitely doable and well give you some tips on how to get it done!
Here is an example of Kathy’s half day schedule:
8:20-8:30 AM: Come in and Read (Short Literacy Activities/Name Tickets) (M/Tu/TH)
8:20-8:40 Specials: LIBRARY (W) PE (F)
-Opening and Math are cut to 15 minutes on these days
You can also click here and here to see her full day schedule.
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Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Gifted Students: Interview with Joelle Trayers
Mar 12, 2017
Joelle Trayers has been teaching GT Kindergarten for several years and loves it. She shares her teaching tips at Not Just Child's Play: Challenging Young Minds. She knows it's difficult to find ideas to really challenge kids in early childhood, but it can be done, and in today's podcast she'll give us some ideas for working with our gifted kids!
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Feb 24, 2017
Teaching S.T.E.M. (or STEAM or STREAM) in your early childhood/early elementary classroom is easier than you might think! In this week's podcast we'll discuss simple ideas for including more S.T.E.M. in your schedule.
Here are links to some of the ideas mentioned in this week's episode.
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This first riddle is the TED ed riddle I mentioned in the podcast. The next videos are riddles I made for young children to solve using STEM skills.
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Dyslexia: Interview with Dr. Scott Crane and Emily Gibbons
Feb 19, 2017
One episode with double the knowledge! In this episode about helping students with dyslexia first Dr. Scott Crane talks about what it's like to live with dyslexia.
Dr. Crane has worked in education for the last 38 years as a teacher, coach, school level administrator, district level secondary education specialist, business manager, assistant superintendent and superintendent. He has served in three school districts. He began his career teaching and coaching in his home town of Burley, Idaho and then spent 26 year as an administrator in Blackfoot, Idaho. In Blackfoot he began his administrative career as a middle school assistant principal and ended as the district superintendent.
In 2012 Dr Crane retired from Idaho and began his second career as the Superintendent of Grand County School District in Moab, Utah. He received his Bachelors of Arts Degree from Brigham Young University and his Masters of Education, Educational Specialist and Doctorate from Idaho State University. As a child he was diagnosed with dyslexia and received special instruction to help him learn to read.
After the conversation with Dr. Crane, Emily Gibbons will discuss how teachers can strategically teach dyslexic students. Emily is the creator of The Literacy Nest. She has worked with children between the ages of 1 to 12 since 1996 in a variety of settings. Her Masters Degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Literacy sparked her passion to create and design classroom materials. She has a thirst for knowledge and a deep desire to help struggling readers with dyslexia. She has an Orton-Gillingham certification through IMSLEC and creates resources that she sells through her Teachers Pay Teachers store to help parents and teachers ensure that every child becomes a reader.
To learn more about helping students with dyslexia, Emily suggests reading Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz. You can find it here. Buying the book through this affiliate link helps to support the podcast.
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Dramatic Play
Feb 11, 2017
In today's episode we discuss the Dramatic Play center and it's benefits in the Kindergarten classroom.
Here are 5 reasons why increasing play in the classroom increases learning: Play Stimulates Thinking: Play will stimulate children's minds and promote advanced intellectual development! It also is a great way for children to expand experiences through reenacting events. These reenactments allow experiences to make more sense and have more meaning, paving the way for future academic success. Play Defines Social Roles: Dramatic play helps children learn social roles and rules, and offers time to practice such social morays as sharing, taking turn, communicating to inform or persuade, and resolving conflicts, and cooperation. Play Inspires Creativity and Imagination: When children are engaged in dramatic play, they can be anyone that they want to be and can even do the impossible! This type of play encourages children to use their imagination and to be creative, as there are no limits. This creative ability will aide students throughout their lives as they become creative and learn to solve problems. Play Builds Emotional Strength: Young children have a hard time understanding and controlling feelings. By engaging in creative play, children can learn to manage and understand certain feelings by re-enacting episodes. Dramatic play can also enhance children's ability to empathize with other people. Play Develops Language: Dramatic play encourages expressive language. Children are motivated to convey their wishes to others and speak from the perspective of their pretend roles. In fact, it is often through dramatic play that shy or withdrawn children first begin to express themselves through language.
Don't have a Dramatic Play Center in your classroom? Well give you some tips and ideas to get you started!
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Playworks: Interview with Chris Conard
Jan 20, 2017
Playworks is a leading nonprofit that brings safe and healthy play to children. One keystone element of the Playworks program is leveraging the power of play to encourage social emotional learning, which empowers kids with lifelong skills like empathy, leadership, and conflict resolution.
Chris Conard has been working with Playworks since 2007 and is continually inspired by the power of play in education. Beginning as a program coordinator in the Bay Area, he has worked his way up the Playworks ladder including such positions as the administrative associate and national expansion manager. He is excited to bring his love for Playworks to Salt Lake City and help others spread the power of play. Chris is continually motivated by the way play can be a vehicle for social change.
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Creating Learning Games
Jan 14, 2017
Want to know how to turn dry lesson plans from your big box curriculum into fun, engaging lesson plans that are developmentally appropriate? In today's podcast we discuss easy ways you can make interactive, hands-on activities that your students will love.
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing of you! We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Becoming Brilliant: Interview with Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D
Dec 30, 2016
Our interview today is with Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Ph.D, author of the book Einstein Never Used Flashcards: How Our Children Really Learn--and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less about the new book she has written with Roberta Michnick Golinkoff: Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells us About Raising Successful Children. It's so inspiring to hear her vision for the future of education. Here's a sample:
"I want to suggest that teacher's make a difference every day. I meet wonderful people who are out there giving of themselves to help every child get a chance and I think teachers are just the most remarkable people. I don't believe that any of us, including teachers, can do it all and sometimes society expects us to solve every problem, to make every cure, and I think that's an unfair burden. Trust yourself... learn what we know and use it. There's a lot of science of learning that's out there for the taking so we shouldn't just do what the book told us to do on Tuesdays because it's Tuesday. Learn a little bit about what goes behind the teaching. Not just what the response ought to be; what the processes are. I'll tell you why that's so important. One day I went to a school and a little girl raised her hand because they were asking about an animal, what animal was it, and the kid got it wrong, but the kid said "tiger" instead of "cat". There was an opportunity there because "tiger" wasn't as wrong as "bear" or "snake" or "bird". If you thought about the process you could say, "Actually, a tiger's related to the feline family!" That helps the kids make connections to have stronger vocabulary. So learn what's out there. Trust yourself. Learn what's out there. Help parents understand that you're their best advocate and amid all the constraints that are out there, and, gosh, I know there are many. Try, at least, beyond those constraints to add you. To add a love of learning, a little bit of playful learning, in that classroom."
“Trust yourself... learn what we know and use it.”
— Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
This is definitely a book that we think everyone will love! Buying the book through this link helps to support the podcast.
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Blending and Segmenting
Dec 18, 2016
In today's podcast we discuss blending and segmenting and some of the ways you can help kids practice these skills in your classroom. We hope you enjoy the podcast and get some helpful hints and suggestions for your class!
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
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Balancing the Equation: Interview with Timothy D. Kanold PhD
Dec 10, 2016
In today's episode we get the chance to talk to Dr. Kanold about his book Balancing the Equation. Dr. Kanold is an award-winning educator, author, and consultant. He is former director of mathematics and science and served as superintendent of Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125, a model professional learning community (PLC) district in Lincolnshire, Illinois.
Dr. Kanold is committed to equity and excellence for students, faculty, and school administrators. He conducts highly motivational professional development leadership seminars worldwide with a focus on turning school vision into realized action that creates greater equity for students through the effective delivery of PLCs for faculty and administrators. Dr. Kanold currently serves as the director of Mathematics at Work, a comprehensive K-12 school improvement program to promote and improve student learning in mathematics.
He is past president of the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) and coauthor of several best-selling mathematics textbooks since the late 1980s. He has served on writing commissions for NCTM and NCSM and has authored numerous articles and chapters on school leadership and development for education publications.
Dr. Kanold received the prestigious international 2010 Damen Award for outstanding contributions to the leadership field of education from Lyola University Chicago the 1986 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, and the 1994 Outstanding Administrator Award (from the Illinois State Board of Education). He serves as an adjunct faculty member for the graduate school at Loyola University Chicago.
Dr. Kanold earned a bachelor's degree in education and a master's degree in mathematics from Illinois State University. He completed a master's degree in educational administration at the University of Illinois and received a doctorate in educational leadership and counseling psychology from Loyola University Chicago.
Purchasing Dr. Kanold's book through this affiliate link helps support the podcast.
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Dec 05, 2016
Today we will discuss the importance of Intervention in the early grades as well as the famous "Intervention Hour" we keep mentioning. We would love to hear about how you set up intervention in your classroom! You can write to us and let us know at
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Bullying: Interview with Tomas Jungert, Ph.D.
Nov 18, 2016
In a study from Lund University, Sweden, Dr. Tomas Jungert has shown that warm and caring student-teacher relationships can be linked to students' motivation to intervene in cases of bullying.
“The results from Tomas Jungert’s study showed a connection between warm student-teacher relationships and the internal motivation of students to defend victims of bullying. “It could be a relationship where the teacher tries to be empathetic and get along with the student, rather than to issue threats of punishment”, says Tomas Jungert. There was, on the other hand, a link between conflicted teacher-student relationships and the students’ external motivation to help victims of bullying but, as it turns out, it is the internal, not the external, motivation that becomes significant in the defence of bullied students. Students driven by an external motivation, on the contrary, are more inclined to remain passive bystanders or even side with the bully when witnessing an act of bullying. “Those who are driven by external motivation want to receive praise and perhaps increase their status within the group. In a situation of victimisation found in many schools, it is very plausible to assume that many students find it less risky and more profitable to associate with the bully, which is often a person with a lot of power”, says Tomas Jungert.”
— Lund University
We had the opportunity to talk to Dr. Jungert about the study and it's possible implications for educators. We believe in developing positive relationships with our students and encouraging internal motivation in them, and we think you'll enjoy hearing about research that supports how important this is!
We also had the chance to talk to Maria Mottaghian and Aimee Brown from the Oregon Child Development Coalition about helping migrant students. You won't want to miss hearing their experiences and advice. You can find it on our main blog.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Interview with Megan MacDonald, Ph.D
Nov 11, 2016
Megan MacDonald, Ph.D, an assistant professor in Oregon State University's College of Public Health and Human Sciences was recently involved in a study that found that preschoolers with better fine and gross motor skill development will have improved social behavior and executive function. Megan joins us today to talk about the study, it's findings, and the implications for teachers. You can find an article about the study here and more information on Megan MacDonald here.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Making the Most of Donors Choose
Oct 28, 2016
In today's podcast, we have a conversation about Donors Choose and Mom shares some tips for getting your project funded. We also learn the power a single dollar can have in the success of your project! We want to make sure that everyone knows that we are not tax accountants and that our experience with is unique to us. Please consult your own tax representatives for your own situation.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Growth Mindset: Interview with Annie Brock and Heather Hundley
Oct 21, 2016
Today's amazing interview is with Heather Hundley and Annie Brock, the author's of The Growth Mindset Coach. This fantastic book offers a month by month guide to teaching Growth Mindset in the classroom. It is so well researched and so full of amazing ideas, you will definitely want a copy on your bookshelf! Buying the book through this affiliate link helps to support the podcast.
Heather Hundley is an elementary educator with 12 years of teaching experience. She currently works as an Instructional Support Specialist with Greenbush Southeast Kansas Education Service Center. Heather has an elementary education degree from Washburn University and master's degrees in education and in school leadership from Baker University. She has served as a supervisor for pre-service teachers and as a guest lecturer with Washburn University. Heather was recently named a Kansas finalist for the 2016 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Annie Brock is a former library media specialist and high school language arts teacher. She graduated with a degree in journalism and mass communications from Kansas State University and earned her teaching credentials through Washburn University. She currently works as a freelance writer and educational technology consultant. Annie previously authored Introduction to Google Classroom. She lives in Holton, Kansas, with her husband, Jared, and their two children.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Want more Growth Mindset ideas and activities? We have some!
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Free Choice in Kindergarten
Oct 14, 2016
Free Choice time in kindergarten is a time that students are able to self-regulate activities based on their own interests.
We always makes time in our schedule for "Free Choice" a time when children are able to choose their own activities and goals. Giving children free choice time allows them the freedom to fulfill their own needs in a way that recognizes their individuality, desires, and interests.
We discuss how allotting this time of unstructured play builds children's academic, social, and emotional ability. We hope you will all find time for free choice in your classroom, here is a peek into ours…
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be amazing. We really appreciate your reviews as they help us continue to make the podcast and help other teachers to find us.
Want to make your teacher life even easier? We encourage you to try ESGI. Use the code KIOSK to save $60 on your first year!
A Trauma Lens: Interview with Kelly Vagts
Sep 23, 2016
Today we have an interview with Kelly Vagts about the "trauma lens". Kelly Vagts is a clinical social worker who provides direct therapy services to grades K - 6 at HMK Elementary in Moab, Utah. Her speciality is working with children who have experienced trauma. As a therapist, she is trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) and TF-CBT (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and will soon to be adding Neurofeedback to her trauma treatment repertoire. She prides herself on staying current with innovative trauma interventions that are based on the ever evolving field of neuroscience.
Here is the pyramid that Kelly refers to in the podcast:
And here is a video explaining Epigenetics:
And here is the brain scan that Kelly refers to. The abused brain is on the right, as compared to the healthy brain on the left.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes we have a special treat for you! Everyone who leaves a review before September 30th will be entered in a random drawing to win a free year of ESGI, the awesome assessment tool that we love so much. It will save you 400 hours of work this year! Want to learn more about ESGI? Check out this blog post:
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Then click on the button that says "Subscribe". Finally, click on "Ratings and Reviews" and then "Write a Review". That's it! Thanks for helping other teachers find us!Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our music.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
The Writing Center
Sep 16, 2016
Today Mom discusses her writing center even though she's been sick and only feels at about 80% (hang in there Mom). At the writing center, students practice their writing skills in an independent, but supported environment.
Here's what the writing center looks like:
On the bulletin board there are task cards for each day of the week and in the basket below is the corresponding work page for each day. Next to the bulletin board is a magnetic word wall with thematic words on it.
Want a cool magnetic word wall like this one? Just stop by your local sheet metal/furnace store and ask them to cut out the size you need. Then attach it to a wall or shelf with screws. Easy peasy!
If you want to set up a writing center that's easy and ready to go, here are some products to get you started!
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If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes we have a special treat for you! Everyone who leaves a review before September 30th will be entered in a random drawing to win a free year of ESGI, the awesome assessment tool that we love so much. It will save you 400 hours of work this year! Want to learn more about ESGI? Check out this blog post:
Next, click on the blue button that says "View in iTunes".
Then click on the button that says "Subscribe". Finally, click on "Ratings and Reviews" and then "Write a Review". That's it! Thanks for helping other teachers find us!Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our music.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Elections: Interview with Mary Parry
Sep 03, 2016
As we gear up for election season, we are fortunate to be able to interview Mary Parry about her debut children's book Sadie McGrady Runs For President, which follows Sadie McGrady on her fictional journey from regular kid to President of the United States, as she explores what it’s like to run a campaign and become a world leader. Will she win on Election Day? And if she does, will she have what it takes to be a good president?
Mary is a writer and mother of three with a passion for including more women in politics and leadership. She grew up in Missouri, went to college in Texas, and now lives in North Carolina, where she has been busy dedicating her career to advocating for women and girls. Mary served as a women’s vote director during the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns in North Carolina, providing education about women’s issues and encouraging women to vote. She was the Director of Advocacy for Women AdvaNCe, working to engage more women in the political process in North Carolina.
Through her work — and her own daughter who sought a way in to civic engagement -- Mary has seen kids with passion and ambition for creating change. She has come to believe that leadership can be experienced and nurtured from a very young age, and she wrote Sadie McGrady Runs for President to help parents and daughters become empowered and to become women who lead. She hopes her writing can inspire kids to take their own goals and ideas seriously and to set their goals for leadership roles, whatever path in life they choose.
You might also consider adding our Election Thematic Unit to your curriculum this year. Your subtends will love learning about Mr. President while practicing academic skills that are strategically linked to standards.
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If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes we have a special treat for you! Everyone who leaves a review before September 30th will be entered in a random drawing to win a free year of ESGI, the awesome assessment tool that we love so much. It will save you 400 hours of work this year! Want to learn more about ESGI? Check out this blog post:
Next, click on the blue button that says "View in iTunes".
Then click on the button that says "Subscribe". Finally, click on "Ratings and Reviews" and then "Write a Review". That's it! Thanks for helping other teachers find us!Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our music.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Guided Writing
Aug 26, 2016
Listen to the full podcast below or find us on itunes.
You won’t want to miss these great tips to get your students writing!
Outdoor Classrooms: Interview with Victoria Hackett
Aug 12, 2016
Today we have an interview with Victoria Hackett. Victoria is the founder of As a parent, educational consultant, trainer and coach, Victoria inspires playful learning. She has been in the field of education for over twenty-five years and holds a Masters in Education from Cambridge College. After years of working with children, educators, and parents (in various settings) Victoria has cultivated a passion for creating children's gardens as outdoor classrooms and has been spreading the concepts of Outdoor Classrooms ever since. Her mission is to create an international virtual community of Natural Teachers who inspire children to reconnect with nature. Her vision is for every child, in every school, to have access to an Outdoor Classroom.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Shared Writing
Aug 05, 2016
Today Mom and I will discuss Shared Writing: what it's benefits are and some of her favorite Shared Writing activities for the classroom. We also get the giggles.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes we have a special treat for you! Everyone who leaves a review before August 7th will be entered in a random drawing to win a free year of ESGI, the awesome assessment tool that we love so much. It will save you 400 hours of work this year! Want to learn more about ESGI? Check out this blog post:
Next, click on the blue button that says "View in iTunes".
Then click on the button that says "Subscribe".
Finally, click on "Ratings and Reviews" and then "Write a Review". That's it! Thanks for helping other teachers find us!
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our music.
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators. Check out the other great podcasts!
Mathematics: An Interview with Tamara Shaw
Jul 29, 2016
Today's episode is a real treat! We have an interview with Tamara Shaw about mathematics education. Tamara is currently a special education teacher with Weber School District. She spent 5 years in between teaching assignments as a math coach and has also spent the past 8 years developing curriculum and teaching teachers about common core math, best practices in math instruction, and math pedagogy with the Utah State Office of Education. She has an undergraduate degree in psychology, graduate degree in middle school mathematics, an elementary math endorsement, and a special education mild/moderate endorsement.
If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes we have a special treat for you! Everyone who leaves a review before August 7th will be entered in a random drawing to win a free year of ESGI, the awesome assessment tool that we love so much. It will save you 400 hours of work this year! Want to learn more about ESGI? Check out this blog post:
Today we will talk about portfolios. How do you get started? How do you store them? And how do they provide authentic assessment? For more information, you can read the companion blog post.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Although I will never part with actual paper portfolios, Lyndsey has a different take. This year she is creating amazing digital portfolios for free using google docs. Here are her insturctions.
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Developmentally Appropriate Practice: An Interview with Megan Randazzo
Jul 08, 2016
Today we have an interview with Megan Randazzo about DAP, or developmentally appropriate practice. Megan is an Achievement Coach in Canyons School District. She has been in education for 11 years and has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and a Master's Degree in Special Education. She also works as a designer and facilitator for the Elementary ELA Department at the Utah State Office of Education.
You can find out more about the class she teaches here.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Jul 01, 2016
Today Mom and I discuss the controversial and heated topic of homework. Mom talks about how she developed homework that is purposeful and strategic in helping parents as their child's first, and most important, teacher.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Flexible Seating: An Interview with Greg Smedley-Warren
Jun 25, 2016
In this episode we have the chance to interview Mr. Greg from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard for some great tips on how to use flexible seating in your classroom!
Greg Smedley-Warren has been teaching for 10 years. He received his bachelors degree from Indiana University and received my ELL certification from David Lipscomb University. At the beginning of his career he spent two summers teaching in Ecuador which only helped to fan the flames of his passion for teaching. In 2015 he was selected as Teacher Of The Year by his peers. He also has a weekly show on the I Teach TV Network. He enjoys blogging, creating curriculum and resources for his classroom, and conducting professional development sessions to help teachers around the world make their classrooms a more fun, effective and interactive places to teach. When he is not in the classroom, blogging and doing all things teach, he enjoys spending time with his family. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his husband (known as The Mister on his blog) and their dogs, Butters and LuLu.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Guided Reading
Jun 17, 2016
Today Mom and I discuss how she conducts her guided reading lessons at the beginning of the school year. To find out more about guided reading, visit our informational page. We also share Sara Ann's use of play in her classroom.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Play: Interview with Kristi Mraz
May 28, 2016
Today we have an interview with Kristi Mraz to tell us how to make our classrooms more joyful, exciting, and playful!
Kristi teaches Kindergarten in the New York City Public schools. In addition to writing and teaching, she consults in schools across the country and as far away as Taiwan. She primarily supports teachers in early literacy, play, and inquiry based learning. On the off chance she has free time, you'll find Kristi reading on a couch in Brooklyn with her dog and her husband. You can follow all of her adventures on twitter @MrazKristine or on her blog:
We also share a teaching experience from Allison Hogan, who has taught her class, through playful inquiry, how to be producers and consumers, and then watched them extend the learning at recess as they exchanged sticky note artwork for sticks and rocks. Here are some pictures of the work from Allison's classroom:
We sincerely hope you'll pick up a copy of Kristi's book. It's fabulous! Purchasing the book through this affiliate link helps to support the podcast.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you (it will help more people find us)!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Setting Up Learning Centers
May 21, 2016
In this episode, Mom discusses the method she uses for setting up fun and engaging learning centers (after trying every other method on Pinterest). Plus, we talk about how teaching should meet the needs of the whole child, no matter how you set up your day. You can see how her classroom has been set up for centers by watching the following video:
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Interview with Palma Lindsay of KFUNdamentals
May 13, 2016
Today we have an interview with Palma Lindsay of KFUNdamentals! Palma is a kindergarten teacher who has stayed on the cutting-edge of educational research and technology throughout her 37-year classroom career. She has taught grades K-8, served as a mentor to new teachers, and shares her fun ideas in her innovative blog which is jam-packed with new and fresh ways to keep the FUN in the FUNdamentals.
Palma discusses in depth her simple plan for making guided reading work in the classroom. She shares some great tips, ideas, and suggestions that are sure to help you plan a great guided reading block that will be fun and enriching for your classroom!
For more information, here are links to the resources mentioned in the podcast:
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
The End of the School Year
May 07, 2016
Today we talk about the end of the year and Mom gives everyone her secret to walking out the door on the last day with everything ready and organized.
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Want to try out this organizational method for yourself? You can! We have a freebie!
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Apr 16, 2016
It's Parent Teacher Conference time for mom, so today we're going to talk about how she gets ready, how she gets through it, and what the most important things are to discuss. Also, we go on a tangent about food. Apparently, we were hungry.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Oral Language
Apr 02, 2016
Guess what? Mom just got new students, and they need help with oral language. So that's what we're discussing today! How do we support language acquisition and why is it so important? Also, what happens when you teach a Minecraft obsessed student about the moon?
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
The Science Center
Mar 19, 2016
Today we're going to talk about the kindergarten science center. Kindergarten children love science. It's a great way to engage them in the classroom through their natural curiosity about the world around them. We'll talk about some of the science centers we've done and what we set out for the kids to explore. What's your favorite way to engage your students with science?
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Building Stamina
Mar 11, 2016
Young children need to build stamina in order to work on complex tasks such as writing, reading, and mathematics. Today we discuss how to build stamina, as well as the fact that my kids clearly don't have it.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Today I try to help T. solve an open ended math problem, which turns out to be super frustrating for him, and Mom and I talk about more math concepts like: rigor, magnitude, number relationships, and part/whole relationships.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Early Math Concepts
Feb 20, 2016
Today Mom makes me do the talking as we discuss the very earliest concepts in mathematics that children need to develop in order to be successful in counting, logic, and number sense. We will discuss rote counting, one-to-one correspondence, conservation of number, cardinality, and hierarchal inclusion.
If you would like to learn more about early math skills, here are some great resources:
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Feb 04, 2016
Nursery rhymes are a very important tool for teaching the pre-reading skill of rhyming. Kathy and Lyndsey discuss how parents and teachers can use nursery rhymes, as well as the steps to provide remediation for students who are having trouble rhyming.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
Phonological Awareness
Jan 28, 2016
Today we try out Podcasting. Join us as we discuss phonological awareness: it's history and it's components, and how an understanding of phonological awareness can help us teach reading more effectively and systematically. Also, Kathy speaks way too much pig latin.
Thank you everyone for listening, and thank you to for our theme music. If you enjoy the podcast and can review us on iTunes that would be awesome of you!
Kindergarten Kiosk is a proud member of the Education Podcast Network, a network of podcasts for educators by educators.
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