Audio messages from The Crossing Church in Chesterfield, Missouri, led by Pastor Greg Holder.
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Audio messages from The Crossing Church in Chesterfield, Missouri, led by Pastor Greg Holder.
We are a multi-site church with campuses around the St. Louis metro area. Visit us online at
What about the afterlife? Does anything happen, do we just stop existing, or is there more? Join us as we unpack what scripture says about life after death. We'll explore the biblical evidence for an eternal, transcendent Creator and the consequences we face after death. Together, we'll uncover the truth about heaven and hell, and find out what it means to live a life centered on Jesus. Speaker: Greg Holder
God, angels, demons, even... aliens? Is there a realm that we don't (yet) see, but still exists? Or are we all alone in the universe and all this talk of the supernatural is just for books and movies? Is this even something Christians should spend time talking or thinking about? Join us as we look at the answers to these questions, which will inevitably lead to some more questions. Speaker: Greg Holder
The Church was not meant to go it alone. When Jesus' earthly ministry ended, He promised us a gift. The very Spirit of God would fill and guide His church, and help believers to love and serve each other in winsome and loving ways. Join us as we explore what this means for us, even today. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Does God bless us because of how we live our lives? Who should we bless in return? Join us as we explore Paul's passionate letter to the Galatian church. Learn how a promise given to Abraham hundreds of years earlier connects to Jesus and how it impacts our lives today. We'll unpack the timeless truth that we are blessed to be a blessing. Speaker: Angela Beise
Join us as we look at 2025 and all that God is leading us toward. Discover how lives are being transformed through faith, community, and outreach. We'll share a few exciting updates along the way and celebrate how the love of Jesus is being shared near and far, in big ways and small. Speaker: Greg Holder
What happens when one apostle confronts another who is not teaching the full truth of the Gospel? What happens when each of us are confronted with a kind of grace from Jesus that can change our lives forever? Join us as we explore two kinds of confrontations, both of which point to a kind of hope and truth that still matters for us in our context today. Speaker: Tim Bounds & Diego Garcia
We are kicking off this new series, "Unleashed" as we go through the book of Galatians. We dive into the teachings of Paul as he addresses the challenges and divisions within the early church, offering wisdom that still applies to us today. Explore how the grace of God can set you free from the burdens of life and lead you to a life of true freedom and purpose. Along the way we'll unpack the lavish grace of God that is still changing lives. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Does Jesus still use imperfect people? How many times can we be forgiven for our faults? Will Jesus run out of grace to offer to us? Join us as we drop into a story between Jesus and one of His close friends. Even after being denied by His friend during the most difficult day of His life, Jesus had something special to share with him that still rings true for us today. Speaker: Greg Holder
As we look ahead at a new year and all the emotions that may be associated with it - joy, excitement, fear, anxiety - let's not lose sight of the One Who is with us through all of life's ups and downs. Speaker: Dave MacNeill
Merry Christmas! Join us as we explore the story of Jesus' birth, the journey of the Magi (sometimes known as the wisemen), and the profound impact of this miraculous event. We'll explore the historical, biblical, and scientific context, the significance of ancient prophecies, and the timeless message of hope and redemption that still resonates today. Speaker: Greg Holder
Bethlehem. It is where history and prophecy intertwine. Join us as we explore the birthplace of King David and the miraculous events that unfolded 2000 years ago. Witness the shepherds' awe and the angels' proclamation of the Messiah's birth. We'll unpack the significance of John the Baptist's role and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God, and our Victorious King. Speaker: Greg Holder
Have you ever wondered why we say 'Merry Christmas' or the origin of the word 'Xmas'? Join us as we explore those questions as well as the humble beginnings of Jesus, the Anointed One, and how His unexpected kingship challenges our modern perceptions. Together we will dive into the nativity story, the role of shepherds, and the profound message of service and grace. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Joy. Hope. Celebration. These are just a few thoughts that come to mind during Advent as we prepare our hearts for Christmas. And while yes, Jesus came to earth as a baby on Christmas, He is also the Eternal King. Join us as we unpack the significance of Jesus as the Eternal King, why the angels celebrated so joyously as they worshipped Him, and what it means for us that this Eternal King can be personally approached by each of us today. Speaker: Greg Holder
What is gratitude? Can we grow in our thankfulness and practice being aware of what we're grateful for? Join us as we explore the teachings of Paul and the power of thankfulness. Learn how to cultivate a heart of gratitude, even in challenging times, and experience the joy of God's blessings in Jesus. Speaker: Greg Holder
How are blessing and generosity related? How can our lives have impact and advance the Kingdom? Join us as we explore how being a blessing to others can transform your life and our community. We will unpack the teachings of Jesus on giving, trust, and the true meaning of generosity. We also look at the beatitudes and the importance of hospitality and financial stewardship. Spoiler alert: we are blessed to be a blessing. Speaker: Tim Bounds
What is a blessing? How can we be a blessing to others? Discover the profound insights on blessing and thanksgiving as we delve into the Bible, exploring how to experience and share blessings with those around us. We'll unpack the biblical significance of blessings, starting from Genesis, and how it sets the tone for a life of flourishing and thriving. Together, we'll embrace the call to love and serve others, even those who are different from us, and the importance of practicing hospitality in our daily lives. Speaker: Greg Holder
The Lord's Prayer has provided timeless wisdom for over 2000 years. As we wrap up this series, we consider how God's glory, above our own pride, ambitions, and desires, is what we should pursue. Join us as we share stories of people being transformed over these last 8 weeks, how the power of prayer can still change our lives, and the importance of pursuing Jesus within the context of community. Speaker: Greg Holder
What is temptation and how do we resist the lure of sin in our lives? Join us as we discover profound insights from the Lord's Prayer and wisdom from scripture as we navigate life's trials. Explore the significance of admitting our weaknesses and the impact of embracing God's love and protection in our daily lives. Together we will find victory over evil and a life aligned with God's will. Speaker: Greg Holder
Discover the profound insights of the Lord's Prayer as we delve into the challenging phrase, 'forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors' from Matthew 6:12. We will unpack the true meaning of forgiveness, its impact on our mental and physical health, and the transformative power it holds. Join us as we explore how forgiveness can lead to a reduction in depression, anger, and cardiovascular disease while elevating hope. And, as always, this all points to the forgiveness and freedom found in Jesus. Speaker: Greg Holder
Our relationship with God begins with intimacy. Direct access to Him. But that kind of intimacy requires forgiveness, both forgiveness that we receive from Him, and forgiveness that we extend to others in response. It's like having a debt that we could never repay being zeroed out, eliminated, completely removed from our record. And our response can echo through our relationships as we extend that forgiveness to those near and far, addressing human brokenness and fostering unity. This is where true spiritual growth can flourish. Speaker: Greg Holder
What is "daily bread"? How can we trust God for what we need when it feels like we're lacking? What does the Bible say about anxious and worried about the future? Join us as we explore what the Lord's Prayer says about God's daily provision, how it connects to God's faithfulness in the past, and what it means for our own daily practices today. Let's grow together in our abilities to pray for the needs of others and to find space to rest and trust in God's provision. Speaker: Angela Beise
God sent His Son to save the world. It's the core message of Christianity found in John 3:16-17 and the implications impact individuals' lives even today. Join us as we explore how honest, heartfelt prayer connects us with God's will and His Kingdom, and how the Gospel of Jesus is still bringing hope and healing to this broken world. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Intimacy and awe. Approachability and majesty. What does it mean that God is "holy" and what is the importance of His name? Join us as we explore the many names of God, how we can approach a holy God, and the difference between manifesting and genuine prayer. Speaker: Greg Holder
Can a 2000 year old prayer still change the world? Whether you call it the Lord's Prayer, the Our Father, or something else, join us as we unpack these powerful words from Jesus. This is what He shared with His disciples when they asked how they should pray, and it is still packed with hope and truth for us today. Speaker: Greg Holder
It's a mission that's over 2000 years old, and yet it's still a fresh call to action today. Join us as we remind ourselves on why we gather together, what the church is all about, and how we bring the Good News of Jesus to others. Speaker: Greg Holder
Jesus is Lord. This is a simple sentence with profound meaning. Join us as we explore why Jesus is the King that we serve and obey. While that raises some questions, this is good news for everyone that calls Jesus "Lord". Speaker: Will Coleman
Join us as we explore how to set our minds on heavenly things, embrace the teachings of Scripture, and experience a life filled with hope and the eternal promises of Jesus. Join us as we learn how to put on the new self, embodying compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, and discover the beauty of living in community with love and unity. Let's grow in this kind of faith and show a watching world what community can look like. Speaker: Tim Bounds & Joel Burke
Have you ever wondered where God is? What about in times of crisis? What role does God's presence mean in our daily life? Join us as we explore what scripture says about God's inescapable presence; closer than our next breath. We have access to a life centered on Jesus and the true fulfillment this can bring. Speaker: Tim Bounds
What happens when we have a big dream for our life, but it gets delayed? Maybe the situation becomes difficult and it may feel like a hopeless dead end? Join us as Pastor David Hawkins of Living The Word Church shares how our faith journey moves in phases, involves trust and abandoning comfort, and changes us in the process. Speaker: David Hawkins
Have you ever wondered where God is? Have you made difficult decisions and done what you thought was right, but then felt like you got penalized for it? Join us as we unpack biblical and personal stories about trusting God even if we don't always sense His presence. We also explore God's promises about going before us, beside us, behind us, and even being within us. Speaker: Jeff Henderson
Jesus started His ministry in a unique way with a special proclamation. Join us as we unpack what that proclamation was, what it meant for people at the time, what it means for us today, and how we can integrate it into every part of our lives and notice God in the everyday moments. We explore how these transformative words invite us into God's great story and how we can participate in it, rather than just sitting on the bench waiting for heaven. Speaker: Ben Horseman
Do you ever find yourself on an unfamiliar path in life, wondering where God is and what He is doing? Join us as we unpack personal and biblical stories of how God leads, guides, and provides for those who are on a journey they never expected. Explore how God sees your suffering, hears your cry, and has a plan of rescue that involves you. God invites you to be a part of His story and His glory by saying yes to His call, even when it doesn't make sense. Speaker: Angela Beise
Did you know Jesus had best friends? Put differently, He had a trusted inner circle: Peter, James, and John. Jesus showed them up close that He is the healer and redeemer of lost causes, the transcendent and eternal Son of God, and the vulnerable and sacrificial lover of our souls. Join us as we explore three stories about Jesus' inner circle and some practical insights on forming our own inner circles. We were never meant to do this life alone, so let's engage together as we pursue this hope-filled life with Jesus and each other. Speaker: Chris Nation and Judy West
Prayer is a two-person job that requires our participation and God's provision. Join us as pastor Jarrett Stevens from Soul City Church in Chicago unpacks the story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan River as an example of how God moves upstream in our lives, but we have to step out in faith and follow His lead. He challenges us to get ready for God to do amazing things among us, and to move in the direction we are praying for. Discover how this posture plays out in the lives of others and how you can take this prayer posture on as well. Speaker: Jarrett Stevens
Baptism weekend is one of our favorite times of the year! Hundreds of sons and daughters of Jesus are going public with their faith, proclaiming to the world that Jesus is their Savior. Join us as we tell stories of freedom and life transformation in anticipation of the Baptism Celebration later in the evening. Speaker: Greg Holder
How do you quench your spiritual thirst? Explore how Jesus offers living water to anyone who is thirsty for meaning, forgiveness, and joy. Join the conversation as we discover how Jesus reveals himself as the Messiah to a Samaritan woman who felt like an outsider and had many questions about faith. We'll unpack the longest private conversation recorded in the scriptures and how it can change your life today. This is a faith re-constructed: a faith that admits the struggles and doubts but can still end up new and fresh and up to the challenge. Speaker: Greg Holder
How do you find truth and trust in a world that seems unsteady and unreliable? Here's the punchline: Jesus is not just the source of truth, but also of eternal life and hope. Join us as we share stories of people that encountered the love of God in relationships and became fully alive. Discover how to deal with your doubts and questions in a healthy and honest way, and how to hang on to Jesus as the one who has the words of eternal life. Let's continue exploring this Jesus, the source of trust and freedom. Speaker: Greg Holder, Chris Nation, and Ben Horseman
What is truth? Can you have your truth and I have my truth... or is truth dependent on something or someone else? Join the conversation as we unpack the truth about Jesus and the Bible. Explore the concept of truth and its importance in the lives of Christians. Learn about the evidence supporting the Bible's claims and the transformative power of its teachings. Let's take a step toward hope, freedom, and peace as we consider the teachings of Jesus and grace He offers to each of us. Speaker: Greg Holder
Do you struggle with trusting God in the midst of your doubts and fears? Is the next right step to fully dismantle and deconstruct your faith, or could there be a better way to engage these doubts? There is freedom and joy that God offers even in the midst of doubt. Join in as we kick off a new series, "A Faith Reconstructed" as we explore the story of Peter walking on water with Jesus. An adventure awaits as we consider the relationship that God offers to each and every one of us, even if doubts and storms swirl around us. Speaker: Greg Holder
How do we belong to Jesus and His church? What is sacrifice and what might we need to sacrifice to belong more deeply to one another? Jesus emptied himself of his divine status and privileges to become a servant and die on the cross for us, so we should pay attention to that example and be ready to love and serve one another sacrificially, as the body of Christ. Along the way, we may find ourselves less lonely and isolated, and more engaged in real human relationships, and being part of a church community. Speaker: Tim Bounds
An invitation, an offer, a reason to celebrate. Baptism is a symbol of forgiveness, identity, and new life in Christ. A life that has been changed by the grace of Jesus. This is an invitation to join the family of God and to share stories of redemption with a world that is looking for hope. Interested in being baptized at the Crossing? Visit to learn more. Speaker: Greg Holder
Who doesn't long for peace and belonging in life? What does it look like to be deeply and fully known? Discover how Jesus can calm the storms in your life and as he invites you to step out onto the waters with him. Learn how to build meaningful relationships with others in your personal and intimate spaces, and how a community of believers can play a big role in that. Hear from real people who have experienced the beauty and challenge of belonging, and how they have found their way into deep, meaningful relationships. Join the conversation and discover how you can experience the peace that Jesus offers in the most private of spaces. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Conflict can be hard to deal with. In fact, most of us would prefer to just avoid it. But what if we could approach conflict resolution in a way that honors God and strengthens relationships? Join us as we explore the conflict between Paul and Peter in Galatians 2. Find some practical tips on how to communicate effectively, empathetically, and respectfully with others. Resolving conflict is worth the risk and effort because it deepens our love and sense of belonging. Let's think deeply on our relationships and seek God's help in repairing brokenness in our lives and the world. God's love. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Do you long for a sense of belonging and community in a world that feels lonely and divided? Join us as we discover how the story of God's people reveals a vision of belonging that is more than just fitting in. We look at the stories of Joseph, Abraham, and the early church, how God invites us to love the stranger, break bread together, and share the good news of Jesus with the world. Explore practical ways to connect with others at The Crossing and beyond. Join the conversation on belonging and become part of a community that is diverse, but one. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Hospitality and welcoming others is a critical part of living out the Christian faith. But it also takes practice to set aside your phone, your busy-ness, and other distractions to see someone face-to-face and be welcoming. In fact, Jesus tells us that He stands at the door and knocks. How will you answer? Will you allow Him in? Join us as we talk about the practical aspects of being hospitable and what this can mean for our own hearts and communities. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Belonging. Friendship. Community. Purpose. We all crave these things and find deep satisfaction in them. But what happens when we experience isolation or loneliness? What wisdom does the Bible have about how to experience healthy, vibrant, grace-filled community? Join us as we begin a big conversation about how we were made to belong and care for one another. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Maybe you know that we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead on Easter. It's why it is also called Resurrection Sunday. But how does that fit into the larger story? From the creation of the world, to the first sin of Adam and Eve at the fall, to the restoration of the world where God makes all things new... the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus are the pivot point of this grand story. Join us as we unpack why the perfect sacrifice of Jesus and the empty tomb mean that death has lost its sting and we have something to life for right now. He has risen. He has risen, indeed! Speaker: Greg Holder
"Behold, the Lamb of God..." Maybe you've heard that phrase. Isn't that a strange name for Jesus? During this season of Lent, anticipating the Resurrection Sunday celebrations of Easter, we consider the weight of the name Lamb of God. With connections back to the Old Testament, the Passover, and the Jewish sacrificial system, we see how this name not just identifies Jesus as the Messiah, but how the sacrifice on the cross on Good Friday is Good News for us all. Speaker: Greg Holder
Jesus associated with sinners and outcasts. In fact, He was often criticized for it. That never stopped Him from seeking the lost, loving those on the margins, and spending time with people rejected by society. The world isn't neatly divided into "saints and sinners." The truth is, we all fall short and need a savior. Join us as we consider the good news that Jesus is a friend of sinners. Speaker: Greg Holder
Prayer. It can be simple, complicated, or just downright confusing. Join us as Pete Greig (pastor, author, 24-7 Prayer movement) unpacks how to pray, the roles that meditation, contemplation, and communion play in prayer, and why a deeper prayer life is within reach for everyone. Speaker: Pete Greig
Bridegroom. It's a profound metaphor that Jesus uses for Himself. At first glance, it might seem unusual, but as we peel back the layers, we discover rich symbolism that speaks of faithfulness, love, and personal connection. Join us as we explore this beautiful metaphor, recognizing that God is faithfully devoted to us—His church, His beloved bride. Speaker: Greg Holder
Stories. Parables. Truth. Questions. Jesus was the greatest storyteller because He spoke of the deepest truths in ways that we can begin to understand. He shared how God advances His Kingdom, how to love one another, how to live a good life, and how much God loves you. Join us as we explore the many stories of Jesus, how to understand them, and what they mean for us today. Speaker: Tim Bounds
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." Jesus was honest about the difficulties, pain, and grief of life. So much so that He was called the Man of Sorrows. But the story doesn't end here. There is hope even in the struggle. Join us as we explore how the promises Jesus makes connect with the challenges and struggles of life. Speaker: Greg Holder
"Follow me." With those words, Jesus called the 12 disciples and they were forever changed. Now that they decided to follow Jesus, what was next? What did the disciples learn along the way? Could it be that Jesus is also inviting us to follow him closely, learn from him everyday, and be forever changed by his love for us? As we explore the many facets of Jesus, this week we dial in on Jesus the rabbi. Speaker: Ben Horseman
Jesus healed many people in many ways. He healed relationships, brokenness, blindness, sickness, and even death. He is still in the business of healing, but that raises a lot of questions. What if we pray for healing and nothing happens? What if our hopes get dashed? Join us as we explore these honest questions and so many more. But here's the punchline: Jesus Christ is Lord. Speaker: Greg Holder
Temptation finds all of us. And when we give in, there is shame, fear, regret. But what if there was a way out? What if the God we worship experienced the same temptation and completely conquered it? Join us as we explore how Jesus dealt with temptation and how His strength shows up in our weakness. Speaker: Greg Holder
Jesus, the Son of God. One of His many titles that tell us so much about Him. Join us as we explore why the title "Son of God" is not just a statement about who Jesus is, but why its Good News for us today. Speaker: Greg Holder
There is a savior that pursues us. He not only loves us, but He invites us into His grand story. Even better, He asks us to invite everyone into this story. Join us as we explore the truth of the Good News that God pursues us with His love, even when we're unimpressive and unworthy. Speaker: Angela Beise
Do miracles really happen? What about the classic nativity scene where the virgin Mary gives birth, isn't there another explanation for that? Hasn't science made enough advancements that a supernatural God isn't necessary anymore to understand the universe? Join us as we explore these big questions about Christmas, the universe, and science. You might be surprised how personal this becomes as Jesus enters our story. Speaker: Greg Holder
If the Bible isn't true, then church and faith are kind of a waste of time. But if it is true, then can we trust the Gospels of the Bible? And if the Gospels are like a biography of Jesus, then does that mean Jesus really existed within history? Is there archaeological evidence of the Bible and the original Bible manuscripts? Join us as we dive into these big questions and more in our new series, "The Center of it All". Speaker: Greg Holder
What if Advent didn't need to be a time of busy-ness, stress, and exhaustion? What if Christmas didn't put us into credit card debt, yet we could also give better gifts? What if this season could center completely around Jesus and fill us with awe and wonder? Join us as we unpack a global movement that revolves around four simple tenets: 1) Worship Fully2) Spend Less3) Give More4) Love All Speaker: Greg Holder
Jesus asks us to surrender everything to Him. That's a lot and it requires that we trust Him with everything. He also promises to provide for our needs, our future, and our eternity. Join us as we explore what it means to trust Jesus with our eternity, but also with the very things we have today. Speaker: Greg Holder
What happens when our faith starts to fade and we no longer trust God? How does God respond when we have doubts about our faith in Jesus? What does it mean to deconstruct faith and is there a better way to get our faith questions answered? Join us as we see how Jesus cares for a scared father, heals a sick boy, and what it means for us today. Speaker: Greg Holder
We live in a world full of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. It's not enough to just "think positive thoughts" or ignore the reality around us. But God offers us a peace that's beyond our understanding. Join us as we explore what that kind of peace looks like and how God offers it to us all, even in the face of anxiety. Speaker: Greg Holder
Deepfakes. Echo chambers. Filter bubbles. Algorithms. Social media. How do we understand our times, engage our culture, and advance the Kingdom in a world that is so technical and changing by the day? Join us as we explore how ancient wisdom informs how to live in these very modern times. Speaker: Greg Holder
What does it mean to be human? Does the bible say anything about artificial intelligence or how technology might allow us to bypass death? Should Christians be involved in computer science and the development of advanced technology or disengage because it is too worldly? Join us as we unpack some big cultural topics impacting today and the future. Speaker: Greg Holder
Uncertainty. The future. Loss of control. Fear. Our world is on the edge of so much and sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Join us as we explore ancient wisdom about how to make sense of our times, the meaning of our lives, and who is actually in control. Speaker: Greg Holder
What is truth? How do I love God with all my mind? What about faith, science, and intellect? Join us as we explore what it means to seek God's truth, engage our mind in our faith, and why it's actually encouraged by Jesus to think deeply about these things. Speaker: Greg Holder
God invites us into a relationship with Him that is full of love, mercy, and grace. But am I worthy to be loved? What about all of my flaws and shortcomings? What is the love of God like? Join us as we unpack what the Bible says about experiencing God's grace in a personal relationship with Him. Speaker: Greg Holder
Love God, love people. Jesus tells us this sums up all that is important in life. But this brings up questions of vulnerability, fear, betrayal, loss, rejection, and trauma. Join us as we explore how to understand this simple commandment, things that get in the way, and how to order our lives around it. Speaker: Greg Holder
Who are we? What is the image of God (imago dei)? If God really love me, then what does that mean? Who does Jesus say I am and what does that mean for my identity? How do guilt, shame, and redemption all play into this? Join us as we explore what the Bible says about who we are and why that matters for you today. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Who is God? How do we hear from God? Can He be trusted? Is God loving or angry? These are big questions that we will unpack together and consider what it all means for us today. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Jesus fasted, was friends with outcasts, elevated the status of women, took naps during storms, took his time to raise the dead, and so many other counter-cultural things. Join us as we explore how shame, confusion, doubt, and comfort can distort our view of how Jesus views the world. Speaker: David Hawkins
What is grace? Is it different than mercy? Does God run out of patience or grace with us? Join us as we explore how God's grace is abundantly more, more than more, and beyond comprehension in how deep and wide it is for us, through Jesus. Good news, indeed! Speaker: Tim Bounds
Does God hear our prayers? Is there a right way to pray? What if I don't feel like praying? How should I pray? Join us as we unpack your questions about prayer and join in a time to share our prayer requests and pray for each other. Speaker: Ben Horseman
Cleanliness is next to godliness. God helps those who help themselves. God won't give you more than you can handle. We've all heard these expressions... but are they true? Are they in the Bible? Did Jesus actually say them? Join us as Kayra Montanez from Liquid Church unpacks the truth of what Jesus says about us, Himself, and why we experience trials in our lives. Speaker: Kayra Montanez
Does this season of your life define your identity? How do we correctly understand our calling? Join us as our good friend Pastor Jarrett Stevens from Soul City Church in Chicago joins us for a weekend of encouragement and biblical insight. Speaker: Jarrett Stevens
Life and death. Blessing and curse. Our choices can have major consequences. Join us as we explore how God, in His love and mercy toward us, offers us a life with Him that is beyond what the world offers. Will you choose the way of Jesus? Speaker: Angela Beise
It's Jesus. It's always Jesus. We explore the grace that's offered to all of us because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And we hear the stories of the people that are getting baptized in 2023. Speaker: Greg Holder
Jesus tells us his way is easy and will lighten our burdens. He offers us rest. This runs deeper than just being tired, this is an offer of peace that brings healing and hope to all parts of our life. Join us as we explore how the deepest, heaviest, loneliest parts of life are not too far out of reach for what Jesus continually offers us. Speaker: Greg Holder
Have you ever wondered how to get free from the weight of guilt, when do I start feeling some hope, will I ever experience joy? Does MY life have meaning? If there’s a God, what does he want from me? Where do I stand with him? There is a hopeful answer to all of these questions as we open the Bible and see what it has to say. Join us as we consider how Jesus pursues even those that may not seem deserving of his love and grace. Speaker: Greg Holder
We all want growth. For our lives to advance, prosper, flourish. Growth takes time. But real, deep, meaningful growth also requires time in God's Word and the work of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we consider what a purposeful, flourishing life can look like. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Everyone loves a good story. From the youngest to the not-so-youngest, we are drawn to a good story. We explore how our story and God's story can actually be intertwined with ours, and that should lead us to ask more questions about our own story. This leads us to the baptism, an ancient practice that followers of Jesus are asked to do to tell a watching world that we are with Him. Speaker: Greg Holder
Waiting is hard. And when it comes to waiting, most of us wonder "How long do I have to wait?" We wonder if it's time to give up. The Apostle Paul in Acts continues his journey to Rome, and along this journey, we learn what it looks like it wait with faith and hope, and how God carries us every step of the way. Speaker: Greg Holder
Waiting. Trials. Patience. Perseverance. These are heavy words and not always fun to talk about. But waiting and hoping are part of this life, and the Bible has some brutally honest but very encouraging things to say about it. We are near the end of our study in the Book of Acts, where the apostle Paul has his life threatened and is left in jail for two years. Even in those moments, we are reminded of a God that does not flee from us or forget us. We are reminded of a hope in Jesus that will sustain us. Speaker: Greg Holder
Who are the gentiles? Why were they treated like outcasts in Jesus' day? Did Jesus die for them too? So many things divide us. Politics, traditions, neighborhoods, race, language, age... the list goes on. This was also true 2000 years ago. Join us as we open Acts 21 and explore how the Good News of Jesus Christ transcends every perceived barrier, and brings unity to His followers in a way that nothing else can unite people. Speaker: Angela Beise
How curious are you? Psychologist Adam Grant suggests that we overestimate what we think we know, especially when we don't know much. We follow the Apostle Paul in Acts 19 through several amazing stories, including supernatural healings, dealing with sorcery and demons, and a riot that breaks out. Some folks he encounters are very curious about Jesus, others immediately resort to violence. We tackle all of your questions about these passages and more. Join us! Speaker: Tim Bounds
Noise. Distractions. Busy schedules. Having a "cluttered" life is not a new phenomenon. Join us as we look at Acts 17, where Paul goes to the cultural hub of Athens and shows how the Good News of Jesus rises above the noise and clutter, and is exactly what our hearts are longing for... even today. Speaker: Greg Holder
We begin a two-part series called Loud Parades And Empty Tombs, covering Palm Sunday and Easter. Join us as we consider the final days of Jesus' earthly ministry, including the triumphal entry, his trial before Pontius Pilate, his crucifixion on the cross, and what it means to anticipate Easter with hope and joy. Speaker: Greg Holder
How should we pray when we're facing challenges? Can God turn a bad situation around? Does God still do miracles when we face the impossible? Join us as we look at Acts 16, where Paul and Silas are in prison. And even in the middle of that problem, God uses it as an opportunity to advance His story through them. Speaker: Angela Beise
We're in Acts 16 where the Good News of Jesus takes a roadtrip. The Apostle Paul goes from city to city, sharing the Gospel, starting in synagogues, oftentimes being championed by prominent women in the community, then taking root as house churches. The people that come to believe are known as the "ekklesia". Join us as we learn more about this word, the surprising cast of people that made up the early church, and what this means for us today. Speaker: Tim Bounds
What does true religion require of us? Jumping through hoops? Keeping rules perfectly? And which set of rules, since there are so many religions out there? We unpack the life-changing, religion deflating, Jesus glorifying idea of grace and how it caused a chain reaction in the early church and can still change the world today. Speaker: Greg Holder
Who do you idolize? Put up on a pedestal? Have you ever seen a chain reaction happen that stirs up a movement? Or even a riot? Do stories, or names, or places feel like a scar or stain in your memory? All of these ideas come crashing together in this story of Timothy and Paul in Acts 14, where a miraculous healing almost cost these disciples their lives. Speaker: Greg Holder
Paul hits the road on his first missionary journey. Along the way, we learn how beautifully diverse the early church is, how the Holy Spirit leads the journey, how people of all backgrounds come to Jesus, and how the Gospel starts to spread all over the world. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Have you ever been excluded? Has a wall been put up between you and others? Maybe you have excluded and rejected others. We continue in the book of Acts to explore how Jesus tears down walls that divide. It may surprise you in how much He widens the circle to include others in God's big story. Speaker: Greg Holder
Have you ever seen a before/after picture that amazed you? Where something was so radically transformed that it leaves you in awe? Jump in with us to the story of Paul's conversion, where he encounters the Risen Jesus in a way that changes his life, his career, his passions, and his longings forever. Speaker: Tim Bounds
Have you ever been prompted to share your faith? It can be awkward and intimidating. We continue in the book of Acts and find great, relevant wisdom about building relationships, asking big life questions, and caring for others while reflecting the love of Jesus. Speaker: Greg Holder & Tim Bounds