Double P Podcasts' hosts Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Mork (@Extraordinawry) get to the heart of the matter when they explain that David Lynch & Mark Frost's classic television series TWIN PEAKS is a Soap Opera. Period. Not a Murder-Mystery. Not a Noir Crime Drama. Not a Psychological thriller. Twin Peaks is a Soap Opera.
Prize Giveaway: 2:20
R.I.P. Warren Frost aka Doc Hayward: 6:31
New iTunes reviews: 11:22
Twin Peaks Special Guest: 15:15
Twin Peaks Minutes: 17:12
"Realization Time", "The Last Evening" "May the Giant Be with You" "Coma"
Twin Peaks Celebrity encounter: 50:45
Essay: Twin Peaks is a Soap Opera. Period: 53:40
Double L Feedback: 1:15:30