The final four are headed to space this week courtesy of the RuZQ to add their two cents in eight bars to RuPaul’s “Blame It on the Edit.” But first, we debate whether it's Anetra or Sasha getting the winner’s edit based on the narratives of these Tic Tac lunches and Blame it on the Amazon for having to sit through so many mop commercials.
The girls are out of small talk in the workroom, giving us time to also talk about our love for Roxxxy Andrews in “Read U Wrote U,” Tyra’s run on Season 2, Kennedy Goddamn Davenport in general, Sasha Velour’s semifinals golemography, the various love letters of Drag Race, Johnny Guitar and even some strong feelings on picnic salads.
We get beautiful gowns, beautiful gowns on the runway, terrifying messages from the future to their past selves, and the double shantay we’ve been expecting all season. To wrap things up, we spin out on an extended tangent about early 2000’s romcoms often starring Bradley Cooper.
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