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00:33 Announcement
10:07 USN Cruiser Split Details
31:55 Tier 7 Premium USN Cruiser Changes
43:17 Kronshtadt Final Form
51:15 Stalingrad Test Versions 1 & 2
1:05:04 Quick Hits
1:06:17 Premium Captains in the Shop
Hi Listeners! In this weeks episode of the Warships Podcast we have No Zoup for You back to discuss all things Warships and Wargaming related. The show starts off with a quick intro and check up with Zoup and moves into several serious topics. Fellow World of Warships player and streamer, Sirrsb79 recently passed due to medical complications. The Podcast remembers him and reflects with a moment of silence. Other serious topics include the upcoming departure of our dear KamiSamurai, who is now employed by Wargaming. Long time friend and multiple guest of the Podcast Aerroon, will be joining the show going forward. Rounding out the serious topics, the Podcast discusses the closure of the Wargaming Seattle Dev Studio. Show members reflect on this shocking news event and debate what this means going forward.
Sailing head long into our major topics, the show cruises into the USN Light and Heavy Cruiser line split. Each cast member gives their opinion and run down on what they feel is good, bad, ugly about the upcoming changes and a good debate is had between the podcast crew. Cruisers of disccussion focus are USS Worcester, USS Buffalo, USS Baltimore, USS Cleveland, USS Helena, and USS Indianapolis.
Continuing on course, the podcast team discusses the recent changes to the two Russian Battlecruisers, VMF Kronshtadt and VMF Stalingrad. These ships are getting serveral changes and testers will be testing two different version of Stalingrad. Including one which has increased range but loses bow armor and another that gains High Explosive ammo as an option but keeps the bow armor. As always these ships and others during this phase of develepment are subject to change, even after release.
We round out with some Quick Hits, purchasable unique Commanders and closing show thoughts. Quick Hits include changes and further testing to USS Massachusetts and HMS Cossack. As well as a statement from the Devolpers indicating their satifaction with the balance changes between USS Midway and HIJMS Hakuryu. The topic on unique commanders for purchase, draws out a debate form the cast members to argue over and before ending the show. The member reflect on the accomplishments and time that we have had with KamiSamurai. Emotions are bittersweet and we will miss having him around every week.
Thank you to everyone who supports this show, community, and our beloved KamiSamurai. Thank you to KamiSamurai who has put in so much work and effort into this show, his stream, and now Wargaming as an employee. Thank you again and see you all on the next Warships Podcast!!!
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